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Radiology Spine


How many cervical vertebrae are there?How many Lumbar vertebrae are there? 1) 7 Cervical Vertebrae 2) 5 Lumbar Vertebrae
Which 2 Vertebrae have a lordotic curve and bulge anteriorly? Cervical and Lumbar
Which 2 Vertebrae have a kyphotic curve and bulge posteriorly? Thoracic and Sacrum
The circular opeing between the body and vertebral arch is called the _____ ______? Vertebral Foramen
The _____ ______ are the ridges of bone that can be easily felt under a persons skin? Spinous Process - C7
T/F - Vertebrae have 2 Superior and 2 Inferior articulating process that project from the vertebral arch. TRUE
Which of the following features are unique to the cervical? 1 & 3 = Spinous Process & Foramina
The spinous process of C2 - C6 are ______, meaning they are split into 2 posterior projections. BIFID
C7 has a long spinous process that projects posteriorly called the _______. Vertebral Prominens
On what vertebrae are the lateral masses located? C1
The ODONTOID process is part of what bone? C2 - Axis
C2 has a projection called what? Odontoid Process
T/F - The spinous processes of the Thoracic Vertebrae are long and slender, projecting sharply inferior? True
Which characteristics describes the sacrum? ALL 3 = Triangular, Shovel Shaped, 5 Fused Vertebrae
The INFERIOR portion of the sacrum is called what? APEX
The SUPERIOR portion of the sacrum is called what? BASE
The base has a prominent ridge of bone that projects ANTERIORLY called the _____________. Promontory
The sacrum has how many sacral foramina? 8
T/F - The sacrum and coccyx is part of the pelvic girdle TRUE
T/F - The coccyx (or tailbone) is a small, triangular bone formed by the fusion of 3-5 vertebrae TRUE
The inferior portion of the coccyx is called ________? APEX
Classifications of bone shapes: Cervical-Thoracic-Lumbar-Sacrum-Coccyx ALL IRREGULAR BONES
The outer part of the intervertebral disk is called __________ made of a thick tough cartilage. Annulus Fibrosus
Which of the following is the soft semigelatinous material part of what? Nucleous Pulposus
The what are located between the articular processes of stacked vertebrae Zygapophyseal Joints
The anterior edge of the upper sacrum is the what? Promonitary
The ___________ are located between the sacrum and each ilium of the oxcaxae Sacroiliac (S1) Joints
(EC) ________ refers to the anterior displacement of 1 vertebrae on another Spondylolisthesis
EC = Which view demonstrates the C7/C1 Vertebrae when not visualized on routine lateral projection. Lateral Cervicothoracic = Swimmers
_________ is spinal arthritis. Spondylosis
______ _______ occurs in bones weakened by diseases. Compression Fractures
_____ ______ is one of the most common types of spinal injury d/t a fall, lifting, twisiting or other impart Disk Herniation
For an AP/PA view of the entire spine the CR enters at the level of the _______ ________. Xiphoid Process
An AP/PA view of the entire spine demonstrates ________. Scoliosis
Intervertebral Joints have a ______ movements. Gliding Movement
Zygapophyseal Joints have a _______ movement. Gliding Movement
The postioning landmark for the MASTOID TIP is? C1
The positioning landmark for the Thyroid Cartilage Upper border of C4
The positioning landmark of the Top of the Shoulders C7
The positioning landmark of the Jugular Notch is? Between the T2, T3 and Supborder of the manubrium
The positioning landmark of the Inferior Angle of the Scapula T7
The positioning landmark of the Xiphoid Process T10, Bottom of Sternum
The positioning landmark of the Iliac Crest Between L4 AND L5
The SID should be __________" for a lateral cervical spine? 72"
For an AP axial of the Cervical Spine the CR should be angled ______* ____________ 15 degrees cephalad
For an AP axial of the cervical spine the CR should be directed toward _____________ cartilage. Thyroid
For and AP OPEN MOUTH of a cervical spine, it demonstrates the ____________ Zygopophyseal joints between C1 & C2
For a lateral view of the cervical spine the head, neck and body should be ______ to the IR. Parallel
For a lateral view of the cervical spine the CR is directed toward the ______ cartilage and passes through the ________. Thyroid - Mastoid Tip
What view is done to demonstrate range of motion and intersegmental stability of vertebrae? Flexion & Extension Lateral
For a PA Oblique for a cervical spine how many degrees should the body be rotated? 45*
RAO Demonstrates _____________ intervertebral foramina. Right
LAO Demonstrates ____ for a PA Oblique of a Cervical Spine LEFT
RPO Demonstrates ___________ intervertebral foramina? Left
LPO Demonstrates ___________ for an AP Oblique of a cervical spine Right
For an AP Thoracic view the IR should be placed with _______ of IR ______ " above the shoulders. Top = 1"
For an AP View of the Thoracic Spine the CR should be directed to _____ at the mid _____ T7 = Sternum
Which technique is used for a lateral view of the thoracic spine and at what exosure time? Breathing Technique - 3-4 Sec
T/F - For an AP View of the lumbar spine the patient should be lying on their back (supine) with knees flexed? TRUE
For an AP view of the Lumbar Spine, the CR should be directed to ______ at level of ____ ____. L4 = Iliac Crest
For a lateral view of the lumbar spine the CR should be directed to the ______ at the level of the _____ _____. L4 = Iliac Crest
For a L5/S1 coned down spot view of the lumbar spine the CR is angled ______ * _______. 5* - 8* = Caudal
How is the body rotated for an AP Oblique view for the lumbar spine. 45* = LPO or RPO
RPO Demonstrates _____________ Zygopophyseal joints and scotty dog. RIGHT
LPO Demonstrates ________ for an AP Oblique of the lumbar spine LEFT
For an AP View of the sacrum the CR is angled _____ * _______. 15* = Cephalad
For an AP View of the Coccyx the CR is angled _______ * _____. 10* - Caudal
For a lateral view of the coccyx the CR is directed to the mid _____ and enters _____" posterior and ______" inferior to ASIS. Coccyx 3.5" and 2 "
For an AP View of the S1 joint the CR is angled _____* for males and _____* for females ______. 30* - 35* - Cephalad
For an Oblique view for the S1 Joint the body is rotated ______ * LPO or RPO 25*-30*
Created by: spoon6464
Popular Radiology sets



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