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6000 intermediate ko
6000 intermediate korean
Question | Answer |
풍경 | Landscape, scenery |
정리 | arrangment,regulation,adjustment |
시아버지 | one’s husband’s father |
학생증 | Student identification |
복습 | Reviewing |
성함 | Your (his) esteemed name |
세탁소 | Laundromat |
청소기 | A vacuum cleaner |
껌 | Gum |
필통 | Pencil case |
인삼차 | Ginseng tea |
초록색 | Green |
축구공 | A soccer ball |
녹차 | Green tea |
만두 | Chinese dumplings |
주차 | Parking |
홍차 | Tea, black tea |
연세 | Age, years of age |
생신 | A birthday |
우표 | A postage stamp |
독일어 | German |
장갑 | A pair of gloves |
중국집 | Chinese restaurant |
지하도 | Underground road |
소포 | A parcel,package |
손녀 | Granddaughter |
책방 | Reading room |
여직원 | Female employee |
평일 | A weekday |
국립 | Government established |
농구 | Basketball |
재작년 | The year before last |
선풍기 | A fan |
존댓말 | Respectful speech |
초보자 | A beginner, neophyte |
이발소 | barber’s shop |
정거장 | A railroad station |
명함 | Name card |
시부모 | one’s husband’s parents |
점심때 | Lunchtime |
초보 | Initial, first steps |
섭씨 | Celsius |
시외 | Outside the city, suberbs |
양배추 | Cabbage |
여고생 | Female high school student |
카운터 | Counter, where you pay |
부잣집 | Rich man’s house |
사진기 | Camera |
송편 | Rice cake steemed over pine needles |
인사말 | Words of greeting |
자판기 | Vending machine |
강당 | A lecture hall |
고모부 | The husband of one’s paternal aunt |
녹음 | Recording |
인상 | Look, personal appearance |
점원 | A shop-assistant |
찻잔 | A teacup |
사계절 | The four seasons |
여대생 | Female college student |
외할머니 | A maternal grandmother |
음악가 | A musician |
인삼 | Ginseng |
한국적 | Korean (adjective) |
환영 | Welcome |
간식 | Snack |
감 | Persimmon |
박스 | Box |
수돗물 | Tap water |
일등 | First class, first class/grade |
할인 | A discount |
국기 | The national flag |
복사 | Reproduction |
성별 | Sex distinction |
세탁 | Laundry |
일기 | The weather |
저번 | Last time, the other day |
정답 | The right answer |
답장 | An answer |
욕실 | A bathroom,a bath |
소 | A cow |
말 | Horse |
책가방 | Bookbag |
가구 | Furniture |
곰 | Bear |
엽서 | A postcard |
이혼 | Divorce |
일회용 | For one time use |
전화기 | Telephone receiver |
차남 | one’s second eldest son |
환갑 | one’s 60th anniversary |
교포 | A Korean living abroad |
배달 | Delivery |
번역 | Translation |
권투 | Boxing or K1 |
수학 | Pursuit of knowledge |
외삼촌 | An uncle on one’s mother’s side |
음료수 | Drinking water |
교문 | A school gate |
기도 | A prayer |
여행사 | Travel agency |
유학생 | A foreign student |
가요 | A song |
감상 | Appreciation |
공짜 | Free |
수년 | Several years |
숙소 | one’s address |
신호등 | Signal light, blinker |
입원 | Hospitalization |
졸업생 | A graduate |
친절 | Kindness, goodness |
침실 | Bedroom |
가위 | Scissors |
고속 | High speed |
새끼 | Baby animal |
밤 | Chestnut |
초밥 | Japanese vinegared rice vegetables |
출구 | An exit |
출입문 | Door for exiting and entering |
미인 | A beautiful girl |
반지 | Ring |
산속 | The heart of a mountain |
식초 | Vinegar |
야외 | The fields, the outskirts |
축하 | Congratulation, celebration |
국 | Soup or broth |
중요 | importance,consequence |
금연 | Prohibition of smoking |
사무 | Office work |
회화 | Conversations, talk |
귀국 | Returning to one’s home country |
목욕탕 | A bathhouse |
고장 | A district or producing area |
퇴근 | Leaving one’s office, coming home from work |
시청 | City hall |
신문사 | Newspaper company |
피시 | PC, personal computer |
봉지 | Bag |
비서 | Secretary |
여관 | A hotel, an inn |
주사 | A shot, an injection |
낙엽 | Fallen dead leaves |
외출 | Going out, an outing |
자가용 | For personal/family use |
신문지 | Newspaper paper |
주차장 | Parking lot |
외교관 | A diplomat |
도자기 | Porcelain |
영하 | Below zero |
강도 | A robber or burglar |
유명 | fame,celebrity status |
철 | Season (the 4) |
취직 | Employment, getting a job |
연휴 | Consecutive holidays |
태풍 | Typhoon |
가짜 | Fake |
식빵 | Bread |
운전자 | The driver |
유리창 | A window which uses glass |
위층 | The upper floor |
남매 | Brother and sister |
안주 | Appetizers for alcohol |
인형 | A doll |
전철 | An electric railway |
좌석 | A seat |
출근 | Going to work |
그대로 | Like that |
괜히 | In vain or useless or fruitless, for a stupid reason |
달리다 | run, make do fast |
방문 | A door of a room |
소설가 | Novelist |
유학 | Confucianism |
향수 | A perfume |
단점 | A weak point |
녹색 | Green |
악수 | Handshake |
호수 | A lake |
정문 | The front gate,main entrance |
체중 | Body weight |
포장 | packing,wrapping |
현관 | The porch, the entrance |
줄기 | A trunk, stem, stalk |
각각 | Each and every |
독서 | Reading |
규칙적 | Be regular or systematic |
수염 | Beard |
장남 | The eldest son |
포도주 | Grape wine |
이러하다 | Be this way, be like follows |
대도시 | Large city |
신입생 | A new student |
일으키다 | Riase, get up; start, commence |
저축 | savings,saving |
증세 | Symptoms, a patient’s condition |
줄 | Line, row, chord |
회색 | Gray |
고교 | High school |
고치다 | To fix, amend, change |
성인 | An adult |
준비물 | Stuff that needs to be prepared |
출입 | Coming and going |
수학 | Mathematics |
시어머니 | one’s husband’s mother |
시집 | one’s husband’s home/family |
미술관 | Fine arts museum |
고장 | Broken |
부탁 | request,favor |
상자 | A box,case |
점수 | marks,the number of marks |
통장 | A bankbook (check register) |
경기장 | Sports stadium or a sports field |
월급 | Monthly salary |
유행 | Fashion, vogue |
전공 | Specialty |
학원 | Learning institute |
소개 | Introduction |
애인 | A lover |
일기 | A diary, journal |
계산기 | Calculator |
화분 | Flower pot |
갈색 | Brown |
반찬 | Sie dishes |
지점 | A spot, point |
대학원 | Graduate school |
문장 | writing,composition |
변호사 | Lawyer |
유리 | A glass pane |
형부 | A husband of a girl’s older sister |
금년 | This year |
야채 | Vegetables |
전부 | All, everything |
손자 | Grandson |
신랑 | A bridegroom |
화가 | A painter, a drawer artist |
교환 | An exchange |
국어 | 1) The national language or 2) Korean |
악기 | Musical instrument |
연말 | The end, close of the year |
피로 | Fatigue, exhaustion |
박수 | Applause |
부자 | A rich person |
수표 | A check |
흥미 | interest,zeal |
채소 | vegetables,greens |
강물 | River water |
서류 | documents,papers |
요청 | request,demand,claim |
사원 | Company employee |
욕심 | Greed, selfishness |
우승 | First place |
보고 | report,information |
사용자 | A user,consumer,employer |
긍정적 | Affirmation or admission |
각국 | Each country |
다수 | A great number |
덕분 | Indebtedness |
조각 | Sculpture |
해석 | Interpretation, a comment |
