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IC L.3-1 日期
Question | Answer |
号(號)hào | number in a series, day of the month |
天tiān | day |
天天tiāntiān | every day, daily |
生日shēngrì | birthday |
日rì | day |
生shēng | to give birth to |
出生chūshēng | to be born |
今年jīnnián | this year |
明年míngnián | next year |
去年qùnián | last year |
多大duōdà | how old |
多duō | more |
大dà | big, old |
多少duōshǎo | how much/many? |
少shǎo | less |
岁(嵗)suì | year (of age) |
请客(請客)qǐngkè | to treat people and pay the bill |
请(請)qǐng | to invite, to treat |
客人kèrén | guest |
吃chī | to eat |
晚饭(晩飯)wǎnfàn | dinner, supper |
晚wǎn | late |
饭(飯)fàn | meal, (cooked) rice |
晚上wǎnshàng | evening, night |
吃饭(吃飯)chīfàn | to eat/have (a meal) |
怎么样?(怎麼樣?)zěnmeyàng | How does that sound? Is it OK? |
太…了tài ….le | too, extremely |
谢谢(謝謝)xièxie | thanks |
喜欢(喜歡)xǐhuān | like |
还是(還是)háishì | or |
可是kěshì | but |
好hǎo | good, OK |
我们(我們)wǒmen | we, us |
点钟(點鐘)diǎnzhōng | o’clock |
点(點)diǎn | o’clock, dot |
钟(鐘)zhōng | clock |
半 bàn | half |
再见(再見)zàijiàn | goodbye, see you again |
见(見)jiàn | to see |
小白xiǎobái | Little Bái |
白bái | (a surname), white |