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Patho Urinary

Urinary system is composed of 2__,2__,1__,1__ 2 kidney, 2 ureters, 1 bladder, 1 urethra
The kidney is divided into two regions. What are they? The cortex and the medulla
Flow of blood through the kidneys, starting from the renal artery. Renal artery, 2-3 segmental arteries, several lobar arteries, interlobar artery, arcuate artery, interlobular artery, afferent arteriole.
Kidney's function Urine formation, pH regulation, Body fluids & electrolytes reg, long-term B/P reg,erythropoiesis, filter blood
functional unit of the kidney nephron
T or F. The juxtamedullary nephron has its Loop of Henle deep into the cortex. False. Medulla
T or F. the cortical nephron is located mainly in the medulla. False. Cortex
The Renal Corpuscle is composed of Glomerular capillaries (Glomerulus), and the Glomerular capsule (Bowman's capsule)
T or F. The cells of the Loop of Henle have a highly infolded plasma membrane and are filled with mitochondria and microvilli False. These are proximal convuluted cells
Urine formation takes place in what part of the kidney. cortex
Urine formation occurs by means of three process: Filtration, reabsorption, and secretion
T or F. Blood moves directly from the interlobar artery, to afferent arteriole into the glomerulus False. Interlobular artery
Which of the three processes are selective: filtration, reabsorption, and secretion reabsorption
T or F. Reabsoption: Solutes are reabsorbed across the wall of the nephron by transport processes such as passive transport. False. Active transport and cotransport
The first step in urine formation glomerular filtration
T or F. As blood flows through the glomerular capillaries, water and solutes filter out of the blood into the glomerulus through the glomerular-capsular membrane False. water and solutes flow into the Bowman's capsule
Fluid filters out of the glomeruli into Bowman's capsule because of a pressure gradient resulting from the ____ pressure hydrostatic
Pressures opposing hydrostatic pressure in the glomeruli are capsular hydrostatic pressure and plasmatic oncotic pressure in the filtrate
T or F. Capsular hydrostatic pressure is higher than blood colloid osmotic pressure False
The net outward pressure of filtration (filtration pressure) is ___mmHg 7-10
T or F. The descending loop Henle is permeable to water, not Sodium True
Glomerular filtration rate is 125ml/min. Approximately __% will be absorbed at the ____, leaving a remainder of 25ml/min to enter into the _____. 80, proximal convuluted tubule, loop of Henle
T or F. Oncotic pressure forces fluids and solutes cirulating within the glomeruli towards the Bowman's capsule with the resulting product known as filtrate False. Hydrostatic pressure
Out of 180 Liters/day of filtrate, only__ L/day is eliminated as urine. 1.5
T or F. Filtrate is hypertonic to plasma False. Isotonic
T or F. Urine can be Hypotonic or hypertonic according to H2O intake True
Glom. filtr. is reg. by the kidney's intrinsic or auto regulatory system. which will maintain a +_ constant GFR despite changes in ______ Blood pressure
Up to 80% of the energy used in active transport is to reabsorb___. Sodium
What process is used for protein reabsorption pinocytosis
T or F. Transport maximum is the same for most substances False
Transport maximum (Tm) for Glucose 375mg/min
Nearly all of ___ and ___ are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule Potassium, Uric Acid
Approximately how much of glucose and amino acid are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule ALL
Descending limb is permeable to___, not ____ water, sodium
Ascending limb is permeable to ___, not ___ sodium, water
Elements/ Substances reabsorbed in the proximal tubule Na, Glucose, K, Amino acids, HCO3, Uric acid, PO4, Urea, H2O
Elements/Substances reabsorbed in the the Bowman's capsule NOTHING, only filtration takes place here
Elements/ Substances secreted in the Proximal tubule H+, and foreign substances
Elements/ Substances reabsorbed in the descending limb H2O
Elements/ Substances that diffuse into the descending limb Na
Elements/ Substances reasorbed in the asceding limb Na, with active transport
T or F. in the Ascending limb water stays in; and cannot leave the ascending limb True
Elements/ Substances reabsorbed in the distal tubule Na, H2O (ADH required), HCO3
Elements/ Substances secreted in the distal tubule K, Urea, H+, NH3, Some drugs
Elements/ Substances reabsorbed in the collecting duct H2O (ADH required)
Elements/ Substances reabsorbed or secreted in the collecting duct Na, K, H+, NH3
T or F. Aldosterone increases Na reabsorption at the Distal Tubule, and juxtamedullary collecting duct. False, at the Distal Tubule and Cortical collecting duct
How many Trigone openings are in the urinary Bladder 3
What type of eptithelium cell is the bladder composed of. transitional
Tonicity of fluid within the Distal Tubule Isotonic or hypotonic
Tonicity of fluid within the Loop of Henle Isotonic, Hypertonic, hypotonic
Tonicity of fluid within the Proximal Tubule Isotonic
Osmolality of Filtrate 290-300 mOsm
The collecting duct will reabsorb water in the presence of ADP and usually approximately 1ml/min is lost as urine by the nephron False ADH
peritubular capillaries continue into the lateral_____. Vasta Recta
The Afferent arteriole going into the glomerulus is surrounded by what type of cells Juxtaglomerular apparatus
The nephron is composed of 2 major components, which are the corpuscle (Renal corpuscle), and the Tubular system
Created by: Bvaleris
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