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chpt 14 terms

Schizophrenia flash cards

Agranulocytosis Extremely low levels of white blood cells. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, and malaise. This may be a side effect of long-term therapy with some antipsychotic medications.
Akathisia -Motor restlessness such as fidgeting, rocking, or pacing due to the neuromuscular or neurologic adverse effects associated with the use of antipsychotics. -Inability to remain calm, still, and free of anxiety
Akinesia -Condition marked by slowed motor activity, a monotonous voice, and an expressionless face, resulting from taking neuroleptic drugs -Lack of physical movement, as in the extreme immobility of catatonic schizophrenia
Anhedonia Inability to experience pleasure, associated with some mood and schizophrenic disorders.
Associative Looseness Thinking process characterized by speech in which ideas shift from one unrelated subject to another. The individual is unaware that the topics are unconnected.
Catatonic Type of schizophrenia in which the person experiences periods of statue-like immobility mixed with occasional bursts of energetic, frantic movement, and talking
Circumstantiality Talks with excessive and unneccessary detail, delays reaching point; sentences have a meaningful connection but are irrelevant (this occurs normally in some people).
Clang Association Association or speech direct by the sound of a word rather than by its meaning; words have no logical connection; punning and rhyming may dominate the verbal behavior. Seen most frequently in schizophrenia or mania.
Delusions false beliefs, often of persecution or grandeur, that may accompany psychotic disorders
Dystonia neurological movement disorder, in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures
Echolalia mechanical and meaningless repetition of the words of another person (as in schizophrenia)
Echopraxia Repetition by imitation of the movements of another. The action is not a willed or voluntary one and has a semiautomatic and uncontrollable quality.
Extrapyramidal symptoms Exhibiting movement disorders, especially postural and locomotor, resembling Parkinson's disease. (Drooling, Restlessness, Tremors, Peculiar involuntary postures, Muscular rigidity, Motor inertia, shuffling gait, Tardive dyskinesia.)
Gynecomastia Excessive development of the breasts in males. Usually the result of hormonal imbalance or treatment with certain drugs (including some antihypertensives)
Magical Thinking the irrational belief that one has powers defying laws of nature and physics that can cause or prevent events in the external world; magical thinking is seen as pathological in adults, but is a normal part of the childhood development process
Neologism the act of inventing a word or phrase
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome severe, potentially fatal reaction to antipsychotic drugs consisting of muscle rigidity, fever, altered consciousness, and improper function of the autonomic nervous system
Neuroleptics Drug class used to treat schizophrenia; high affinity for D2 receptors. Parkinson-like side-effects due to block of dopamine receptors in the basal ganglia. -S/E: blurred vision, constipation, dry mouth, itchy muscles, jerking motions, increased heart r
Oculogyric Crisis An attack of involuntary deviation and fixation of the eyeballs, usually in the upward position. It may last for several minutes or hours and may occur as an extrapyramidal side effect of some antipsychotic medications.
Paranoia a mental illness of unreasonable anxiety, especially believing someone is out to get you, or that you are an important person
Perseveration The continuation or repition of an action beyond its purpose. Can be seen in motor acts, verbalization or thought processes.
Pseudoparkinsonism medication-induced, temporary constellation of symptoms associated with Parkinson's disease: tremor, reduced accessory movements, impaired gait, stiffening of muscles
Religiosity The level or intensity to which you practice your faith.
Retrograde Ejaculation Semen is expelled into bladder instead of out the penis. Results from reversed functioning of urethral sphincters, sometimes in men who had prostate surgery. Illness, congenital anomaly, and certain drugs can induce.
Social Skills Training A behavior therapy designed to improve interpersonal skills that emphasizes shaping, modeling, and behavioral rehearsal.
Tangentiality Characteristic of the loose cognitive and verbal associations seen in schizophrenia in which the person fails to answer questions and moves the conversation to unrelated topics.
Tardive Dyskinesia involuntary movements of the facial muscles, tongue, and limbs; a possible neurotoxic side effect of long-term use of antipsychotic drugs that target certain dopamine receptors
Waxy Flexibility A feature of catatonic schizophrenia in which people rigidly maintain the body position or posture in which they were placed by others.
Word Salad term for the speech of people with schizophrenia, which may follow grammatical rules but be nonsensical in terms of content
Displacement -Transfer of feelings from one target to another that is considered less threatening or that is neutral -Client is angry at his doctor, does not express it, but becomes verbally abusive with the nurse
Created by: rkasiejka27
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