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STNA diseases 2

Diseases commonly seen in LTCF #2

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA Temporary decrease in blood flow to par of brain
Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) "Stroke" Complete stop of blood flow to part of brain from clot or broken blood vessel, causes tissue death
Parkinson’s Disease Decrease in neurotransmitter that carries nerve impulses, symptoms are muscle tremors, shuffling walk, mask-like face
Epilepsy Seizure disorder
Multiple Sclerosis Damage to myelin sheath of nerves, symptoms are muscle weakness that starts in hands/feet/eyes then moves inward toward CNS
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Total damage to nerves between spinal cord & muscles, symptoms are progressive weakness that progresses to paralysis
Alzheimer’s Disease Progressive disease which causes decrease in ability to think and remember
Cataracts Cloudiness & hardening of lens of eye
Glaucoma Increased pressure of fluid inside eye
Diabetic Retinopathy Bursting of tiny blood vessels in retina of eye
Macular Degeneration Deposits in middle area of retina which causes vision loss in middle of visual field
Meniere’s Disease Attacks of vertigo, tinnitus, temporary hearing loss, and feelings of pressure/fullness in ears. May lead to deafness.
Presbycusis Loss of hearing high-pitched sounds.
Ulcers Erosion of the wall of the stomach or small intestine
Hernia Protrusion of organ through muscle wall
Gallstones Stones in gallbladder that block flow of bile
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Stomach contents back up into esophagus, damaging the lining of esophagus.
Ileostomy Removal of all of large intestine. Stool is watery & yellowish.
Colonostomy Removal of part of large intestine. Stool becomes thicker & darker the farther down the intestinal tract it is located.
Ulcerative Colitis Chronic inflammation of large intestine, symptoms are cramping, bleeding, diarrhea, pain
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Iinfection in bladder (cystitis) or urethra (urethritis)
Kidney Infection Infection that travels to kidney (pyelonephritis)
Kidney Stones Calculus from mineral build-up in kidneys
Kidney (Renal) Failure May be acute or chronic. Kidneys fail to filter blood
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) enlargement of the prostate gland
Urostomy “ileal conduit” ureters are attached to part of the small intestine, which is pulled through the abdominal wall
Ureterostomy Ureters themselves are pulled through the wall of the abdomen
Graves disease Excessive thyroid levels, symptoms are weight loss, inability to sleep, irregular heartbeat, confusion, increased perspiration
Hypothyroidism Low thyroid hormone, symptoms are weakness, depression, fatigue, anorexia, weight gain, intolerance to cold
Cushing’s Syndrome High glucocorticoids, symptoms are increased facial hair, high blood sugar, fat pockets, bruising, muscle weakness
Addison’s Disease Low glucocorticoids, symptoms are muscle weakness, high blood pressure, muscle atrophy, salt imbalance
Diabetes Mellitus Abnormal regulation of blood sugar levels due to decreased insulin levels or problems using insulin
Created by: Mrs O's STNA
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