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ILT 2690 words
Question | Answer |
Advanced Search | Lets the user enter key words or terms into multiple search fields and frequently provides additional options to target search results. |
APA Style | A guide for preparing papers for the social and behavioral sciences, developed by the American Psychological Association. Stipulates the proper format for crediting sources as well as typing the document. |
Articles Linker | A tool to help users access the full text of an article. |
Basic Search | Lets the user enter key words or terms into a single search field. |
Books Direct | A free book requesting service available to online and remote NU students and faculty |
Boolean Searching | Uses the operators AND, OR, and NOT to tell a database (such as a periodical index, online catalog, or the Internet) how to combine words or phrases that relate to each other. |
Call Number | A unique combination of letters and numbers that identifies a specific item in the Library Catalog and gives its location |
Catalog Records | A bibliographic description of an item in the Library, which includes author, title, subject, headings, notes, and call number |
Circstacks | Location in the Library where books available for checkout are shelved |
Circulation Desk | The place in the Library where you check out, renew, and return library materials. You may also pay a fine, place a hold, or report an item missing from the shelves. |
Citation | A reference or footnote to a book, a journal, or another source that contains all the information necessary to identify and locate the work. |
Collection | All the materials owned by the Library. |
Database | A collection of information stored in electronic format that can be searched by a computer. Most of the Library's database are indexes to articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers. Many of these databases contain full text articles. |
Descriptor | A world that describes the subject of an article or books. Descriptors are used in many computer database. |
Document Delivery | Library department that processes Books Direct, Journal Direct, and Interlibrary Loan requests. |
Electronic Book | An electronic version of a print book which is read online. |
Electronic Resource | A journal, magazine, newspaper, book, video, or other material accessible via an Internet connection. |
Format | Indicates whether item is available in hard copy, electronically, or both. |
Full Text | Refers to a computer article. PDF full text is a scanned copy of the print document. Images may or may not be included. |
Hold | A " hold" guarantees that a book checked out to another person will be saved for you when it is returned. |