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DIT cranial n + some

CN lesions, pullary light reflex, peripheral n quiz, hyqs

if you injure the vagus n or nuclei, to what sid will the uvula deviate opposite the lesion
if you injure the motor cortex or corticobulbar tract that innervates the soft palate, to which side will the uvula deviate? toward the lesion
what innervates the R. soft palate R vagal n, R nucleus ambiggus, L.corticobulbar tract, L motor cortex
if the hypoglossal nerve or nuclei is damaged, to what side will the tongue deviate? toward the lesion
if the motor cortex or corticobulbar tract is damaged, what side will the togue deviate? opposite the lesion
what innervates the L tongue? L hypoglossal, L hypoglossal nucleus, R corticobulbar tract, R motor cortex
lesion of cortical motor face region paralysis of the contralateral side of LOWER face
lesion of facial nerve or nucleus paralysis of ipsilaterl side of ENTIRE face
collection of sx indicative of a lesion of the facial n or nucleus Bell's palsy
what disease have Bell's palsy as a compication Lyme disease, Herpes Zoster, AIDS, Sarcoidosis, Tumors, Diabetes
bilateral Bell's palsy Guillain-Barre or Lyme disease
How can a stroke of the facil moter cortex be distinguised from Bell's palsy? A stroke to the motor cortex will spare the upper face because the facial nuclei are each innervated from both motor cortices
Which CNs have their nuclei in the medulla 9,10,11,12
Which CNs have their nuclei in the pons 5,6,7,8
which CNs have their nuclei in the midbrain 3,4
eyelid opening 3
taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue 7
head turning 11
tongue movement 12
muscles of mastication V3
balance 8
monitoring carotid body and sinus chemo and baroreceptors 9
what info is communicated at the nucleus solitarius visceral sensory -7,9,10
what info is communicated at the nucleus ambiguus motor - 9,10,11 (pharynx, larynx, upper esophagus)
what information is communicated at the dorsal motor nucleus parasympathetic autonomic to heart, lungs and upper GI
Can't turn head left and has a right should droop Right Spinal accessory
cavernous sinus infection. ptosis, extraocular m issues (CN3,4,6); hyper or hypo aesthesia (V1,V2)
A pt has a leftward deviation of the tongue on protrustion and right sided spastic paralysis. Where is the lesion left medulla
Can't blink right eye or seal lips Bell's palsy, CN 7
muscles of mastication masseter, medial pterygoid, temporalis (close jaw); lateral pterygoid (opens jaw)
anterior should dislocation -affected arterny and nerve axillary n/ post circumflex a
mid shaft humerus fracture. damaged arter and nerve? radial n/ deep brachial a = wrist drop and l/o brachioradialis reflex
decreased pain and temp sensation over the lateral aspects of both arms. Syrinx = central canal of SC
decreased prick sensation on lateral aspect of foot and leg. what else is wrong? l/o dorsiflexion and eversion d2 damage of the common peroneal n.
hurt elbow. can't feel median palm. ulnar n due 2 injury of medial epicondyle
pain, numbness and tingling over the lateral digits of her R hand. Thenar eminence wasting. Carpal tunnel = median n.
decreased plantar flexion and decreased sensation over back of thigh, calf, and lateral half of foot. What spinal n is involved? tibial n
fibula neck fracture. What nerve is damaged? deep peroneal
pupillary light reflex p/w retina - optic tract/n - pretectal nucleus - bilateral edinger-westphal nuc - pregang PS fibers in oculomotor n - ciliary gang - postgang PS fibers - pupillary sphincter of iris = MIOSIS
If the right optic nerve is damaged prior to pretectal nucleus (afferent defect) No constriction of either eye when light is shined in R eye; constriction of both when shined in L eye
If the right oculomoter nerve is damaged (efferent defect) R eye will never responds. Left eye will always respond
A pt can't adduct her left eye on lateral gaze but convergence is nL MLF damage = internuclear ophthalmoplegia. seen in MS
Created by: kayjames
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