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Nat Selection

a group of organisms that share similiar characteristics species
can reproduce among themselves and produce fertile offspring species
changes in inherited characteristics over time evolution
studied finches on Galapagos island, Found they were all similiar to one type of finch Darwin
Believed the finches changed as they competed for food Darwin
organisms with traits best suited for the environment survive and reproduce. Traits are passed on to offspring. Unfavorable traits die off with offspring that do not survive natural selection
inherited trait that makes an individual different from other members of its species variation
can come from mutations variation
beneficial mutations are more likely to be passed on due to natural selection variation
changes in species can take a long time to appear variation
changes can appear when members of same species move into or out of an area variation
if small number of individuals are isolated from others variation may appear in one population that are not present in the other variation
populations can become so different due to this that they become 2 different species and can no longer breed variation
variation that increases an organism's chance for survival adaptation
slow process where one species changes into another gradualism
rapid evolution occurs when individuals mutate and pass on those mutations/traits punctuated equilibrium
when bacteria becomes resistant to antibiotics this is happening punctuated equilibrium
remains or traces of once living organism fossil
usually found in sedimentary rock fossil
carbon that is left after organism decays; can harden to rock imprint
sediments fill cavity left by decaying organism's and this is formed cast
impression of the shape or track of an organism mold
an estimate about the age of a fossil based on the location in the rock relative dating
amount of time it takes for 1/2 of radioactive material to decay radiometric dating
This is used to determine a fossils age b/c radioactive material is unstable and decays at a set rate radiometric dating
More accurate for determining the fossil age radiometric dating
Carbon-14 has a half-life for how long? about 5,700 years
If a fossil has decayed through 3 C-14 half-lives (5700 years each), how old is the fossil? 17,100 years
If a fossil originally has 100 grams of C-14 and now has 25 grams, how old is the fossil? 11,400 years
Created by: rfabish
Popular Biology sets




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