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Abbreviations/ Terminology
1. Suffix end of a word
2. Prefix beginning of a word
3. ABGs Arterial Blood Gases
4. ac before meals
5. adlib as desired
6. ADL activities of daily living
7. AMA Against Medical Advice
8. a-, an-,in- without, absence of
9. A&O Alert and Oriented
10. ab- away from
11. ad- toward
12. anti- against
13. auto- self
14. AP Apical Pulse
15. A & P Anatomy and Physiology
16. ASA aspirin
17. ASHD arterial sclerotic heart disease
18. AV atrial ventricular node
19. -al, -ac, -ar, -ary, -ia, (t)ic, -ical,-eal, (t)ous, -ory pertaining to
20. -algia, dynia pain
21. amp ampule
22. AROM Active Range of Motion
23. bi- two
24. brady- slow
25. bid twice a day
26. bpm beats per minute
27. B/P Blood Pressure
28. BRP Bathroom Privileges
29. BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
30. c/o complains of
31. CBC Complete Blood Count
32. CO Carbon Monoxide
33. CO2 Carbon Dioxide
34. CAD Coronary Artery Disease
35. c (a line on top) with
36. CHF Congestive Heart Failure
37. cm centimeter
38. C & S Culture and Sensitivity
39. cap capsule
40. CSF Cerebral Spinal Fluid
41. -cyte cell
42. -clast, -clasis breaking
43. CT computerized Tomography
44. cu cubic
45. CAT consistency as tolerated
46. -cele hernia
47. -centesis surgical puncture
48. -cide, -cidal destroying, killing
49. dys- painful, difficult
50. dia- trans- through, across
51. -derma skin
52. -dipsia thirst,(drinking)
53. drsg. dressing
54. DNR Do Not Resuscitate
55. DX, dx diagnosis
56. en-, endo-, within,inner
57. eu- good, normal
58. ec-, ecto- out, outside
59. epi- above, upon
60. elix elixer
61. extra-, ex- away from, external
62. -ectasis dilation, expansion
63. -ectomy excision, surgical removal
64. -edema swelling
65. EEG electroencephalogram
66. EKG, ECG Electrocardiogram
67. -emia condition of the blood
68. -emesis vomiting
69. -esthesia sensation
70. ETOH ethyl alcohol
71. ER, ED Emergency Room, Emergency Department
72. FUO fever undetermined origin
73. Fx Fracture
74. gtt drop
75. G.U. Genitourinary
76. G, g, gm gram
77. gr grain
78. -gen, -genesis creating, producing
79. -gram record
80. -graphy process of recording
81. -graph recording instrument
82. -gravida pregnant woman
83. H2O water
84. HOH Hard of Hearing
85. hemi- half
86. hyper- above, excessive
87. hypo-, sub-, infra- below, beneath
88. H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
89. H & P History and Physical
90. inter- between
91. IV Intravenous
92. iso- same, equal
93. -ia, -ism condition
94. -iasis Pathological condition or state,usually includes presence of a stone
95. -ist specialist
96. -itis inflammation
97. I & O Intake and Output
98. IDDM Insulin Dependent diabetes mellitus
99. IM Intramuscular
100. intra- inner
101. kg kilogram
102. l (with a circle around it) left
103. LOC Level of Consciousness
104. L Liter
105. mm millimeters
106. mL milliliter
107. macro- large
108. mal- bad, inadequate
109. multi-, poly- many, much
110. micro small
111. mg milligram
112. mcg microgram
113. mL milliliter
114. mm millimeter
115. neo- new
116. N/V Nausea and Vomiting
117. NPO nothing by mouth
118. OTC over the counter
119. oligo- deficiency
120. oz ounce
121. O.D. overdose or right eye
122. O.U. both eyes every
123. O.S. left eye
124. O2 oxygen
125. p.c. after meals
126. PERRLA Pupil Equal Round Reactive to Light and Accommodation
127. prn whenever necessary
128. PROM Passive Range of Motion
129. PO by mouth
130. post- following
131. para-, peri- beside, near
132. PT Physical Therapy
133. pt patient
134. -paresis slight or partial paralysis
135. -pathy disease
136. -pause cessation, stopping
137. -penia deficiency
138. -pepsia digestion
139. -pexy surgical fixation
140. -plegia paralysis
141. -pnea breathing
142. -ptosis drooping,prolapse
143. pro- before,forward
144. qh every hour
145. quadri- four
146. qid four times a day
147. -rrhage,rrhagia bursting forth
148. -rrhaphy suture, suturing
149. -rrhea flow, discharge
150. RLQ Right Lower Quadrant
151. RBC Red Blood Cells
152. ROM Range of Motion
153. R/O Rule Out
154. re-, retro- behind, back
155. r (with a circle around it) right
156. supp suppository
157. Sub-q Subcutaneous
158. SSE Soap Suds Enema
159. S.O.B. shortness of breath
160. Stat immediately
161. ss half
162. TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
163. tachy- rapid
164. tox- poisonous
165. tab tablet
166. uni- one
167. ultra beyond
168. ugtt microdcrops
169. V/S Vital Signs
170. wt weight
171. Triangle shape change
Created by: GVBOCESLPN
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