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6th Ch 7 Sec 3 & 4

Arthropods & Echinoderms

Echinoderms Have arms that extend from the middle body outwards and tube feet that take in oxygen from the water and spines
Examples of echinoderms sea stars, brittle stars, sea cucumbers and sea urchins
Arthropods have jointed legs, exoskeletons, and segmented bodies
Appendages jointed structures such as wings, legs, or antennae
exoskeleton thick, hard, outer covering that protects and supports arthropod bodies
molting a process of shedding and replacing an arthropod's exoskeleton
spiracle openings in the abdomen and thorax used for gas exchange
metamorphosis process insects use to change their body form to become adults
___ are the largest group of animals. Arthropods
Insects have 3 body regions, 3 pairs of legs, and usually 1 or 2 pairs of wings
incomplete metamorphosis egg, nymph, adult
complete metamorphosis egg, larva, pupa, adult
Arachnids have 2 body regions, 4 pairs of leggs, and no antennae
Spiders use ___ ___ for gas exchange. book lungs
___ and ___ digest food outside of their body. spiders and echinoderms
Crustaceans possess 1 or 2 pairs of antennae, 5 pairs of legs, 5 pairs of swimmeretes, and gills for gas exchange.
___ and ___ can regenerate appendages that are lost. crustaceans and echinoderms
centipedes possess 1 pair of legs per segment and venomous claws used for hunting prey
millipedes possess 2 pair of legs per segment and feed on plants and decaying material.
___ means jointed foot. Arthropod
___ means spiny skinned. Echinoderm
Echinoderms have an endoskeleton, is radially symmetrical, possesses body parts in multiples of 5, and a water vascular system.
Echinoderms use ___ ___ to move and capture prey. tube feet
Created by: Ms. Phillips
Popular Science sets




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