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EMT-B Quiz 2

medications, landmarks, treatments, findings

Angiotensin converting enzyme ACE
Aspirin ASA
Birth Control Pills BCP
Calcium Channel Blocker CCB
Calcium chloride CaCl2
Digoxin Dig
Dilantin DPH
Diphenhydramine DPHM
Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus DPT
Hydrochlorothizide HCTZ
Lactated Ringer's Ringer's Lactate LR, RL
Nitroglycerin NTG
Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory agent NSAID
normal saline NS
oral birth control pill OBCP
Penicillin PCN
Phenobarbital PB
Potassium K+
Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO3
Sodium chloride NaCl
Tylenol APAP
Abdomen Abd
Antecubital AC
Anterior axillary line AAL
Anterior Cruciate ligament ACL
Anterior Posterior A/P
Dorsalis Pedis DP
Gallbladder GB
Intercostal Space ICS
Lateral collateral ligament LCL
Left lower lobe LLL
Left lower quadrant LLQ
Left upper lobe LUL
Left upper quadrant LUQ
left ventricle LV
liver spleen kidneys LSK
Lymph node LN
midaxillary line MAL
posterior axillary line PAL
right lower lobe RLL
right lower quadrant RLQ
right middle lobe RML
Right upper lobe RUL
Right upper quadrant RUQ
temporomandibular joint TMJ
tympanic membrane TM
arterial blood gas ABG
bilateral breath sounds BBS
blood glucose level BGL
breath sounds BS
cerebrospinal fluid CSF
chest x-ray CXR
complete blood count CBC
computerized tomography CT
conscious alert and oriented CAO
costovertebral angle CVA
deep tendon reflexes DTR
electrocardiogram EKG, ECG
electroencephalogram EEG
expiratory Exp
Extraocular movements EOMI
fetal heart tones FHT
full range of motion FROM
full term normal delivery FTND
heart rate HR
heart sounds HS
hemoglobin Hgb
inspiratory Insp
jugular venous distention JVD
laceration lac
level of consciousness LOC
moves all extremities well MAEW
nontender NT
normal range of motion NROM
palpation Palp
passive range of motion PROM
point of maximal impulse PMI
posterior tibial PT
pulse P
pupils equal and reactive to light PEARL
pupils equal round reactive to light and accomodation PERRLA
Range of motion ROM
Respirations R
temperature T
unconscious unc
urinary incontinence UI
after eating pc
alert and oriented A/O
anterior ant.
as needed prn
before eating a.c.
body surface area BSA
immediately stat
inferior inf.
moderate mod.
negative -
not applicable n/a
number No or #
occasional occ
pack years pk/yrs
per /
positive +
posterior post.
postoperative PO
prior to arrival PTA
rule out R/O
superior sup.
warm and dry W/D
while awake WA
within normal limits WNL
zero 0
advanced cardiac life support ACLS
advanced life support ALS
against medical advice AMA
automated external defibillator AED
bag valve mask BVM
basic life support BLS
cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPR
continuous positive airway pressure CPAP
do not resuscitate DNR
endotracheal tube ETT
estimated time of arrival ETA
external cardiac pacing ECP
intermittent positive pressure ventilation IPPV
long spine board LSB
nasal cannula NC
nasogastric NG
nasopharyngeal airway NPA
no transport- refusal NTR
nonrebreather mask NRM
nothing by mouth NPO
oropharyngeal airway OPA
per square inch psi
physical therapy PT
positive end expiratory pressure PEEP
short spine board SSB
therapy Rx
treatment Tx
turned over to TOT
verbal order VO
centimeter cm
cubic centimeter cc
deciliter dL
drop(s) gtt(s)
drops per minute gtts/min
every q
grain gr
gram g, gm
hour h or hr
hydrogen ion concentration pH
intracardiac IC
intramuscular IM
intraosseous IO
intravenous IV
intravenous push IVP
Joules j
keep vein open KVO
kilogram kg
liter L
liters per minute LPM
microgram mcg
milliequivalent mEq
milligram mg
milliliter mL
millimeter mm
millimeters of mercury mmHg
minute min
orally po
subcutaneous SC, SQ
sublingual SL
to keep open TKO
atrial fibrillation AF
ventricular fibrillation VF
ventricular tachycardia VT
Created by: apaiz18
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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