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ACC-1400 Nutrition

1400 Nutrition- Purpose,Function,Types,& Sources,

What does CHO stand for Carbohydrates
what are the sources of CHO Plant foods- 1.grain cereal, 2.veggies, 3.fruits, 4.nuts, 5.sugars
what are the types of CHO 1.Monosaccharides(simple form), 2.Disaccharids(pairs of mono's), 3.Polysaccharides(Complex CHO's)
What are the names the types of Monosaccharides 1.glucose, 2.Fructose, 3.Galactose
What are the names the types of Disaccharides 1.Sucrose, 2.Malotose, 3.Lactose
What are the names the types of Polysaccharides 1.Starch, 2.Glycogen, 3.Cellulose
How does Monosaccharides digest/absorb in the body Directly absorbed in bllod stream
How does Disaccharides digest/absorb in the body converted to simple then into blood stream
How does Polysaccharides digest/absorb in the body Starch-starts in the mouth and complete in small intestine then absorbed into the blood stream
Name 2 things related to all CHO's in relation to digestion and absorption All CHO has to be changed to glucose before it can be used by the bodies cells. Any excess glucose is converted to glycogen &stored in liver & muscles, but if too much, the rest is converted to fat & stored in adipose tissue as Tryglycerides
What is the purpose of CHO To 1.provide energy, and 2.provide fiber
What is the function of CHO For 1.protein sparing, 2.normal fat metabolism,
what is the types of proteins (PRO) 1.incomlpete-lacks one or more amino acids, & 2.complete-has all essential amino acids
What are the sources of PRO Plants and animals
What are some sources of (incomplete)Plant porteins 1.corn, 2.grains, 3.peanuts, 4.peas, 5.beans, 6.nuts, 7.seeds
what are some sources of (complete)animal proteins 1.eggs, 2.meat,, 4.milk, 5.poultry
What is non-essential amino acids & how many are there They are amino acids that the body produces, and there are 11
What is essential amino acids and how many are there They are amino acids that the body can't produce BUT must have for normal G&D. there are 9
What is the function or purpose of proteins It is for 1.the building and repair of body tissues, regulate body functions, 3.and provide energy (1gm=4cal)
when does digestion and absorption of proteins take place Mechanically-starts in the mouth by teeth grinding... chemically-starts in stomach & ends in small intestine where amino acids carried by blood to all body tissues
What does the term PROTEIN stand for "Of first importance" = Greek
what is the purpose of Fat To 1.provide energy, 2.provide satiety to meals, 3.protect & support organs & bones, 4.insulation from the cold, 5.& is essintial for the structure and function of the body tissues
What are food sources of fats Animal and Plant
What are the yypes of fats 1.cholesterol, 2.saturated, 3.monosaturated, and 4.polysaturated fats
How are fats digested/absorpted by a complex process- most digestion occurs in small intestine. Bile emulsifies fats and pancreatic enzimes separate to fatty acids
What is the range for VLDL 55-65% TRI
What is the range for LDL 45% chol with few TRI
What is the purpose of HDL Choleterol to liver for excretion
Created by: monica_acc
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