농담 | A joke |
담임 | Charge, duty |
도중 | On the way |
신호 | A signal,signaling |
출발 | To start (a journey,trip) |
지구 | A district,region |
유학 | Studying abroad |
정치적 | Political |
승용차 | A passenger car |
장점 | A merit,strong point |
진출 | An advance |
확인 | A check,confirmation |
임시 | Temporary, special |
봉투 | Envelope |
추억 | Memory |
향기 | fragrance,aroma,perfume |
현지 | The actual place, the very spot |
개인적 | Private or personal |
소주 | Korean sake |
유교 | Confucianism |
일상 | Everyday, usual, ordinary |
장래 | The future |
중요성 | importance,gravity |
과학적 | Scientifically |
거실 | Living room |
부작용 | reaction,side effect |
이상 | An ideal, a goal |
과목 | A subject or a lesson |
산소 | Oxygen |
석유 | Petroleum |
책임자 | Person responsible |
정식 | Formality, due form |
최선 | The best, one’s best |
건축 | Construction or building or erection |
보고서 | Report |
식용유 | Food oil |
금지 | Forbidden or prohibitted |
역사적 | Historical |
열차 | Train |
학습 | Learning, education |
복도 | A corridor |
학기 | An educational term |
목사 | A pastor |
양쪽 | Both sides |
후배 | one’s junior |
휴가 | holidays,vacation |
경제적 | Economical |
시청자 | TV audience member |
종업원 | waiter/waitress |
전통적 | Traditional |
친척 | Relatives |
부처 | Buddha |
온도 | Temperature |
진짜 | Real |
창밖 | Outside the window |
이틀 | Two days |
성적 | A result,grade |
예절 | propriety,decorum |
인상 | Impression, imprint |
전체적 | entirely,generally |
절반 | Half |
대기업 | Big enterprise |
매력 | fascination,charm, bewitchery |
보험 | guarantee,insurance |
부장 | Head of a department |
심리 | A mental state |
계약 | Contract |
신청 | application,request |
기온 | Temperature |
선택 | A choice |
역사가 | Historian |
연구자 | Researcher |
살리다 | 1) revive, bring around, restore to life 2) save,spare,rescue |
대문 | A big gate |
시내 | The city |
외교 | Diplomacy |
전자 | An electron |
현금 | Cash, ready funds, not a credit card |
명령 | An order,command |
반장 | Squad leader |
부근 | neighborhood,vicinity |
신용 | confidence,trust |
정신적 | Mental |
증상 | Symptoms |
강제 | Compulsion or coercion |
신부 | Bride |
요금 | A rate, a fare |
용돈 | Pocket money, money for expenses |
음료 | A beverage, a drink |
제한 | limits,bounds |
집중 | Concentration |
청년 | A young man, a youth |
배우 | Actor |
자격 | Qualification |
계단 | A staircase or a set of stairs |
본래 | originally,primarily |
세금 | Tax |
입구 | Entrance |
적극 | The positive |
최소한 | Atleast |
위반 | Violation, infringment |
촬영 | Photographing, taking pictures/films |
규칙 | Rules or regulations |
잠시 | For a little while |
호랑이 | A tiger |
형제 | Brothers and sisters |
세계적 | International |
안전 | Safety |
양파 | An onion |
이상 | Indisposition, abnormal |
만화 | Cartoons |
불안 | uneasiness,anxiety |
여유 | reserve,surplus |
파도 | Waves, billows |
방송국 | Broadcasting station |
예금 | Deposit money |
입학 | Admission into school |
해결 | Solution, settlement |
행복 | Happiness |
근로자 | Laborer |
순서 | sytem,order,sequence |
연구소 | A reasearch institute |
이사 | House-moving |
이하 | Less than, below |
토론 | A debate, discussion |
고급 | High rank or first class |
고생 | A hard life or privation |
정상 | The top, summit |
화장품 | Makup, cosmetics |
고모 | A paternal aunt |
공무원 | Public servant |
부족 | lack,want (scarcity, insufficiency) |
총장 | The president, the chancellor (university’s) |
방문 | A visit |
불만 | Dissatisfaction |
숫자 | A figure,number |
계산 | Calculation |
사회적 | Socially |
주부 | A wife |
태양 | The sun |
부족 | A tribe |
습관 | Habit |
고민 | Worry or anguish |
상처 | Wound |
대표적 | Representative |
만일 | If, suppose |
예술가 | An artist |
고객 | Customer |
과학자 | Scientist |
수술 | Surgery |
식품 | Groceries |
회원 | A member of a society |
상상 | Imagination |
이용 | To use |
숨 | A breath |
문제점 | The point at issue |
충격 | An impact, a shock |
미술 | art,the fine arts |
치료 | Medical treatment, medical care |
임신 | Pregnant |
부동산 | Real estate |
직업 | An occupation, calling |
뱀 | Snake |
검사 | Investigation or inspection or examination or audit |
소문 | A rumor |
제목 | A subject, theme |
희망 | Hope, wish |
군대 | Troops or an army |
실수 | A mistake |
최대 | The greatest, the largest |
평소 | Ordinary times, ordinarily |
주택 | A house |
농촌 | A farm village |
이외 | Except, apart from |
기대 | Expectation |
이익 | Profit |
공기 | Air |
전문가 | A specialist |
무용 | dancing,a dance |
해외 | Abroad, foreign countries |
비밀 | A secret |
공사 | Construction work or engineering work |
박사 | Doctor |
주인공 | The head of a family, the hero/heroine |
형님 | The respectful, proper way a man refers to an older friend |
일반적 | Universal, general |
적극적 | Positively |
기초 | The foundation |
종합 | Synthesis |
신체 | The body |
발표 | Announcement |
수출 | Exporting sth |
비용 | Expense |
원래 | originally,primarily |
직원 | Staff |
피부 | Skin |
장군 | A general |
무역 | Trade |
만약 | If |
특별 | Be special, extraordinary |
업무 | Buisness, duty |
청소년 | Young boys and girls, teenagers |
선배 | one’s senior |
소년 | A boy |
소식 | News, information |
사용 | use,emply |
경영 | Management or administration |
목표 | goal,object |
임금 | Wages, pay |
직장 | one’s work place |
서양 | The Western countries |
주요 | The major, the chief thing |
공연 | A public performance |
종류 | kind,sort,species |
고통 | Suffering or agony |
예정 | A program, schedule |
전문 | A specialty |
이해 | Understanding |
보호 | protection,shelter |
공동 | Association or union or collaboration |
소녀 | A young girl |
상품 | Product |
전통 | tradition,convention |
위치 | A position, a location |
가격 | Price |
통신 | communications,correspondance |
기계 | An instrument or a machine |
기본 | A foundation |
감정 | Feelings |
기억 | A memory |
인기 | Popularity |
관리 | Management or administration |
이전 | Former days/times |
국제 | International |
인생 | Life |
대중 | The masses |
각종 | All sorts or varieties |
특징 | A special feature, a distinguishing feature |
선수 | An athlete |
지구 | The earth |
소비자 | A consumer |
기준 | A standard or basis |
경기 | Race or match or contest |
목적 | goal,purpose |
태도 | attitude,comportment |
남성 | Male |
주위 | The circumference,the girth |
자유 | Freedom |
책임 | Responsibility |
사고 | An accident |
일반 | universal,common,usual |
가정 | Famly |
농업 | Agriculture |
대신 | Instead of |
재산 | property,fortune, assets, possessions |
공장 | Construction site |
시민 | Residents of a city |
회장 | Chariman, the president |
기자 | A journalist |
통일 | Unification |
