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science vocb ch 7


An animal-like protist. protozoan
A “false foot” or temporary bulge of the cell membrane used for feeding and movement in some protozoans. pseudopod
The cell structure that collects extra water from the cytoplasm and then expels it from the cell. contractile vacuole
The hairlike projections on the outside of cells that move in a wavelike manner. cilia
A tiny cell that is able to grow into a new organism. spore
A plantlike protist. alga
The rapid growth of a population of algae. algal bloom
An algal bloom that occurs in salt water. red tide
The buildup over time of nutrients in freshwater lakes and ponds that leads to an increase in the growth of algae. eutrophication
One of many branching, threadlike tubes that make up the body of a fungus. hypha
The reproductive hypha of a fungus. fruiting body
A form of asexual reproduction in which a new organism grows out of the body of a parent. budding
The combination of a fungus and either an alga or an autotrophic bacterium that live together in a mutualistic relationship. lichen
The waxy, waterproof layer that covers the leaves and stems of some plants. cuticle
A group of similar cells that perform a specific function in an organism. tissue
The internal transporting tissue in some plants that is made up of tubelike structures. vascular tissue
The joining of a sperm cell and an egg cell. fertilization
A fertilized egg, produced by the joining of a sperm and an egg. zygote
The stage in the life cycle of a plant in which the plant produces spores for reproduction. sporophyte
The stage in the life cycle of a plant in which the plant produces gametes, or sex cells. gametophyte
A sperm cell or an egg cell. gamete
A low-growing plant that lacks vascular tissue. nonvascular plant
The thin, rootlike structure that anchors a moss and absorbs water and nutrients for the plant. rhizoid
A wetland where sphagnum moss grows on top of acidic water. bog
The blackish-brown material consisting of compressed layers of dead sphagnum mosses that grow in bogs. peat
A plant that has vascular tissue. vascular plant
The leaf of a fern plant. frond
The method of growing plants in a solution of nutrients instead of in soil. hydroponics
A colored chemical compound that absorbs light, producing color. pigment
A type of symbiosis in which both partners benefit from living together. mutualism
A close relationship between two organisms in which at least one of the organisms benefits. symbiosis
A plant that produces seeds that are not enclosed by a protective covering. gymnosperm
A plant that produces seeds that are enclosed in a protective structure. angiosperm
Created by: 200224554
Popular Science sets




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