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SCN2DI exam

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The retina is ____________. a "carpet" of light sensitive cells
The vitneous humor is _______________. colourless jelly like fluid to help maintain the shape of the eye
The lens is ____________. flexible to accommodate a change in focus.
The selera is ______________. the outer coating that protects the eye.
When light travels from more dense material to less dense material, the amount of ________ can be greater than the amount of ________. reflection refraction
The aquaeous humor is _________. a colourless watery fluid to help maintain the shape of the eye
The ciliary muscles ________________. are muscles used to change the shape of the lens to change focal
The cornea _____________. the first part of the eye where refraction takes place
The pupil _________. holes through which light enters the eye
The iris ___________. controls the amount of light entering
What two conditions need to be met for total internal reflection to occur? 1. light travelling from more dense material to less dense material. 2. angle of incidence is at or greater than the critical angle.
When does total internal reflection occur? When all incident light is reflected back into the denser medium at the critical angle.
What is a critical angle? The angle at which the incident ray causes the refractive ray to disappear.
As the angle of incidence increases, ___________. The angle of refraction will always be greater than the angle of incidence.
SALT stands for: Size Attitude Location Type
Define angle of reflection (r). The angle between the reflected ray and the normal.
Specular reflection is when ____________. more than one incident ray is reflected off a smooth surface.
Diffuse reflection is when ________________. there is reflection off an irregular surface
Using SALT, what are the characteristics of an image in a plane mirror? -same -upright -equal distance from mirror as object -virtual
What is Myopia? When the cornea and lens converge light from objects too much. Focused image is in front of retina (near sightedness)
How can you correct Myopia? Corrective diverging lens, spreading light out more.
The optic nerve ________________. transmits neutral signals to the brain.
Define angle of incidence (i). The angle between the incident ray and the normal.
Define normal. Line perpendicular to a surface such as a mirror.
Define reflected ray. The light that has bounced off a reflecting surface.
Define incident ray. The light travelling towards the mirror or reflecting surface.
What 3 things all lie on the same plane? incident ray, reflected ray, and normal
What 2 things are on opposite sides of the normal? reflected ray and incident ray.
Name 5 natural sources of light. sunlight, fire, lightning, lava/magma, stars
Define non-luminous. something that reflects or absorbs light.
Give 2 examples of non-luminous objects. moon, mirror.
Define luminous. Something that provides it's own light
Give 2 examples of luminous objects. Sunlight, light bulb.
Why do we see things? Light hits our eyes from all objects.
Why is a glass prism capable of separating colours? Each colour travels through the prism at a slightly different speed.
What are the 7 colours of the rainbow? red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.
___________ is composed of all colours of the rainbow. white light
Visible light is an __________ wave that the human eye can detect. electromagnetic
what are 3 examples of waves? x-rays, microwaves, radiowaves.
What is an electromagnetic wave? A wave that has both electric and magnetic parts, does not require a medium, and travels at the speed of light.
Life on earth would not exist without _______. light
If travelling in the same medium, light travels in ________ lines. straight
Light takes __ minutes to reach earth. 8.3
Light travels at ______________. 300 000m/s
Light sometimes displays properties of what 2 things? waves and particles
Light does not need a _______ to travel. medium
Light is a form of _________. energy
What is the angle of reflection? The angle between the reflected ray and the normal.
What are the laws of reflection? 1. the angle of incidence = the angle of reflection. the incident ray the reflected ray and the normal all lie on the same plane.
How do you locate an image in a concave mirror? 1. Ray travels parallel to the PA and reflects through the F. 2. Ray travels through F and reflects parallel to PA. 3. Ray travels to V and reflects at the same angle of incidence.
How do you locate an image in a convex mirror? 1. Ray travels parallel to the PA and reflects in line with F. 2. Ray is aimed at F, is reflected parallel to the PA. 3. Ray aimed at C and reflects back along the same path.
What is incandescence? The production of light as a result of high temperature.
What is transparent? A material transmits all or almost all incident light; objects can be clearly seen through the material.
What is translucent? A material transmits some incident light but absorbs or reflects the rest; objects are not clearly seen through the material.
What is opaque? material does not transmit any incident light, all incident is either absorbed or reflected; objects behind material cannot be seen at all.
What is a real image? an image that can be seen on a screen (inverted).
What is a virtual image? An image that cannot be seen on a screen (upright).
What is a mirage? A virtual image that forms as a result of refraction and total internal reflection.
What are the rays used when locating an image in a converging lens? 1. Ray is parallel to the PA from object and is refracted through the focal point on the far side of the lens. 2. Ray passes directly through the centre of the lens. 3. Ray passes through the focal point on the same side of the lens.
What 3 rays are used when locating an image in a diverging lens? 1. Ray parallel to the PA then refracts through F. 2. Ray aimed at F' and refracts parallel to PA. 3. Ray passes through the optical centre and doesn't refract.
What is apparent depth? The depth of an object appears to be at, due to the refraction of light in a transparent medium.
What is an electron? A negatively charged subatomic particle located in the orbits around the nucleus.
What is a proton? A positively charged subatomic particle located inside of the nucleus.
What is a neutron? A neutrally charged subatomic particle located inside the nucleus.
What is an element? a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances.
What is a period? A row of elements in the periodic table.
What is a group? A column of elements in the periodic table with similar properties.
What does the law of conservation of mass state? In any given chemical reaction, the total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the products.
What is a neutralization reaction? A chemical reaction in which an acid and a base react to form an ionic compound and water.
What is combustion? The rapid reaction of a substance with oxygen to produce oxides and energy burning.
What is complete combustion? A combustion reaction of hydrocarbons that uses all the available fuel and produces only carbon dioxide, water, and energy.
What is catalysis?
What is PH? A measure of how acidic or basic a solution is. The lower the PH, the more acidic.
What is the PH scale? A numerical scale ranging from 0 to 14 that is used to compare the acidity of solutions.
What is neutral in regards to PH? Neither acidic or basic; with a pH of 7.
What is an acid? An equeous solution that conducts electricity, tastes sour, turns blue litmus red, and neutralizes bases.
What is a base? An aqueous solution that conducts electricity and turns red litmus blue.
What are reactants? Chemicals present at the start of a chemical reaction, that is used up during the reaction.
What are products? Chemicals that are produced during a chemical reaction.
What is pricipitate? A solid formed from the reaction of two solutions.
Created by: 100000739802348
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