시설 | establishment,institution |
주변 | A circumference |
경험 | Experience or undergo or suffer |
최고 | The best |
소설 | A novel, fiction story |
질서 | Order, system |
과거 | The past |
현대 | The present age, times |
차이 | difference,disparity |
시절 | season,time,occasion |
개인 | Private or individual |
작가 | writer,author |
효과 | Effect, effectiveness |
불교 | Buddhism |
제품 | Manufactured goods |
표현 | Verbal expression, representation, manifestation |
순간 | A moment,a second |
전쟁 | War |
방송 | Broadcast |
대표 | Representative |
가능성 | Possibility |
방향 | Direction |
대회 | A great meeting |
경제 | Economy |
노력 | Effort |
단체 | A corps, a group |
가능하다 | To be possible |
자식 | one’s children |
자료 | materials,data |
분위기 | atmosphere,surroundings |
정보 | information,intelligence |
역할 | A part, a role |
행동 | Action, behavior |
국내 | Inside the country |
모양 | A shape, form |
조건 | condition,stipulation |
대부분 | Most |
표정 | Facial expression, look |
일부 | A part, a portion |
세기 | Century |
발전 | Development |
관련 | Relation or connection or reference |
정신 | mind,spirit |
기술 | Art or technique or ability |
전체 | The whole, the entire section |
조사 | investigation,inquiry |
과학 | Science |
자연 | Nature |
결국 | After all or in the end |
지방 | A locality, district |
환경 | Environment |
부분 | part,portion |
변화 | Change, transformation |
중심 | The nucleus, the focus, the heart |
활동 | Activity |
관심 | Concern or interest |
광고 | Advertisement |
연구 | Research |
이유 | Reason |
세상 | The world,society |
이후 | After that |
문학 | Literature |
이상 | More than, above |
교육 | Education |
예술 | Art, an art |
결과 | Result |
내용 | Contents |
의미 | A meaning, a sense |
정치 | Politics |
국민 | The people or a nationality |
세계 | World |
대통령 | The president |
국가 | A state or a nation |
여성 | Female |
지역 | An area, region |
방법 | Way, method |
대하다 | Face, confront |
사회 | culture,society |
경우 | A case or an instance |
문화 | culture |
정도 | grade,degree |
시대 | An age,period |
파 | Onions |
한잔 | A drink of liquor |
하얀색 | White |
가스 | Gas |
간장 | Soy sauce |
갈비탕 | Beef-rib soup |
고추장 | Red pepper paste |
건너편 | The opposite side |
그중 | Among the rest of them |
노래방 | Singing room |
밤중 | Midnight |
설렁탕 | Beef soup with rice |
술병 | A bottle of alcohol |
술잔 | A glass for alcohol |
손수건 | A handkerchief |
안방 | The inner room |
쓰레기통 | Garbage can |
아래층 | Lower floor |
까만색 | Black |
옆방 | The room next door |
오래전 | Since a long time before |
뒷산 | The back side of a mountain |
장가 | To get married |
지난번 | Last time |
쥐 | Mouse |
홈페이지 | Homepage |
공중전화 | A public payphone |
가루 | Powder or flour; meal |
가슴속 | one’s heart feelings |
가이드 | Guide |
한동안 | For quite a while |
한숨 | A breath |
한쪽 | On one side |
피 | Blood (is flowing) |
필름 | Film |
하루 | A day |
하품 | Yawning |
포스터 | Poster |
폭 | Width; range |
풀 | Glue (spread the ~) |
풀 | Grass (cut the ~) |
프로 | Professional |
프로 | Program |
프로그램 | Program |
플라스틱 | Plastic |
패션 | Fashion |
팩 | Pack |
한참 | For some time, for a while |
국회의원 | A member of the national Assembly |
군 | An army |
교통사고 | Traffic accident |
곳곳 | Everywhere |
공항버스 | Bus to the airport |
고개 | The nape of the neck |
고구마 | Sweet potato |
고속도로 | Freeway or highway with no street lights |
고속버스 | Bus for the freeway |
고춧가루 | Red pepper powder |
골목 | A side street or alley |
골목길 | An alley |
골프 | Golf |
골프장 | Golf course |
겁 | Fear or fright |
겨울철 | The winter season |
곁 | Neighborhood or vicinity |
거짓 | Fabrication or fiction |
거짓말 | A lie or falsehood |
걸음 | Walking or stepping or a step |
감자 | Potato |
강아지 | Puppy |
개구리 | Frog |
개나리 | A forsythia or a golden-bell tree |
가죽 | The skin or hide or leather |
고추 | Red pepper |
가까이 | Close |
남 | A man |
남 | The south |
껍질 | Skin or nutshell |
꼭대기 | The top |
꽃잎 | A petal |
꿈속 | In a dream |
나물 | Herbs, wild greens |
나비 | Butterfly |
기침 | Coughing |
기타 | Guitar |
길가 | The roadside |
길이 | Length or extent |
깊이 | Depth |
까닭 | Reason |
기름 | Oil or fat |
기쁨 | Joy or delight |
그룹 | Group |
그림자 | A shadow or a sillheoute or an image |
그해 | That year |
그늘 | 1) shade 2)parental prodection |
그다음 | Next |
구멍 | A hole |
국물 | soup or broth or gravy |
국수 | Noodles |
대중교통 | Mass transportation |
대중문화 | Pop culture |
대학교수 | University professor |
더위 | The heat |
도둑 | A thief, a burglar |
담요 | A blanket |
닷새 | Five days |
당근 | A carrot |
금 | Gold |
다이어트 | Diet |
단맛 | A sweet taste |
달걀 | An egg |
달빛 | Moonlight |
놀이 | Play, game |
놀이터 | Playground |
눈빛 | The glitter of one’s eyes |
눈썹 | The eyebrow |
눈앞 | Before one’s eyes |
느낌 | Touch, feel |
냄비 | A pot |
냄새 | Smell |
너머 | Beyond, on the other side |
네거리 | Crossroads |
나흘 | Four days |
낚시 | Fishing |
날개 | The wings |
몸살 | Flu aches and pains |
무게 | Weight |
무늬 | Pattern |
무더위 | High humidity |
무릎 | A knee |
멋 | Smartness |
메시지 | Message |
며느리 | Daughter-in-law |
모기 | A mosquito |
모니터 | Monitor |
모델 | Model |
모래 | Sand |
모레 | The day after tomorrow |
모습 | shape,body |
모임 | A group, a party |
목걸이 | Necklace |
목소리 | Voice |
머릿속 | Inside one’s head |
마늘 | Garlic |
마사지 | Massage |
마을 | Town |
마음속 | Deep in one’s heart |
마중 | Meeting, reception |
마찬가지 | The same |
막내 | The lastborn |
만남 | A meeting |
도시락 | Lunchbox lunch |
도움 | Help |
버섯 | Mushroom |
버터 | Butter |
버튼 | Button |
벌레 | A bug |
법 | A law, the law |
벨트 | Belt |
벽 | A wall |
발목 | Ankle |
밤낮 | Night and day, always |
밥그릇 | A rice bown |
밥맛 | Appetite |
밭 | A field, farm |
배드민턴 | Badminton |
바깥 | Outside |
바늘 | A needle, pin |
바닥 | Floor |
바닷가 | The beach |
바닷물 | Sea water |
바보 | Ignorant |
바위 | A rock, a crag |
바이올린 | Violin |
받침 | Support, prop |
발가락 | A toe |
물고기 | Fish |
물속 | Inside the water |
물음 | A question |
미디어 | Media |
미팅 | Meeting |
믿음 | Belief |
밀가루 | Flour |
몸무게 | Body weight |
생활환경 | Life environment |
서랍 | A drawer |
서비스 | Service |
살 | flesh,muscle |
상 | A prize |
빨래 | washing,laundry |
뺨 | Cheek |
뼈 | A bone |
뿌리 | A root |
사위 | environment,surroundings |
블라우스 | Blouse |
비타민 | Vitamin |
빌딩 | Building |
빗 | A comb |
빗물 | Rainwater |
빛 | Light |
북 | North |
세로 | Length |
불꽃 | flame,blaze,spark |
볶음밥 | Frizzled rice |
볼일 | business,errand,engagement |
부끄러움 | shame,disgrace |
보람 | worth,result |
배추 | Chinese cabbage |
시골 | Countryside |
시내버스 | Inner-city bus |
시리즈 | Series |
