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250 characters

250 essential chinese characters for everyday use vol 1

once 一次
first 第一
one book 一本书
second older brother 二哥
February 二月
second class 二等
unique 独一无二
triangle 三角形
undecisive 三心二意
square 四方
four seasons 四季
in all directions 四通八达
prostrate oneself 五体投地
multi-colored 五顏六色
Saturday 星期六
Super—human 三头六臂
Seven days 七天
July 七月
Miscellaneous 七七八八
Be agitated 七上八下
80 per cent 八成
20% discount 八折
Nonsense 胡說八道
In great disorder 乱七八糟
Multiplication table 九九表
Force 9 wind 九級風
September 11 九一一
Fully 十分
100 per cent 十足
Intersection 十字路口
Be perfect in 十全十美
Created by: emilyshih
Popular Chinese sets




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