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Chapter 1

6th grade Earth Science

system an organized group of parts that work together to form a whole
system Earth, terrarium
atmosphere the mixture of gases and particles that surrounds and protects the surface of the Earth.
hydrosphere made up of all the water on Earth in oceans, lakes, glaciers, rivers, and streams and underground
biosphere includes all llife on Earth, in the air, on the land, and in the waters
geosphere includes all featrues on Earth's surface-the continents, islands, and sea floor- and everything below the surface
relief map shows how high or low each feature is on Earth
map scale relates to distances on a map to actual distances on Earth's surface
map legend key
map legend a chart that explains the meaning of each symbol used on a map
latitude a distance in degrees north or south of the equator
equator 0 degrees latitude
prime meridian an imaginary line that stretches from the North Pole through Greenwich, England, to the South Pole
prime meridian what longitude is based on
longitude distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian
longitude beginning at the prime meridian, _____ lines are labeled east to west.
projection a way of representing Earth's curved surface on a flat map
cylindrical projection projection that shows earth as if the map were a large cylinder wrapped aroudn the planet
GPS network of satellites that are used to find the latitude, longitude, and elevation above sea level
conic projection projection based on the shape of a cone
planar projection projection developed to help people find the shortest distance between two points
topography the shape or features of the land
topographic maps the types of drawings Pitti used to do for a living
contour lines wiggly lines on the map
contour lines lines on a map that show elevation, slope, and relief
elevation how high above sea level a place is
slope how steep a landform is
relief difference between an areas high and low points
contour interval difference in elevation from one contour line to the next
index contour lines mark elevations
energy the ability to do work or to cause a change
matter anything that has mass or volume
planet a spherical body, larger than a comet or asteroid, that orbits the Sun, or a similar body that orbits a different star
satellite an object that orbits a more massive object
remote sensing the use of scientific equipment to gather information about something from a distance
remote sensing use of binoculars is an example
sensor a mechanical or electrical device that receives and responds to a signal, such as light
sensor collects infrmation abou the different types of energy coming from the Earth's surface
false color image one way scientists study changes of the Earth's surface
false color image one way foresters can locate and track fires
geographic information systems computer systems that store and arrange geographic data and display data in many different types of maps
geographic information systems one way city planners, scientists, and engineers use this instrument to make decisions about terrain, population, roadways, best sites, etc.
hydro water
wind, rain ways the atmospher shapes the earth's surface
Created by: fhershey
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