술자리 | A banquet |
술집 | Bar of some kind |
숲 | Forest |
스님 | A priest |
스스로 | By oneself, do it alone |
스웨터 | Sweater |
속옷 | Underwear |
손목 | The wrist |
손바닥 | The palm |
손발 | Hand and foot; the limbs |
손뼉 | The flat of one’s hand |
손잡이 | A handle,knob |
손톱 | Fingernail |
송아지 | A calf,baby cow |
송이 | A bunch,cluster |
쇼 | Show |
소나기 | A sudden rain shower |
소나무 | A pine tree |
소리 | A sound,noise |
소스 | Sauce |
소시지 | Sausage |
설거지 | Dishwashing |
설날 | New Year’s Day |
새벽 | dawn,daybreak |
새소리 | Bird voice,”chirp” |
새우 | lobster,shrimp |
새해 | A new year |
액세서리 | Accessory |
양 | quantity,volume |
양념 | Spices and condiments |
아픔 | Pain |
안쪽 | The inside, the inner part |
알 | An egg, spawn (fish) |
암 | Cancer |
앞길 | The road ahead, outlook |
앞뒤 | Before and behind |
씨 | Seeds (sow) |
씨름 | Wrestling |
아가씨 | Mis, young lady |
아나운서 | Announcer |
섬 | An island |
아래쪽 | The lower part, the bottom |
아무것 | Anything |
아버님 | Father (respectful word) |
심부름 | Errand |
쌀 | Uncooked rice |
신 | joy,delight |
스케이트 | Skate |
스케줄 | Schedule |
스키장 | Place to ski |
스타 | Star |
스타일 | Style |
오징어 | Cuttlefish, squid |
오피스텔 | Office hotel (studio apt) |
옥수수 | Corn |
온몸 | The whole body |
노랫소리 | A singing voice |
옆집 | The house next door |
예 | Example |
옛날이야기 | An old story |
오늘날 | These days, nowadays |
오랫동안 | For a long time |
오븐 | Oven |
열 | Heat |
열흘 | Ten days |
에너지 | Energy |
엘리베이터 | Elevator |
여 | A woman, a girl |
여기저기 | Here and there |
여름철 | Summertime |
어둠 | Darkness |
어려움 | difficulty,hardship |
어머님 | Mother (respectful word) |
어젯밤 | Last night |
얼음 | Ice |
앞쪽 | The front, the fore part |
줄무늬 | A stripe |
조카 | Nephew |
종이컵 | A paper cup |
접시 | A plate,platter |
정 | Feeling of attachment |
저녁때 | Evening time |
적 | The enemy |
전기밥솥 | Electric rice cooker |
잠옷 | Pajamas |
장 | A chapter in a book |
장난감 | A toy |
장마 | The rainy spell in the summer |
장사 | trade,business |
발등 | The instep of the foot |
잔치 | banquet,feast |
밥솥 | Pressure cooker for rice |
불빛 | Fire light |
상추 | Lettuce |
오이 | Cucumber |
탑 | A tower |
치즈 | Cheese |
카레 | Curry |
카페 | Cafe (place to drink coffee) |
캠퍼스 | Campus |
커튼 | Curtain |
추위 | Cold |
참기름 | Sesame oil |
채널 | Channel |
챔피언 | Champion |
질 | Quality, character |
집안 | Inside the house |
짓 | Something you do |
짜증 | Annoyance |
쪽 | A side, direction |
지붕 | A roof |
진달래 | Azalea |
즐거움 | pleasure,merriment |
지난해 | Last year |
주머니 | |
주먹 | Fist |
죽 | Rice porridge |
해외여행 | Foreign travel |
햇빛 | Sunshine, sunlight |
햇살 | The rays of the sun |
파리 | A fly |
파일 | File |
일상생활 | Everyday (daily) life |
길거리 | A street |
일회용품 | A product to be used only once |
탤런트 | Talent |
터널 | Tunnel |
터미널 | Terminal |
턱 | The chin |
털 | Hair; fur, feathers |
테스트 | Test |
테이프 | Tape |
토마토 | Tomato |
통 | A tub, a cask |
코끼리 | An elephant |
코너 | Corner |
코피 | A nose bleed |
콘서트 | Concert |
콤플렉스 | Complex |
콩 | A bean |
콩나물 | Bean soup |
크기 | Size, dimensions |
큰소리 | A loud voice, loudly |
이곳저곳 | Everywhere |
이날 | Today, this day |
월드컵 | World cup |
웨이터 | Waiter |
웬일 | What cause, what reason |
위아래 | Up and down |
위쪽 | The upper direction |
우리말 | Korean (language) |
운 | Fortune, luck, fate |
운전기사 | The driver |
울음 | crying,weeping |
웃어른 | one’s elders |
웃음 | Laughter, a smile |
원숭이 | A monkey |
원피스 | (one-piece) a dress |
와인 | Wine |
왕 | King |
왼발 | The right foot |
왼손 | The right hand |
요새 | recently,lately |
인터넷 | Internet |
인터뷰 | Interview |
올림픽 | Olympic |
이미지 | Image |
이불 | Bedding, bed clothes |
이웃 | The neighborhood |
이웃집 | The neighbor’s house |
이튿날 | The second day after |
혀 | The tongue |
입술 | The lips |
흙 | earth,the soil |
횡단보도 | Crossing |
겉 | The outer surface |
후춧가루 | Ground pepper |
이것저것 | This and that, one thing and another |
슬픔 | Sorrow |
이마 | Forehead |
싸움 | A fight |
이성 | Reason, reasoning |
첫날 | The first day |
취소 | Cancellation, anulment |
전국 | The whole country |
수상 | The prime minister |
즉시 | At once,immediately |
머리카락 | Headhair |
미래 | Future |
점 | Store |
칭찬 | Praide, admiration |
최근 | Recently |
찬물 | Cold water |
기운 | Strength or might (the strength you feel you have on that particular day) |
오른발 | The right foot |
오른손 | The right hand |
높이 | Height (noun) |
식물 | food,provisions |
자동 | self-acting, self-moving, automatic |
예약 | Pre-engagement, reservation |
결정 | A decision or determination |
출장 | A business trip |
긴장 | Tension |
이동 | movement,migration,drift |
큰길 | main/principal road |
큰일 | An important affair, a serious matter |
나뭇잎 | Tree leaves |
나뭇가지 | A tree branch |
젊은이 | Young person |
먼지 | Dust |
배경 | Background |
배구 | Volleyball |
배꼽 | The navel |
하숙집 | Dormitory, boarding house |
수화기 | Telephone receiver |
센터 | Center |
글 | words, a verse |
글씨 | 1) Handwriting 2) a letter or an ideograph or a character |
글자 | A letter or a character |
글쓰기 | Writing |
여우 | Fox |
종 | A sort,kind,species |
종교 | religion,a faith |
구체적 | Concretely |
미소 | Smile |
가지 | Eggplant |
발생 | 1) Birth 2) development |
인원 | The number of persons |
비교 | A comparison |
유치원 | Kindergarten |
운동복 | Exercise clothes |
신고 | A statement,declaration |
맞다 | receive,welcome (note, usually this is 맞히다) |
메모 | Memo |
메일 | |
성 | A family name,surname |
성공 | success,achievement |
의견 | An opinion,a suggestion |
절 | Bow in salutation |
절 | A Buddhist temple |
과장 | The department/section head |
창고 | A warehouse,storehouse |
자신 | Self-confidence |
자신 | one’s own self, one\'s own body |
노인 | Old person |
이모 | A maternal aunt |
사자 | A lion |
사실 | The truth, a fact |
감동 | Agitate or stir up the emotions |
행사 | An event, a function |
신혼부부 | Newlyweds |
신혼여행 | the honeymoon (the trip after the wedding) |
어린애 | A youngster, a child |
어린아이 | A youngster, a child |
어린이날 | Children’s Day (may 5th) |
실패 | Failure |
김 | Seaweed, laver |
김치찌개 | Spicy cabbage soup |
주제 | Subject, theme, topic |
상대 | counterpart,companion,rival |
상대방 | Conversation partner |
연기 | Smoke, fume |
연기 | performance,acting |
각자 | Each one or every one |
예전 | Old days, former days |
공간 | Space or room |
실내 | In the room |
실력 | one’s real ability,talent |
티셔츠 | T-shirts |
연락처 | a way to make contact (usually means a phone number) |
애 | A baby, or a slightly derogative word for person |
조상 | Ancestors |
