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what types of human needs does communication meet physical---psychosocial---emotional---spiritual
What are the 4 levels of communication intrapersonal---interpersonal----group---public speaking
Is it possible for people NOT to communicate no, every word or gesture is a form of communication
Both participants of communication (sender/receiver) simultaneously do what during communication process perceive each other---listen to each other---send messages---are mutually involved in creating the meaning of a relationship
Name 4 factors that influence communication learned ways of thinking (values/attitudes/beliefs/culture/religion)-----gender---age/developmental level----environment of communication
Nurse's role in communication convey information---comfort and space---symptom management---life and death
Patient care would likely be done in what environment of communication (space, how many inches away from pt?) in the intimate space - within 18 inches of pt
with respect to environment of communication - how far away from the pt is the nurse when taking a history In the personal space = 18 - 48 inches away from pt.
A social distance, generally for public health nursing, is typically how far typically 4-12 feet apart from one another
And a public speaking environment of communicaiton is how far away about 12 feet or more
communication includes content and process, which are defined as content = words/gestures/substance-------process is sending ---receiving/interpreting---reacting
So, in other words, an effective communication cycle includes what steps message is encoded---then sent--received---decoded---interpreted---reacted to by giving feedback to sender
A nurses job is to interpret my patient's message. If I don't know what a pt means then I could . . . ask them to 'tell me more'
Which typically (but not always) more accurately conveys true meaning of a message---verbal or nonverbal? nonverbal
communication is what % verbal and what % nonverbal 35% verbal, 65% nonverbal
evidence of honesty is when we have congruence of verbal and non-verbal . . .another term for this is congruence
name 4 elements of verbal communication vocabulary---tempo---clarity---vocal cues/paralanguage
name 4 elements of non-verbal communication facial expression----physical appearance/dress---body movement/posture---touch
what is the purpose of a therapeutic relationship? assist in improving the client's health or to manage health-related issues/problems
name the 4 phases of a therapeutic relationship pre-interaction---orientation---working---termination
reviewing medical records, examining my own feares or concerns about working with a client would be done in what phase of a therapeutic relationship in the pre-interaction phase
creating a trusting environment, establishing expectations, gathering assessment info, identifying problems, setting goals and developing a plan of care - - - what phase are these done in? in the orientation/introductory phase
maintaining trust ---problem solving through plan of care---remaining active participant---evaluating progress---clarifying feelings-----these are all done in what phase of therapeutic relationship in the working phase
when goals have been acheived, the pt is discharged or the clinical rotation is over, we conclude the the therapeutic relationship. this is done in what phase? in the termination phase
A professional boundary is expressed as a Venn diagram with these three boundaries people boundaries---places boundaries---time boundaries
We need to be concerned about the integrity of our professional boundary when we observe the following self-disclosure---gift giving---touch---friendship/romantic
warning signs of boundary violations included favoring one client over another---keeping secret with client---swapping to get that pt for your shift---spending free time with a client
other warning signs of boundary violations frequent thinking of client when away from work---sharing person information---receiving gifts from client---continuing contact after discharge
Techniques to assist in therapeutic communicaiton are client-centered-----goal directed
is using silence a therapeutic communication technique? yes - along with accepting/observing/offering self and asking open-ended questions
Is clarifying time or sequence a therapeutic communicaiton technique? yes, along wtih being encouraging/restating/reflecting/focusing and exploring
What about seeking clarification? Is this a therapeutic technique? Why yes it is (don't you just want to smack me about now???)---along with identifying themes, giving information and summarizing
Is agreeing a therapeutic technique? no, it is classified as a NON-therapeutic technique, along with yes/no/excessive questioning
is advising/offering advice a therapeutic technique nope - neither is challenging, changing the topic or denying
What about interpreting or making stereotypical comments? NON-therapeutic communication ----along with passing judgement/probing/rejecting
Is reassuring a therapeutic technique? NON-therapeutic communication----along with testing, probing or using disrespectful words/tone/body language
Where should I check to see if the "Example of Therapeutic Communication Exercise for NURS 509B" has been posted CON D2L - though we may not need it for this exam, I would take a peek
Created by: MEPN 2013
Popular Nursing sets




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