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Pediatrics Ch 13

The School-Age Child

Piaget’s theory for the school-age child child thinks and reasons in concrete terms, progressing from inductive to deductive logic
Erikson’s theory for the school-age child stage of industry versus inferiority
Kohlberg’s theory for the school-age child Rules are the basis for moral judgments, and they must be followed to please others
Freud’s theory for the school age child period of latency, when the child’s energy is directed towards cognitive and physical skills
Six year old and sleep need 11-13 hours of sleep
Nine year old and sleep needs about 10 hours of sleep
Children and school School can be stressful for children; Parents need to tell their children how proud they are of their academic progress
How can parents take an active role in their child’s education getting to know the teachers, volunteering in the school, and informing teachers if there are unusual or sudden stressors in the child’s life
What can assist in management of specific behavioral problems in the child Assessment of the patterns of communication between parents and child
What helps to provide a safe atmosphere of caring A warm, ongoing relationship between parents and child
What should adults have an awareness of related to their child’s education as school attendance, tardiness, and signs of loneliness or depression
Parents should (related to communication with child) continue to encourage their children to discuss any school problems and worries with them
Children and authority it is Important to foster good communication with teachers, parents and any other authority figure
Which gender tends to receive more praise boys
Gender and feedback Boys tend to get negative feedback concerning the quality of their work while girls receive negative feedback concerning content
Boys and girls reaction to feedback Boys feel their lack of success is due to lack of effort while girls feel their lack of success is due to lack of ability
Warning behaviours that a child is being bullied Somatic: stomach, insomnia, new-onset; Behavior changes: Irritability, poor concentration, refusal to attend school; Serious problems: school failure, drug and ETOH abuse, violence, self-mutilation
Where does bullying usually occur at school or on the way to and from school.
Bullying and need for help both the bully and the victim need help; Bullies and their families need to be given tools to help the bully achieve a socially acceptable behavior
Who should be involved in helping resolve bullying parents, school officials, and health care providers need to work together to encourage acceptable behavior and healthy socialization
The advantages of video games include the development of eye-hand coordination, visual perception, and attention to details, and the interactive component
Children and sex education lifelong process; questions should be answered simply and at their level of understanding; If children cannot speak with their parents or other trusted adult regarding sex, they will turn to peers, who often supply erroneous and distorted information
Latchkey children are at increased risk for accidents because of mischief or immature judgment; are more likely to use alcohol and other illegal drugs; show more heightened feelings of loneliness and fear
Bicycle safety helmet; Obey traffic lights and signs; no double riding; same direction as traffic; no headphones; caution near driveways and alleys; objects in backpack or basket; Noloose clothing; no night; feet touch the ground when on seat; keep in good repair
6 to 8 year olds and sleep average approximately 11 to 13 hours of sleep a night
9- to 12-year-olds and sleep average about 10 hours per night
Programs that assist with nutrition School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program and Summer Lunch Program
Older school-age children and nutrition need to have the importance of breakfast stressed, because they may decide that breakfast is no longer important or they may feel too rushed in the mornings; Peers may influence this behavior
Created by: laotracuata
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