수입 | Income |
수입 | Importing sth |
도로 | A road, way |
꿀 | Honey or nectar |
기사 | An article or an account |
기사 | Technician |
명절 | Festival days |
전날 | The day before, the day prior |
속도 | Speed |
식구 | Members of a family, your immediate family members (those you live with, preferably) |
저자 | A writer,author |
능력 | Ability, capability, how much and how well |
차례 | (1) order,precedence (2) one time, one round |
도구 | Tool, instrument |
반대 | Opposite and being opposed to (objecting to) |
합격 | Success in an examination |
노동자 | Laborer, worker |
토끼 | A rabbit |
과제 | A subject or a thesis or homework; an exercise/a problem |
중간 | In the middle |
교류 | Interchange (cultural) ; alternating current (electrical) |
체육 | Physical education |
성격 | Personality ; character, nature |
관광객 | A tourist |
관광지 | Tourist area |
최초 | In the very first, in the beginning |
자체 | one’s own body |
민족 | race,nation,people |
재채기 | sneeze,sneezing |
평화 | Peace |
가로 | Width or breadth |
관객 | Spectator |
관계 | Connection or relation |
관광 | Sightseeing or tourism |
전기 | Electricity |
이빨 | A tooth |
검정색 | A large sum of money |
종일 | All day, throughout the whole day |
맞은편 | The other side of THIS IS ONE WORD |
마루 | A wooden floor, floor, flooring |
삼촌 | An uncle (usually on the father\'s side)(외삼촌 a brother of the wife, an uncle on the mother\'s side) |
사촌 | a cousin |
정원 | Garden |
기간 | A period or a time or |
일정 | To be fixed, settled, regular |
기회 | An opportunity |
초청장 | An invitation (card) |
사업 | Business |
논문 | Dissertations , an academic paper (these are 2 separate meanings) |
재료 | stuff,material |
베개 | A pillow |
치과 | A dentist |
인간 | A person, a human being |
인구 | Population |
시인 | A poet |
영상 | Above zero |
팬 | A fan, an enthusiast |
팬 | Pan |
팬티 | Panties (male and female underwear) |
죽음 | Death |
버릇 | Habit |
짐 | Luggage ; what is on a person |
농사 | Farming |
약간 | Some, a little |
장학금 | Scholarship |
평생 | A lifetime |
단지 | A public apt complex |
비닐 | a thin sheet of plastic, vinyl |
비닐봉지 | Plastic bag |
당장 | On the spot, immediately |
오리 | Duck |
나머지 | The rest, the remainder ; as a result of the excess of, as a result |
근무 | Duty or service or work |
예상 | Expectation, anticipation; forecast, preconception, prenotion |
햇볕 | Sunbeams, sunlight |
발견 | Discovery |
발달 | Development, growth |
판단 | A judgment, a conclusion |
판매 | Sale, selling |
사물 | objects,things |
으응 | Ugh! |
음 | Sound you make to express doubt,worry |
아이 | Oh my god! |
아이고 | Oh my god! |
아뇨 | No, nay |
아니 | No! |
아니야 | No, that’s not the case |
아아 | Oh-oh! |
그렇지 | So it is or that is right |
응 | Yes, i see! |
여보 | Spouse (term of affection) |
와 | Holy cow! |
어머 | Oh my god! |
오 | Oh, ah! |
참 | In reality |
자 | Well!! |
글쎄 | Now or well or let me see |
글쎄요 | Now or well or let me see |
야 | (Word to get somebody’s attention) Hey!! (2) impolite speech for 이다, to be |
발달하다 | To advance |
예매하다 | Advance purchase |
주차하다 | To park |
발음하다 | Pronounce |
복습하다 | To review |
이혼하다 | To get divorced |
외출하다 | To go out (of doors) |
취하다 | To be drunk |
실수하다 | To make a mistake |
화나다 | Get angry |
우승하다 | To take first place |
퇴근하다 | To go home from work |
취하다 | To adopt, assume, take |
복사하다 | reproduce,copy |
사과하다 | To apologize |
녹음하다 | To record |
이사하다 | To move house |
대화하다 | To converse |
소문나다 | A rumor starts |
기억나다 | To memorize |
염려하다 | To worry, be anxious about |
입원하다 | To enter a hospital |
절약하다 | To economize |
수출하다 | To export |
구하다 | Rescue a person |
도망가다 | Make a go for it, escape |
만족하다 | To be content |
준비되다 | To be ready |
주문하다 | To order, to request |
출근하다 | To go to work |
심해지다 | Become deep and serious |
양보하다 | To make a concession, recede |
후회하다 | To regret |
유행하다 | To be in fashion, to be popular |
안내하다 | To lead the way |
뵈다 | Contraction of 보이다 |
계획하다 | Plan or make a project |
금지하다 | To restrain or prohibit |
한잔하다 | To drink a glass of liquor |
병들다 | Get sick |
표시하다 | To make a sign, display |
감상하다 | To show appreciation |
반복하다 | To repeat |
입학하다 | To enter/be admitted into a school |
긴장하다 | To become tense |
치료하다 | To cure, heal, treat a patient |
결심하다 | To resolve or be determined |
소개되다 | To be introduced,presented |
귀국하다 | To return to one’s home country |
답하다 | Answer, reply |
고민하다 | Be in anguish or worried |
회복하다 | To recover, get better, get well again |
판매하다 | To sell |
반하다 | To be contrary to |
제출하다 | To submit,tender |
부탁하다 | Ask sb a favor |
정해지다 | To be determined, settled |
허용하다 | To permit, approve, grant, allow |
계산하다 | To calculate |
의심하다 | To be suspicious, to doubt |
합치다 | combine,unite |
상상하다 | Imagine |
이용되다 | To be used |
확대되다 | To be magnified |
조심하다 | To be careful |
활동하다 | To be active, lead an active life |
당황하다 | Be confused |
보관하다 | Keep in one’s custody |
상하다 | damage,injure |
진행하다 | Advance, proceed |
생활하다 | To live, make a living |
축제 | a festival |
참가하다 | To take part in, join |
위치하다 | To be located |
전달하다 | To deliver |
행동하다 | To act, behave |
시도하다 | To try,attempt |
비판하다 | To criticize |
권하다 | 1) advise or persuade 2) recommend |
연결하다 | Connect, attach |
전해지다 | To be transmitted |
확대하다 | To enlarge,magnify |
출연하다 | Appear on stage, act, sing |
연결되다 | Connect, attach |
경험하다 | To experience or go through |
포함되다 | To be included in |
얻다 | Get, obtain |
관찰하다 | Observe or view or watch |
성공하다 | To succeed |
변화하다 | To change,vary |
결정되다 | To become decided |
방문하다 | To visit |
참석하다 | To attend, take part in |
기억하다 | To recall or remember |
활용하다 | Utilize, make practical use of |
담기다 | Be put food in a bottle or for pickling |
발견되다 | Be discovered |
분석하다 | To analyze |
연구하다 | To research, investigate |
관련하다 | To be related to or connected to |
고르다 | Choose or select |
제공하다 | offer,proffer |
사용되다 | Be used, be employed |
속하다 | Belong to, be affiliated with |
의미하다 | To mean, signify |
선택하다 | To choose |
관련되다 | Be connected or related to |
기대하다 | To expect or look forward to |
진행되다 | To have progressed, be advanced |
기록하다 | To record and write down |
정리하다 | To adjust |
포함하다 | To include,contain |
해결하다 | To fix a problem, solve a question |
계속하다 | To continue |
구하다 | 1) To buy or purchase or 2) look for or seek or want |
계속되다 | To continue |
