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STAAR Review

proton A positive particle in an atom's nucleus
neutron A neutral particle in an atom's nucleus
electron A negative particle in an atom's orbitals
valence electron The outermost electrons that create chemical bonds
nucleus The atom's center core.
reactants left of the arrow
products right of the arrow
Law of Conservation of Mass Matter is not created nor destroyed
How does the valence electrons changes left to right across the Periodic Table? increases 1 to 8
Most reactive (least stable) group of the periodic table Group 1
Least reactive (most stable) group of the periodic table Group 18
How does the bold line divide the Periodic Table? Left of the line is metals; right is nonmetals; above/below metalloids
How many elements are in C6H12O6? 3
How do you count elements? count the symobls
How many hydrogen atoms are in 2C4H7NO4? 14
How do you count atoms? multiply coefficient x subscript
First Law of Motion An object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion remains in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Second Law of Motion Force = mass x acceleration
Third Law of Motion For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
Potential energy stored energy
Give an example of potential energy stress building in earth's plates; top of the roller coaster
kinetic energy moving energy
Give an example of kinetic energy earthquakes; roller coaster going down the hill
What 2 parts are only in a plant cell? What is their role? cholorplast - photosynthesis cell wall - rigid outer most layer
abiotic nonliving factor (light, water, soil, etc)
biotic living factros (plants, animals, fungi,etc)
producer make their own food (plants) radiant to chemical energy
primary consumer herbivores (plant eaters)
secondary consumer carnivore (meat eater) or omnivore (eats both met and plants)
decomposer breaksdown and recycles nutrients
mutualism both species benefit
commensalism one benefits and other not effected
parasitism one benefits and one is harmed
primary succession begins with bare rock
secondary succession begins with soil
What causes the seasons? Earth's tilt
spring tide occurs new moon and full moon; huge change between high and low tides
neap tide occurs at 1st and 3rd quarter; not a big change between tides
light year the distance light travels in one year.
Theory of Continental Drift The theory proposed by Alfred Wegener that the contients were moving; support by evidence from landforms, fossils, and climate
The Theory of Plate Tectonics Earth's crust is divided into plates and the plates are moving because of convection currents in the mantle
Convergent boundaries plates collide; continental/continental forms mountains; continental/oceanic forms subduction zones
Divergent boundaries plates move apart; mid ocean ridge underwater and rift valley on the land
Transform boundaries slide past; create earthquakes
Created by: lschramme
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