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Chapter 2

do realists emphasize change or continuity in the way the world works? Why? Do liberals and constructivists (critics of realism) emphasize change or continuity in the way the world works, and why? continuity. because the view the world as consistantly going through a vicious circle which is a complex chain of events. The other models emphasize a view of change the world worksdue to a realization that war is not all determiningno inevitable end
How did the system of order change after the Napoleonic Wars? What was the Concert of Europe? he system of order changed after the Napoleonic wars by changing into what is now known as the Concert System. The concert of Europe was when the key powers (Great Britian, Russia, Prussia, and Germnay) created their own system of controling.
What are the characteristics of the Concert model/ system of order? How does the Concert model differ from the traditional balance of power system of the previous era? lived in a worldoversight where they would not try to takesstates landsomeone did have to be reprimandedGreat Britian, would step in and restore.differs they made the informal agreement to live harmony, did not just assume it was, then started formin
How and why did the Concert model break down in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? becuase of the states there need for more power against the other states. They began bandwagoning with one and other and could not keep up with the balancing act they had created for themselves. lead to the start of civil and smaller wars leading to WWI.
What was the League of Nations? How did the League reflect the ideals of collective security? What were the weaknesses of the League of Nations? intergovernmental ogranization made after WWl at the Paris Peace Confrence. reflected the ideas of collective security looking for everyones best interest not just a select few states with the most powerful military. weaknes there was no military
What event marked the birth of the modern international system? Peace of Westphalia
What is a nation? A group of people who share certain histori experiences and cultural characteristics.
When was the ideology of nationalism born? 17th century
What is appeasement? Making concessions to states in order to avoid wars
What are the spheres of influence? Parts of the world placed under the influence of one of the great powers
When did the Cold War take place? From the mid 1940s through the end of the 1980s
Why did Kissinger and Nixon try to improve American relations with China? To play off the Chinese government against the USSR
What is SALT? An arms control agreement
What was the eventual result of the Soviet reforms of perestroika and glasnot? Dissolution of the Soviet Union
What is the Vietnam syndrome? American aversion to interventions abroad.
Which of the following is NOT one of the most significant changes of the post-Cold War era? Colonization
Which of the following was an important characteristic of the international system in the 1990s? Unipolarity
Which of the following is NOT one of the general characteristics of the emerging international system after September 11th, 2001? The rise of communism
Which of the following is NOT a reason for the breakdown of the Concert of Europe System? The rise of cultural politics
Realists emphasize change in explaining the history of the international order FALSE
oodrow Wilson supported a system of collective security. TRUE
Vietnam is an example of a proxy war. TRUE
Detente policy called for an aggressive approach in countering the Soviet Union FALSE
Great powers made a strong effort to devise a new system for world order after the end of the Cold War. FALSE
What is an historical analogy? What roles does it play in foreign policy decision making? lesson learned from past historical events.decision makers and their critics employ reasoning by historical analogy to interpret new events as well as deploying historical analogies to mobilise public opinion.
What are the central lessons of Munich and Vietnam? the experience of Vietnam cautions against military intervention in circumstances where both the strength of security interests and the decisiveness of the conventional military superiority are questionable.
Created by: alliepaige6
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