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Bleeding and ShockII

Terms and definitions- bleeding and shock

After controlling bleeding from an extremity using a pressure dressing, always check the distal pulse.
Elevation is used to assist bleeding control because: it slows bleeding, it raises the limb above the heart, it helps reduce blood pressure in the limb.
Never use elevation to assist bleeding control if: you suspect musculoskeletal injuries.
This is a site where a major artery lies near the surface of the body directly over the bone. pressure point
This type of splint is effective for controlling venous and capillary bleeding. air splint
When suppementing bleeding control with cold application, you should: wrap the ice pack in a towel, do not apply it directly to the skin, do not leave it in place more than 20 minutes
This garment controls bleeding from the areas it covers. PASG- pneumatic anti-shock garment
Bleeding from a clean-edged amputation is cared for with a pressure dressing
This type of amputation, caused by crushing or tearing injuries is called a rough-edged amputation
This can be used as a temporary tourniquet if it is inflated to 150mmHg. a blood pressure cuff
If a patient has a head injury and you note bleeding or loss of cerebrospinal fluid from the patient's ears or nose you should allow the drainage to flow freely, reducing the pressure in the skull
Medical term for nosebleed epistaxis
To stop a nosebleed, keep the patient calm and place the patient in a sitting position, leaning forward; apply direct pressure by pinching the nostrils.
A gunshot wound, knife wound, and ice pick wound are examples of: penetrating trauma
Vomiting a coffee ground like substance, dark & tarry stools, and/or a tender, rigid and distended abdomen are signs of: internal bleeding
Inadequate tissue perfusion is also called hypoperfusion
This condition may develop as a result of pump failure, lost blood volume, and/or dilated blood vessels. shock
The most common type of shock seen by EMT-Bs is hypovolemic shock
The most common mechanism of shock for a heart attack patient is pump failure
Shock caused by the failure of the nervous system to control the diameter of blood vessels is neurogenic shock
Shock where the body is able to maintain perfusion to the vital organs. compensated shock
Increased heart rate, increased respirations, and pale,cool skin are early signs of shock
This type of shock is when the body has lost the battle to maintain perfusion to organ systems. irreversible shock
A patient in shock feels nauseated because blood is diverted from the digestive system.
Does the pulse of a patient in shock increase or decrease? increase
Is a drop in blood pressure an early or late sign of shock? late sign
Additional signs of shock include: thirst dilated pupils, cyanosis around lips and nailbeds.
This is the maximum on-scene time when caring for a trauma or shock patient. platinum ten minutes
Three major types of shock hypovolemic, cardiogenic, neurogenic
Created by: UBEMT
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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