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Korean 500 - 750
Question | Answer |
weekend | 주말 |
to take a photograph/picture | 사진을찍다 |
from | ~한테서 |
let’s go together next time | 다음에꼭같이가요 |
Please show the picture to me | 사진좀보여주세요 |
This is great! | 참멋있어요 |
Public servant | 공무원 |
mother | 어머니 |
my (polite) | 제 |
my (informal) | 내 |
father | 아버지 |
workplace | 직장 |
pharmacy | 약국 |
morning | 오전 |
afternoon | 오후 |
to sleep | 잠자다 |
what do you like? | 무엇을 좋아해요? |
what don’t you like? | 무엇을 싫어해요? |
milk | 우유 |
(she/he)’s drinking cola | 콜라를 마셔요 |
(she/he)’s meeting a friend | 친구를 만나요 |
(she/he)’s watching television | 텔레비전을 봐요 |
(she/he)’s reading a book | 책을읽어요 |
(she/he)’s learning Korean | 한극어를 배워요 |
(she/he)’s teaching English | 영어를 가르쳐요 |
Where will you meet your friends? | 어디에서 친구를 만나요? |
fruit | 과일 |
pear | 배 |
What do you usually do on the weekend? | 보통 주말에 뭐해요? |
to be sick | 아프다 |
To have a lot of work to do | 일이많다 |
There is a lot of time | 시간이 많다 |
There is not time | 시간이 없어요 |
to dislike, to hate | 싫어하다 |
Please don’t take pictures here | 여기에서 사진을 찍지 마세요 |
Please don’t smoke here | 여기에서 담배를 피우지 마세요 |
Please don’t use phones in the cinema | 극장에서 전화를 하지 마세요 |
Please don’t eat in the museum | 박물관에서 음식을 먹지 마세요 |
Please don’t listen to music in the library | 도서관에서 큰소리로 음악을 듣지 마세요 |
Andi, are you tired? | 앤디씨 피곤해요? |
I want to sleep | 자고싶어요 |
What would you like to eat? | 뭐 먹고 싶어요? |
I would like a Bapiko | 빠삐코를 먹고 싶어요 |
I would like to drink milk | 우유를 마시고싶어요 |
I would like to swim | 수영하고 싶어요 |
to be close | 가깝다 |
to be far | 멀다 |
to be long | 길다 |
to be short | 짧다 |
to be high | 높다 |
to be low | 낮다 |
to be hot | 덥다 |
to be cold | 춥다 |
to be many | 많다 |
to be few | 적다 |
to be delicious | 맛있다 |
to not be delicious | 맛없다 |
to be expensive | 비싸다 |
to be cheap | 싸다 |
to be fast | 빠르다 |
to be slow | 느리다 |
to be difficult | 어렵다 |
to be easy | 쉽다 |
to be small | 작다 |
to be big | 크다 |
to be interesting | 재미있다 |
to not be interesting | 재미없다 |
to be good | 조다 |
to be bad | 다쁘다 |
scenery, view | 경치 |
weather | 날씨 |
sea | 바다 |
museum | 박물관 |
vacation (from work) | 효가 |
to fish, to go fishing | 낚시하다 |
to drive, to go for a drive | 드라이브하다 |
to scuba dive | 스쿠버다이빙을하다 |
to be clean | 깨끗하다 |
to be beautiful | 아름답다 |
to go on a business trip | 출장을가다 |
to have another appointment | 다른약속이있어요 |
to understand, to get it | 알겠어요 |
family | 가족 |
life, living | 생활 |
boarding house | 하숙집 |
term, semester | 학기 |
to go back to, to return to | 돌아가다 |
to practice | 연습하다 |
to move | 이사하다 |
to be uncomfortable | 불편하다 |
to be kind, considerate | 친절하다 |
because | 왜냐하면 |
see you then | 그때만나요 |
I miss - | 보고싶어요 |
I have been well | 잘지내요 |
to watch, sightseeing | 구경을하다 |
later, after | 나중에 |
again | 또 |
only | - 말 |
to take a boat | 배를타다 |
alone, by oneself | 혼자 |
Have a good trip | 여행잘다녀오세요 |
fruit | 과일 |
strawberry | 딸기 |
pear | 배 |
apple | 사과 |
grape | 포도 |
clothes | 옷 |
running shoes | 운동화 |
wallet | 지갑 |
skirt | 치마 |
T-shirt | 티셔츠 |
Do you have another color? | 다른색은없어요 |
I will come again next time | 다음에다시올게요 |
Please show me the pants | 바지좀보여주세요 |
Please give me this one | 이거주세요 |
By credit card | 카드로요 |
Please give me 10,000 won’s worth of apples | 사과 10,000 원어치주세요 |
to fit, to suit | 맞다 |
to wear (shoes) | 신다 |
to wear, to put on (hat, glasses) | 쓰다 |
to wear, to put on (clothes) | 입다 |
to be light, not heavy | 가볍다 |
to be heavy | 무겁다 |
odor, smell | 냄새 |
hair | 머리 |
this side | 이쪽 |
to ask | 물어보다 |
to be the same | 같다 |
to be pretty | 예쁘다 |
to be famous | 유명하다 |
continuously | 계속 |
all, all together, everything | 모두 |
what will you eat? (formal) | 뭐드시겠어요 |
How many people are there? | 몇분이에요 |
Just one (person) | 한명이에요 |
color | 색 |
card, credit card | 카드 |
cash | 현금 |
too, very | 너무 |
long pants | 긴바지 |
shorts, short pants | 짧은바지 |
to be enjoyable | 마음에들다 |
ear | 귀 |
to sleep | 자다 |
eye | 눈 |
leg | 다리 |
head | 머리 |
neck, throat | 목 |
knee | 무릎 |
foot | 발 |
stomach, abdomen | 배 |
shoulder | 어깨 |
tooth | 이 |
mouth | 입 |
nose | 코 |
health | 건강 |
doctor’s office | 내과 |
headache medicine | 두통약 |
medicine, pill | 약 |
dental surgery, dentist | 치과 |
to get well, to get better | 낫다 |
to be sick, to be ill, to hurt | 아프다 |
to catch a cold | 감이에걸리다 |
to be in bad health | 건강이안좋다 |
to go to the hospital | 병원에가다 |
to take medication | 약을먹다 |
to run a fever | 열이나다 |
get well soon | 빨리나으세요 |
Are you hurt? | 어디에 아프세요? |
You don’t look well | 얼굴이안좋으세요 |
Make sure you get some rest | 푹쉬세요 |
Honorific forms | 존댓말 |
to exist, to be (honorific) | 계시다 |
to eat, to drink (honorific) | 드시다 |
to speak (honorific) | 말씀하다 |
to eat (honorific) | 잡수시다 |
to sleep (honorific) | 주무시다 |
food | 음식 |
work | 일 |
business meeting, conference | 회의 |
for sure, absolutely | 꼭 |
usually, normally | 보통 |
yet | 아직 |
often | 자주 |
Really, is it true? | 구러세요 |
What food do you like? | 무슨음식을좋아하세요 |
snack | 간식 |
living room | 거실 |
health | 건강 |
date | 데이트 |
room | 방 |
kitchen | 부엌 |
to take a walk | 산책하다 |