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7grade science final

Science Final Questions and Answers

Define Tropism. positive or negative response to an external stimulis such as touch, light or gravity
Describe the force of the vacuole and cell wall in a plant with high turgor pressure. The force of the vacuole must be GREATER than the force of the cell wall in high turgor pressure
What is an example of positive stimulus? A plant bending towards light, roots growing downward in the direction of gravity
Define xylem and explain the direction of water flow. Xylem conducts the flow of water from the roots to the leaves and stems. Phloem transports the glucose produced by the leaves during photosynthesis into the roots and stems of the plant, providing nutrients for plant growth.
What is a limitation to a model? of cell organelles, proportions, spacing, and shapes
Name 3 differences between plant and animal cells including the shape Plant – more rectangular animal – circular or oval, Plants have one or two large vacuoles; animals have many small vacuoles, and plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts
Which organic compound do ribosomes make? Protiens
What is the function of the diaphragm? Controls the amount of light emitted
Which cell organelle is responsible for getting rid of wastes? Lysosomes
Who is the Father of Genetics and what did he study? Gregor Mendel studied pea plants
Define Genetics The study of how traits are inherited
Define Heredity When traits are passed on from one generation to the next
What are the three types of asexual reproduction and give an example of each. a. Fission Example – Bacteria b. Budding Example – Yeast c. Regeneration Example – Starfish
What is the end result of mitosis? Two diploid cells
Which scientist developed the theory of Natural Selection? Charles Darwin
Define selective breeding. When you select what species will breed to try to achieve a specific trait.
Give an example of selective breeding You have two different kinds of roses. One is prettier than the other while the second smells better. You cross the two flowers hoping for a flower that is both beautiful and smells pretty.
Define natural selection. The process by which organisms better adapted to the environment survive while those that have not adapted do not survive.
Give an example of natural selection Galapagos finches who had beaks that had adapted to the drier climate were able to survive while the finches who did not adapt did not.
Give an example of a species that has adapted to its environment Frogs and salamanders which live in caves have no skin pigment and no eyes since caves have no light.
What is homeostasis? The ability for an organism to maintain steady conditions inside no matter what happens outside.
What attaches muscles to bones? Tendons
What are the 5 functions of your skin? a. Protection b. Sensory Response c. Formation of Vitamin D d. Regulation of Body Temperature e. Ridding the body of wastes
What is controlled by the somatic nervous system? Body movement, voluntary activities
What body system is at work when the body feels pain? Nervous system
Impulses move across small spaces between nerve cells called synapse
A message carried by a neuron is called a impulse
Which part of the brain controls involuntary actions such as blood pressure and heartbeat? brain stem
Thinking takes place in the part of the brain called the cerebrum
Which glands make up the endocrine system? Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pituitary gland, and Adrenal glands
Describe how the endocrine system helps your body maintain homeostasis It keeps your body regulated by giving negative feedback (Think of an air condition in your home turning on and off by thermostat readings.)
What is the difference between an embryo and a fetus? An embryo is created after fertilization for the first nine weeks, after nine weeks it is then a fetus.
What are the 4 main functions of blood? Carries oxygen, carries wastes, transports nutrients, helps fight infections
What do Lymph, Lymph Nodes, and White Blood Cells have in common? Help fight infection
Which organs are included in the lymphatic system? Spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, tonsils
Your lungs give oxygen to your capillaries through which structures? alveoli
Which part of your respiratory system moistens and warms the air as it enters your body? nasal cavity
List the organs that food passes through in order as it passes through your digestive tract. Mouth  Esophagus  Stomach  Small Intestine  Large Intestine  Rectum  Anus
List the accessory organs in the digestive system (there are 6 of them). Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Teeth, Tongue, Salivary Glands
Know the function of the following systems a. Nervous - control body actions b. Skeletal – helps provide movement and shape and support c. Respiratory – takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide d. Digestive – breaks down food e. Circulatory – transports materials throughout the body
Created by: treesap31
Popular Science sets




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