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Unit A Ch. 1Mb

Classifying Plants And Animals

What is the smallest unit of a living thing that can perform all life processes? Cell
Sicentist use microscopes to study the small? Details of a cell
Plants and Animals cells are similar because all cells have? A.Nucleus B.Cytoplasm C.Cellmembrane
What is the control center for the cell's actiivities? Nucleus
Cells that look similar can have? Different Jobs
What kingdom lives on land and absorbs its food from other living or nonliving things? Fungi
What 2nd part of an organism's scientific name? Specific
What is the animal kigdom order? 1Kingdom 2Phylum 3Class 4Order 5Family 6Genus 7Species
The liverworts is a? Nonvasulon Plant
What repoduce by making seeds but do not have flowers? Pine Tree
Scientist classify an animal a vertebrate because it? Has a Backbone
An example of an arthropod is? Spider
Compare contrast the life cycle of a Burmese Python and a Garden Snail. They body lay eggs. When the eggs hatch the young ison their own. the snail leaves after laying eggs and the Python waits until the eggs hatch.
An example of an inherited trait of an animal is? Brown Fur
A marking on a butterfly to scare away predators is an example of ? Adaptation
Explain why and how a Canada goose migrates. Canada geese migrate because of instinct to go where it is wamer and to find food.
What is a behavioranimals are born knowing? Migration
A bear must learn from its parents? To fish
Created by: mbraun2
Popular Science sets




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