발전하다 | To develop, grow |
노력하다 | To try hard, strive |
원하다 | To want |
확인하다 | To confirm,corroborate |
정하다 | To set,determine |
발견하다 | To discover |
발표하다 | To announce |
전하다 | To transmit,convey |
변하다 | Change |
표현하다 | To express, make known by saying |
요구하다 | To demand,claim,request |
담다 | Put in a bottle |
강조하다 | Place empasis upon |
주장하다 | To assert,maintain |
향하다 | To face, look out on |
관하다 | Refer to or be about |
이용하다 | To use, make use of |
위하다 | To do for the sake of |
통하다 | Run, lead; flow; go through |
의하다 | To be due to, owing to |
갖다 | To hold |
자라다 | To grow up |
굽다 | To roast or bake |
걸리다 | To be hung up or suspended |
갈아입다 | Change one’s clothes |
갈아타다 | Transfer (bus or subway) |
가까워지다 | Get closer |
가꾸다 | 1) grow or cultivatea 2) dress oneself up |
가리키다 | Point to or indicate |
가져가다 | To take or carry |
피다 | To bloom ( a flower ~) |
펼쳐지다 | Stretch, extend away |
팔리다 | To be in demand, to be sold |
펴다 | Spread out, unfold |
꿈꾸다 | To dream |
끊다 | Cut off or sever |
끊어지다 | To break off or expire or be done with |
끓다 | Boil or simmer |
끓이다 | Boil or heat or make hot |
나누다 | To divide |
나빠지다 | To become worse |
깨지다 | To break |
기르다 | Educate or train or cultivate |
기뻐하다 | Be pleased or delighted with |
그만두다 | Stop or discontinue |
그치다 | Stop or cease or halt |
구경하다 | To watch or enjoy watching |
견디다 | Endure or bear |
걱정되다 | To become worried |
건너가다 | To cross or go over (river or street) |
건너다 | Go over or go across |
건너오다 | To come across to this side of something |
눕다 | Lie down |
느끼다 | To feel |
늘다 | Increase, gain |
늘리다 | Increase, multiply |
늘어나다 | Grow longer |
늙다 | Grow old |
다녀가다 | Drop in for a short visit |
넓어지다 | Get wider |
넓히다 | Widen |
넘다 | Cross or go across |
넘어가다 | Cross or go over |
넘어서다 | Pass over |
넘어지다 | Fall down, collapse |
넘치다 | Overflow |
나서다 | Come out, come forth |
나타나다 | Come out, appear |
나타내다 | Show, display |
날아가다 | To fly away |
날아오다 | Come flying |
남기다 | To leave behind |
남다 | Remain, be left over |
낳다 | To give birth |
내놓다 | Put out, take out |
내려놓다 | Set or put down |
내려다보다 | Overlook |
꺼내다 | To get out or draw out |
꺼지다 | To go or die out |
꾸다 | Borrow or loan |
꾸미다 | Decorate |
맡다 | Take charge of |
머무르다 | Stay overnight |
마르다 | Become dry |
마치다 | Finish, complete |
막다 | Stop, obstruct |
지나가다 | To pass, elapse |
흘리다 | spill,shed (tears,blood) |
흐르다 | Flow, stream |
흔들다 | Shake, sway |
흘러가다 | flow,run,drift along |
흘러나오다 | Flow out, run, effuse |
이기다 | To win |
작아지다 | Become smaller |
웃기다 | To be funny |
옮기다 | Move, transfer (2)(sickness) communicate, transfer to |
외우다 | Recite from memory |
익다 | Ripe, be ripe |
이뤄지다 | To make something for a specific purpose |
이르다 | To reach, arrive, get at |
헤어지다 | Part from, part company with |
틀다 | To twist, wind |
틀리다 | To be turned, warped 2) go wrong, be mistaken |
읽히다 | To get a person to read, to get a person to learn |
태우다 | To take in a car, give a ride to |
터뜨리다 | Break, burst,explode |
털다 | To shake off, brush up |
켜지다 | To become turned on |
키우다 | To raise, bring up, rear |
태우다 | Burn, commit to flames |
치우다 | Straighten up, tidy, remove |
커지다 | To become bigger |
쳐다보다 | To look up at |
차리다 | Make ready,prepare |
참다 | Bear, endure |
찾아가다 | To go to a place to meet somebody |
찾아내다 | To find out, discover |
찾아보다 | To go meet somebody |
찾아오다 | To go meet somebody, to go get sth |
채우다 | To fill up, complete, fulfill |
집다 | Pick up |
짧아지다 | To become short |
찌다 | To put on weight |
찌르다 | stab,thrust |
막히다 | Be stopped up |
지다 | Carry (on the back) |
지르다 | Holler, yell, scream |
지치다 | Be exhausted, fatigued |
지키다 | Protect, maintain |
쥐다 | To hold,seize |
즐거워하다 | To enjoy it |
즐기다 | Enjoy oneself,take pleasure,delight |
지나다 | pass,elapse,go on |
지다 | Set (the sun) |
지다 | To lose (at war, a game) |
주무시다 | To sleep (respectful word) |
죽이다 | To kill |
줄다 | Diminish |
졸다 | doze,take a nap |
좋아지다 | To become better |
젖다 | To be wet, soaked |
젓다 | To make a sign,gesticulate |
적어지다 | To become smaller |
잠들다 | Fall asleep |
자라나다 | To grow up |
자랑하다 | To be proud |
자르다 | cut,chop |
잘되다 | To turn out well |
잘살다 | To be affluent, well-off |
들려오다 | To echo (sound) |
뵈다 | See (polite) |
올라오다 | Come up |
올려놓다 | Put a thing on a place |
생겨나다 | To begin, germinate |
가져다주다 | Take something to someone |
그려지다 | Draw |
끄덕이다 | Nod |
느껴지다 | Feel |
오가다 | Come and go, keep going and coming |
오래되다 | To last for a long time |
열리다 | To bear fruit |
열리다 | Open, be opened, be unlocked |
없애다 | Remove, get rid of, do away with |
없어지다 | To lose, get lost |
여쭈다 | Tell a superior, inform |
어두워지다 | become/get dark |
어리다 | one’s eyes dim with tears |
어울리다 | To be becoming, suiting |
얹다 | Put on, place, lay, set |
얼다 | Freeze, be frozen |
앞서다 | To go before, precede |
알려지다 | To become known |
알리다 | To inform, tell a person |
알아듣다 | To listen and comprehend |
앓다 | To be ill, sick with sth |
썩다 | Go bad, rot |
썰다 | Chip, mince,dice |
쏟아지다 | To pour out |
쓰이다 | Be writted |
만들어지다 | Make, create |
씹다 | To chew |
싣다 | To load,take (passengers) |
싫어지다 | To become distasteful |
심다 | plant,sow (a tree) |
싸다 | Wrap in, bundle |
쌓다 | To pile up |
쌓이다 | Be piled/heaped up |
시키다 | To make |
식다 | To get cold, cool off |
슬퍼하다 | sorrow,feel sad |
숙이다 | Lower one’s head |
숨다 | To be in hiding, to hide oneself |
수고하다 | To work hard |
세우다 | Stand up, erect |
세워지다 | To become erected |
소리치다 | To shout, yell |
섞다 | blend,mix |
섞이다 | To be mixed,blended |
살펴보다 | Watch closely |
빨다 | Wash the laundry |
빼다 | Pull out, extract |
뽑다 | Pull out, draw |
뿌리다 | sprinkle,scatter |
사라지다 | To disappear |
붙다 | Stick, adhere to |
붙이다 | affix,put on |
비키다 | Move aside |
빌다 | pray,wish,ask |
빌리다 | To lend |
볶다 | fry,roast |
뵙다 | see,meet |
부딪치다 | Collide with, bump against |
부러워하다 | envy,be envious of |
보이다 | see,catch sight of |
보이다 | show,let see |
벌리다 | Open, wide |
벌어지다 | To get serious, enlarge |
밝다 | To be bright |
밝히다 | To light up |
밟다 | Step on |
밤새다 | To stay up all night |
바뀌다 | Be changed |
바라다 | Wish, hope |
바르다 | Spread, apply |
받아들이다 | Accept |
물다 | bite,put in the mouth |
미워하다 | Dislike |
믿다 | Believe |
밀다 | push,shove |
몰다 | Drive |
묶다 | bind,tie |
멀어지다 | Become distant to |
