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PT Stretching & ROM

Physical Therapy Stretching & ROM

What is ROM used for? examination and/or initiation of movement
What dose ROM affect? joints/surfaces, capsules, ligaments, fascia, vessels & nerves
What is Stretching used for? intervention to increase mobility or soft tissues
What is stretching directed to? a specific tissue
What are some determinants of stretching? alignment, stabilization, intensity, duration, speed, frequency & mode
What are some contraindications for stretching? bony block, recent fracture, inflammatory process, pain, hematoma, hypermobility, stability, function
What are some precautions for stretching? do not stretch past normal ROM, co-morbidities, protect, avoid vigorous stretching, edematous tissue & overstretching weak muscles & progress dosage
UE Passive ROM & Stretching for Shoulder: flexion, extension, ab/adduction, external & internal rotation & horiztonal abduction
UE Passive ROM & Stretching for Elbow: flexion & extension
UE Passive ROM & Stretching for Forearm: pronation & supination
UE Passive ROM & Stretching for Hand & Wrist: wrist fexion & extension, radial & ulnar deviation, MCP, PIP, DIP
LE Passive ROM & Stretching for HIP: flexion w/knee flext/ext, extension, extension w/knee flextion, abduction & adduction, external & internal rotation
LE Passive ROM & Stretching for Knee: flexion & extension
LE Passive ROM & Stretching for Ankle: dorsiflextion & plantarflexion, inversion & eversion
LE Passive ROM & Stretching for Toes: flexion & extension
UE: Self ROM for Shoulder: wand, table (ER, abd), doorway (ER), corner, upper trap (seated)
UE: Self ROM for Elbow: wall & table (flex, ext)
UE: Self ROM for Hand: table w/overpressure (fd)
LE: Self ROM for Hip & Knee: Thomas test, lunge, glut mas, adductors, quads, hamstrings, IT band, knee flexors & extensors
What does GTO (Golgi Tendon Reflexes) do? tells muscle to relax (inhibitory fiber)
What does Muscle Spindle do? contracts muscle (in muscle belly)
What are GTO & Muscle Spindles? Neurophysiologic sensory receptors
What is PNF? Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Re-education
What happens when PNF contracts? patient actively contracts against manually applied resistance for 10 seconds
What happens when PNF relaxes? patient relaxes while the therapist passively moves the limb to new limits of motion
What happens when PNF holds? patient isometrically contracts against the force applied by therapist 10 seconds
What is contract antagonist? against isotonic manual resistance
What is autogenic inhibition? relaxation of antagonist during contractions
What is PNF slow reversal? against isometric manual resistance (hold for 30 seconds)& reflex antagonist relaxes during contraction of agonist
Created by: jklincoln
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