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Neonate Infection

give examples of physical barriers skin, mucous membranes, blood brain barrier
chemical barriers include, stomach acid, F.A.'s in skin, enzymes and proteins, saliva tears and mucous
cellular immunity includes phagocytes(macrophage, lymphocytes), ctotoxic killer T-cells, monocytes, neutrophils etc
IgG is synthesised from... 12-15W
what percentage of the immunoglobulin pool is made of IgG 75%
what is IgA found in saliva, tears, colostrum and breastmilk
when is IgA synthesised 30W
what is IgM part of the primary response to infection
when is IgM synthesised 15W
what is IgE effective against parastic infections (i.e.toxoplasmosis)
what is opsonization? process of recognition of antigenic material previously experienced and the subsequent antibody reaction decreasing reaction time
name four ways of reducing infection vernix, breastfeeding, indivdual equipment, handwashing
name the three periods of infection transplacental (small viruses), Ascending (PROM,chorioamnmioitis), Postpartum ->most susceptible
when does GBStrep present in the neonate within 4-6hours
what does GBStrep cuase in the baby respiratory failure and shock followed by collapse
how is toxoplasmosis diagnosed in the fetus DNA from amniotic fluid
what are the clinical features of a baby who has contracted toxoplasmosis? hydrocephalus, epilepsy, chorioretintis, liver disease, myocardial impairment, SGA
what are the clinical features of a baby who was subjected to rubella SGA cataracts, deafness, microcephaly, rubella ostetitis, cardiac abnormalities, liver damage...
what are some clinincal features of a baby subjected to cytomegalovirus SGA if congenital, intracerebral calcification, chorio retinitis, deafness
how can a fetus contract herpes vertical transmission during labour
what can herpes cause in the fetus central nervous system disease, blindness
how is herpes diagnosed the presence of vesicles
what is herpes in the neonate treated with actyclovir
how is syphilis transmitted to the fetus transplacentally
what are the consequences of a fetus contracting syphilis organomegaly, osteochondria, meningitis, hydrocephaly
how is syphilis treated in pregnancy penicillin
how is chlamydia contracted vertical transmission
when does chlamydia present in the neonate 5-12 days postnatally
what are the symptoms of chlamydia in the neonate watery discharge from the eye
how is chlamydia treated tetracycline for both mum and baby
what are the consequences of a gonoccal eye infection damaged cornea
how is a gonoccal eye infection treated systemic penicillin and penicillin eye drops, isolate mother and baby!!
what is the most common cause of paronychia staph aureus
how is paronychia treated oral flucloxicillin
what are common causes of umbilical cord infection Staph Aureus, E. Coli, Klebsiella
what are the treatment options for an umbilical cord infection topical-chlohexidene powder if severe-> IV antibiotics
how is a local infection of candida treated nystatin
what treatments can be used to treat a systemic candida infection amphotericin, flucytosine, fluconazole
true or flase- HIV +ve women with a high viral load appear to be at greater risk of transmitting infection true
name an antiretroviral drug given in pregnancy zidovudine
what are some symptoms indicating a neonate may have contracted HIV poor growth, repiratory infections, uncommon co-infections i.e. cmv herpes etc
Created by: KerriPatton
Popular Midwifery sets




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