멈추다 | Stop |
모시다 | Attend on |
모으다 | gather,get together |
모이다 | Meet, assemble |
모자라다 | To be insufficient |
만지다 | To touch |
많아지다 | Become a lot |
말씀드리다 | Speak (honor.) |
맞서다 | Stand opposite |
맞추다 | Adjust, adapt |
맡기다 | Entrust sb with sth |
더하다 | Get worse |
던지다 | To throw |
덮다 | To cover, veil |
데려가다 | Take with |
데려오다 | Go with |
데리다 | Be accompanied by |
닮다 | Resemble |
담그다 | Soak in water |
당기다 | Pull |
닿다 | To reach, get to |
다치다 | To hurt |
닫히다 | To shut, be closed |
달라지다 | To change, vary |
달려가다 | Run, rush, dash |
달려오다 | Come running |
달리다 | Hang, be supsended |
달아나다 | Escape, flee |
높아지다 | Become high |
놓치다 | Miss, let slip |
누르다 | Press or push down |
반대하다 | Be opposed to |
뻗다 | Stretch out, extend beyond |
취소하다 | To cancel, calloff |
묻다 | to Stain |
움직이다 | To move, stir |
벗기다 | Unclothe, undress |
높이다 | Raise, elevate |
결정하다 | To decide |
논의하다 | Discussion |
조사하다 | To examine,investigate |
빠지다 | To indulge in, be addicted to |
빠지다 | To fall into |
먹이다 | support,feed |
먹히다 | to be eaten,swallowed |
잘못되다 | To turn out wrong |
잘못하다 | To make a mistake |
생각나다 | To remember |
생각되다 | To come to think sth |
발생하다 | Originate, come from |
비교하다 | To compare |
내밀다 | To Push out |
맞다 | Be right, correct; to match, be fitting for |
맞다 | Be struck,beaten |
버리다 | Throw away |
메다 | Put on one’s shoulder |
익숙해지다 | To become accustomed to |
풀리다 | To come loose |
챙기다 | gather,collect, assemble your stuff -- to amass (money, a collection) |
끌다 | Pull |
달다 | to attach, fix |
실패하다 | To fail |
쏘다 | (1) To shoot (2) to sting, bite (an insect, animal) |
연락하다 | To contact, get in touch with |
다하다 | Finish, go through, be exhausted, run out of |
수입하다 | To import |
낫다 | to get better (from an illness) |
감다 | Close |
서두르다 | To hurry up |
벌다 | To earn (money) ; (2) to invite, to bring onto oneself |
건지다 | Take or bring out of the water or 2) rescue a person from danger |
무시하다 | disregard,ignore ; to be defiant and fail to observe |
줄이다 | reduce,decrease |
개발하다 | Develop or exploit or open up to development |
마련되다 | To be planned and arranged |
마련하다 | To plan, arrange |
고려하다 | Regard or respect |
적용하다 | To apply (sth to sth else) |
깨다 | Wake up from sleep |
깨다 | Break or crack |
담당하다 | Take charge of |
삶다 | boil,cook (eggs) |
미치다 | To reach |
미치다 | Be crazy |
줍다 | Pick up, gather |
가리다 | Choose or select |
가리다 | Pile up or stack up or heap up |
잡히다 | To be caught ; to extinguish a fire |
고생하다 | To suffer or to have trials ; to do something you don\'t want to do, 하고 싶자 않은 것 |
다가가다 | To get near to |
다가오다 | Approach |
매다 | Tie |
바라보다 | Look at, watch ; to look forward to, hope for |
불리다 | To be called |
풀다 | Untie, loosen ; to melt into |
이루다 | Accomplish, complete |
이루어지다 | Get accomplished, achieved |
끼다 | To put on or wear, to wear (a ring) |
끼다 | To smoke |
어쩌다 | By chance, accident |
근무하다 | Work or labor |
벌이다 | (1) to plan to start a job/project (2) to play a table game |
갈다 | Renew or substitute ; same as 바꾸다 |
갈다 | 1) sharpen (a blade) 2) rub or chafe 3) make juice in a mixer |
놓이다 | Be put on sth else (2) to become peaceful |
부치다 | to send, to post |
쏟다 | To pour . 붓다 |
붓다 | to pour (water, liquid) |
쉬다 | to breathe |
짓다 | To make, build ; to form a line (a group) |
울리다 | To ring (a bell) ; to create an echo effect |
포기하다 | To give up, to abandon |
차다 | to kick |
마구 | continuously, without pause |
편히 | Easily, comfortably |
막 | Carelessly, at random |
근데 | But or however |
다행히 | Fortunately |
영원히 | Forever |
간단히 | Simply speaking |
우연히 | accidentally,by chance |
적당히 | suitable,proper |
방금 | Just now |
분명 | Obviousness |
하여튼 | Anyways |
매년 | Every year |
특별히 | Especially |
당연히 | Of course |
절대로 | Absolutely |
정말로 | Really |
확실히 | certainly,for sure |
무조건 | Unconditional |
자세히 | In detail |
정확히 | Exactly |
굉장히 | Very very much or greatly |
보통 | Usually |
금방 | Just now or a moment ago |
분명히 | Obviously |
점차 | gradually,in steps |
충분히 | Enough, sufficiently |
점점 | More and more, by degrees |
혹은 | If that’s not the case |
별로 | Especially, particularly |
완전히 | completely,perfectly |
각각 | Each and every |
주로 | principally,mainly |
직접 | Directly |
전혀 | entirely,utterly,completely |
우선 | First of all, before everything |
현재 | The present time, now, at present |
역시 | As expected, likewise |
특히 | Especially |
한편 | One side, one way |
거의 | Almost or nearly |
가까이 | Close |
가득 | Full |
가만히 | Quietly or softly |
한꺼번에 | All at once |
하하 | Ha ha ha ha ha |
푹 | Completely, entirely |
함부로 | Indiscriminately, at random |
마음대로 | As you wish |
마주 | Face to face |
마치 | As though, as if |
마침 | Just, exactly |
마침내 | Finally, in the end |
막 | Just now |
대단히 | Extremely |
늘 | Always |
꽤 | Fairly or considerably |
끝내 | The end |
깊이 | Deepness |
깜빡 | With a flash or twinkle |
그만 | That much or a little amount |
그만큼 | That much or to that extent |
그냥 | Just because or in that condition |
그다지 | So much or to that extent |
그러므로 | So or hence or therefore |
굳이 | Firmly or admanantly |
곧바로 | At once or straight away |
게다가 | In addition |
없이 | Without |
엊그제 | The day before yesterday, a few days ago |
어느새 | In no time, quickly |
얼른 | Fast, quickly, rapidly |
아까 | A little while ago |
아마도 | Probably |
아무래도 | Never on any account, no matter what |
아무리 | However much |
아무튼 | In any case |
스스로 | On its own, of its own free will |
새로 | newly,anew |
반드시 | Most certainly |
미리 | Beforehand |
및 | As well as |
몰래 | secretly,quietly |
몹시 | Extremely |
멀리 | Far away |
훨씬 | By far, very much so |
이따가 | A little later |
유난히 | uncommon,exceptional |
왠지 | I don’t know why, there is no reason for it |
이리 | This way, this direction |
이미 | Already |
해마다 | Every year, each year |
즉 | namely,that is to say |
조금씩 | A little at a time, little by little |
조용히 | Quietly |
제대로 | As properly is suitable |
제발 | kindly,please |
제법 | quite,fairly,considerably |
저리 | That place |
적어도 | At the least |
무척 | Extremely |
자꾸 | Constantly, repeatedly |
자꾸만 | Repeatedly (emphasized) |
오직 | Only, merely, solely |
온통 | Wholly, entirely |
너무나 | Extremely |
오래도록 | For long, a long while |
덜 | Less, incompletely |
높이 | High, aloft (adverb) |
잘못 | wrong,mistake |
비교적 | Comparatively |
깜짝 | With a surprise |
절대 | Absoluteness |
솔직히 | frankly,candidly |
사실 | Actually, really |
내내 | All along, the entire time |
각자 | Each one or every one |
언젠가 | One of these days, at some time in the future |
도로 | Back, same as ever, same as it was before |
그리 | So or to that extent |
단순히 | Simply |
깨끗이 | Clean or neatly |
꾸준히 | Untiringly, ceaselessly |
살짝 | (1) softly,lightly,just a little (2) furtively, stealthily |
약간 | Somewhat |
단지 | Simple, merely |
잔뜩 | extremely,to the utmost |
어쩌면 | (1) it is possible that 아마도 2) how on earth, how the hell |
어쩐지 | (1) somehow, in a strange way ; (2) in combination with an ending giving a reason to place stress on the action of the verb |
겨우 | Barely or narrowly. 간신히 |
흔히 | Generally, commonly ; often |
내지 | From A to B |
피로하다 | To be fatigued, weary |
소용없다 | To be useless |
연하다 | Tender, soft, mild |
우울하다 | To be melancholy, gloomy |
이르다 | Be early, premature |
불행하다 | Do not permit |
친하다 | To be intimate, familiar, close, friendly |
진하다 | Be dark, deep |
조심스럽다 | Cautious |
영원하다 | To be eternal |
안전하다 | To be safe |
어색하다 | To be awkward, shy with words, speechless |
평범하다 | Plain, average |
신선하다 | Fresh |
적당하다 | To be appropriate |
솔직하다 | frankness,candidness |
완벽하다 | Perfect |
급하다 | Be urgent or pressing or iminent |
편안하다 | To be peaceful |
편리하다 | To be convenient, handy |
순수하다 | To be pure |
불안하다 | To be uneasy, anxious |
행복하다 | To be happy |
약하다 | To be weak |
불편하다 | To be unpleasant |
특별하다 | To be special, extraordinary |
충분하다 | To be sufficient, ample |
확실하다 | To be sure, certain |
편하다 | Untroubled from cares |
수많다 | Many and many |
당연하다 | Be natural, be no wonder |
간단하다 | To be simple |
자유롭다 | To be free |
부족하다 | Be short of, lack |
좁다 | Narrow |
심각하다 | seriousness,gravity |
정확하다 | To be exact |
자연스럽다 | To be natural |
심하다 | To be extreme,intense |
이상하다 | To be strange,queer |
다양하다 | To be various, diverse |
귀엽다 | To be cute |
그러하다 | To be so or right |
굵다 | Be thick or fat |
괴롭다 | Be painful or distressing |
곱다 | Beautiful |
고르다 | Flat or even |
걱정스럽다 | Anxious or uneasy |
검다 | Black or dark |
가난하다 | Poor |
가늘다 | Thin or fine or slender |
가득하다 | To fill |
하얗다 | White |
푸르다 | To be blue, to be green |
불쌍하다 | To be deplorable |
부끄럽다 | Be shameful,disgraceful |
부드럽다 | soft,tender |
부럽다 | Be enviable |
밤늦다 | It is late at night |
바르다 | Be straight; be honest |
밉다 | Be detestable |
무섭다 | fearful,dreadful |
멋있다 | stylish,tasteful |
더럽다 | Foul, dirty |
답답하다 | Feel anxious |
대단하다 | Considerable, grand |
놀랍다 | To be surprising |
느리다 | Be slow, tardy |
노랗다 | Be yellow |
낡다 | Clear |
깊다 | Deep |
기쁘다 | To be happy |
그립다 | Beloved or sweet or affectionate |
그만하다 | Be about the same or be neither better nor worse |
궁금하다 | To wonder or be curious about |
자랑스럽다 | To be proud |
잘생기다 | To be handsome |
부르다 | To be full |
까맣다 | Black |
어둡다 | To be dark, dim, gloomy |
어리다 | To be very young, juvenile |
얇다 | To be thin |
얕다 | To be shallow, superficial |
안되다 | To refuse to accept |
안타깝다 | To be heart-breaking |
알맞다 | To fit, be fitting, suitable |
쓰다 | Bitter (vegetables) |
씩씩하다 | Be brave,valiant |
아무렇지 않다 | To be indifferent, casually |
시끄럽다 | To be noisy,boisterous |
세다 | To be strong, mighty |
서투르다 | unskilled,clumsy |
빨갛다 | deep-red,crimson |
사랑스럽다 | Lovely |
사이좋다 | Be on good terms with |
붉다 | Be red, scalet |
불가능하다 | Impossible |
훌륭하다 | To be excellent |
옳다 | To be right, correct |
외롭다 | To be lonely, lonesome |
희다 | White, fair |
튼튼하다 | Solid, compact, firm |
파랗다 | To be blue |
커다랗다 | To be very big/large |
착하다 | To be nice |
짙다 | Be dark, dense |
차갑다 | Cold |
조그맣다 | Be tiny,small |
젊다 | To be young,youthful |
저렇다 | Such a thing as that |
틀림없다 | No mistaking it |
부지런하다 | Be diligent |
익숙하다 | To become accustomed to |
활발하다 | Be lively, sprightly |
강하다 | To be strong or powerful |
낫다 | Superior |
단순하다 | Be simple-minded |
엉뚱하다 | Be extraordinary, extravagant ; to misdirect somebody`s attention |
우수하다 | to be superior,excellent |
싱겁다 | Taste flat, have no flavor |
낯설다 | To be unfamiliar with, to be a stranger to ( a person) |
흐리다 | Cloudy (weather) |
화려하다 | Splendor, magnificence of a display, a look |
차다 | cold,chilly |
줄 | way,method |
년도 | Year |
톤 | A ton |
모양 | signs,indications |
번째 | How many times |
무렵 | The time when |
뿐 | only,alone,merely |
엔 | Yen (japanese) |
부 | A department, a part |
법 | A way, a method |
밀리미터 | Millimeter |
년대 | Year |
만큼 | Of that amount |
말 | End |
녀석 | Fellow |
데 | Place, point, instance |
대 | 1) Versus 2)a pair, counterpart |
그램 | Gram |
군 | Mr. |
군데 | A place or spot |
간 | The interval between |
편 | Compilation, editing |
외 | Except, save for |
인분 | How many people counter for at restaurants |
호선 | The track number for a train |
터 | one’s status, one’s lot |
통 | Counters for letters |
킬로 | Kilo |
킬로그램 | Kilogram |
킬로미터 | Kilometer |
지 | since,from |
적 | The time,the occasion,when |
식 | form,style |
점 | a spot, a blemish |
가지 | One of the kind or a sort |
거리 | Materials |
중 | The center, the middle |
초 | Initial, in the beginning, first |
초 | A second |
오랜 | For a long time |
온 | All, whole, entire |
옛 | Old, ancient |
서너 | About three, three or four |
몇몇 | Several |
별 | Classified by |
몇십 | In the tens |
맨 | bare,naked |
만 | Just, full |
단 | Only one, alone |
그런 | Such a |
각 | Each or every |
한두 | One or two |
헌 | Old, shabby, worn-out |
저런 | Such a, that sort of |
두세 | Two or three (months) |
첫 | First |
약 | About, approximately |
도쿄(동경) | Tokyo |
경상도 | Kyung-San-Do province (ulsan or kyungju) |
종로 | Famous street in Seoul |
대구 | Daegu city |
인천공항 | Incheon international airport |
뉴욕 | New york |
아프리카 | Africa |
유럽 | Europe |
대전 | Daejon city |
저희 | We |
무어 | What? 무엇 |
너희 | You guys |
당신 | Formal you |
자기 | Oneself, number one, numerouno, self |
억 | One hundred million |
한둘 | One or two |
갖다 | Possess |
죽다 | Lose your spirit |
나다 | To come out, grow, spring up |
들다 | Means continuing the main verb’s action ; to enter/go into ; to hold, to carry |
어때 | What do you think? |
쟤 | That kid |
어떡하다 | To take some measures, to manage somehow |
얘 | Sonny, you there |
그래도 | All the same |
걔 | Child |
저렇게 | Like that |
이렇게 | In this way |
그렇게 | And so. like that |
무 | Radish |