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6000 intermediate ko

6000 intermediate korean

풍경 Landscape, scenery
정리 arrangment,regulation,adjustment
시아버지 one’s husband’s father
학생증 Student identification
복습 Reviewing
성함 Your (his) esteemed name
세탁소 Laundromat
청소기 A vacuum cleaner
필통 Pencil case
인삼차 Ginseng tea
초록색 Green
축구공 A soccer ball
녹차 Green tea
만두 Chinese dumplings
주차 Parking
홍차 Tea, black tea
연세 Age, years of age
생신 A birthday
우표 A postage stamp
독일어 German
장갑 A pair of gloves
중국집 Chinese restaurant
지하도 Underground road
소포 A parcel,package
손녀 Granddaughter
책방 Reading room
여직원 Female employee
평일 A weekday
국립 Government established
농구 Basketball
재작년 The year before last
선풍기 A fan
존댓말 Respectful speech
초보자 A beginner, neophyte
이발소 barber’s shop
정거장 A railroad station
명함 Name card
시부모 one’s husband’s parents
점심때 Lunchtime
초보 Initial, first steps
섭씨 Celsius
시외 Outside the city, suberbs
양배추 Cabbage
여고생 Female high school student
카운터 Counter, where you pay
부잣집 Rich man’s house
사진기 Camera
송편 Rice cake steemed over pine needles
인사말 Words of greeting
자판기 Vending machine
강당 A lecture hall
고모부 The husband of one’s paternal aunt
녹음 Recording
인상 Look, personal appearance
점원 A shop-assistant
찻잔 A teacup
사계절 The four seasons
여대생 Female college student
외할머니 A maternal grandmother
음악가 A musician
인삼 Ginseng
한국적 Korean (adjective)
환영 Welcome
간식 Snack
박스 Box
수돗물 Tap water
일등 First class, first class/grade
할인 A discount
국기 The national flag
복사 Reproduction
성별 Sex distinction
세탁 Laundry
일기 The weather
저번 Last time, the other day
정답 The right answer
답장 An answer
욕실 A bathroom,a bath
A cow
책가방 Bookbag
가구 Furniture
엽서 A postcard
이혼 Divorce
일회용 For one time use
전화기 Telephone receiver
차남 one’s second eldest son
환갑 one’s 60th anniversary
교포 A Korean living abroad
배달 Delivery
번역 Translation
권투 Boxing or K1
수학 Pursuit of knowledge
외삼촌 An uncle on one’s mother’s side
음료수 Drinking water
교문 A school gate
기도 A prayer
여행사 Travel agency
유학생 A foreign student
가요 A song
감상 Appreciation
공짜 Free
수년 Several years
숙소 one’s address
신호등 Signal light, blinker
입원 Hospitalization
졸업생 A graduate
친절 Kindness, goodness
침실 Bedroom
가위 Scissors
고속 High speed
새끼 Baby animal
초밥 Japanese vinegared rice vegetables
출구 An exit
출입문 Door for exiting and entering
미인 A beautiful girl
반지 Ring
산속 The heart of a mountain
식초 Vinegar
야외 The fields, the outskirts
축하 Congratulation, celebration
Soup or broth
중요 importance,consequence
금연 Prohibition of smoking
사무 Office work
회화 Conversations, talk
귀국 Returning to one’s home country
목욕탕 A bathhouse
고장 A district or producing area
퇴근 Leaving one’s office, coming home from work
시청 City hall
신문사 Newspaper company
피시 PC, personal computer
봉지 Bag
비서 Secretary
여관 A hotel, an inn
주사 A shot, an injection
낙엽 Fallen dead leaves
외출 Going out, an outing
자가용 For personal/family use
신문지 Newspaper paper
주차장 Parking lot
외교관 A diplomat
도자기 Porcelain
영하 Below zero
강도 A robber or burglar
유명 fame,celebrity status
Season (the 4)
취직 Employment, getting a job
연휴 Consecutive holidays
태풍 Typhoon
가짜 Fake
식빵 Bread
운전자 The driver
유리창 A window which uses glass
위층 The upper floor
남매 Brother and sister
안주 Appetizers for alcohol
인형 A doll
전철 An electric railway
좌석 A seat
출근 Going to work
그대로 Like that
괜히 In vain or useless or fruitless, for a stupid reason
달리다 run, make do fast
방문 A door of a room
소설가 Novelist
유학 Confucianism
향수 A perfume
단점 A weak point
녹색 Green
악수 Handshake
호수 A lake
정문 The front gate,main entrance
체중 Body weight
포장 packing,wrapping
현관 The porch, the entrance
줄기 A trunk, stem, stalk
각각 Each and every
독서 Reading
규칙적 Be regular or systematic
수염 Beard
장남 The eldest son
포도주 Grape wine
이러하다 Be this way, be like follows
대도시 Large city
신입생 A new student
일으키다 Riase, get up; start, commence
저축 savings,saving
증세 Symptoms, a patient’s condition
Line, row, chord
회색 Gray
고교 High school
고치다 To fix, amend, change
성인 An adult
준비물 Stuff that needs to be prepared
출입 Coming and going
수학 Mathematics
시어머니 one’s husband’s mother
시집 one’s husband’s home/family
미술관 Fine arts museum
고장 Broken
부탁 request,favor
상자 A box,case
점수 marks,the number of marks
통장 A bankbook (check register)
경기장 Sports stadium or a sports field
월급 Monthly salary
유행 Fashion, vogue
전공 Specialty
학원 Learning institute
소개 Introduction
애인 A lover
일기 A diary, journal
계산기 Calculator
화분 Flower pot
갈색 Brown
반찬 Sie dishes
지점 A spot, point
대학원 Graduate school
문장 writing,composition
변호사 Lawyer
유리 A glass pane
형부 A husband of a girl’s older sister
금년 This year
야채 Vegetables
전부 All, everything
손자 Grandson
신랑 A bridegroom
화가 A painter, a drawer artist
교환 An exchange
국어 1) The national language or 2) Korean
악기 Musical instrument
연말 The end, close of the year
피로 Fatigue, exhaustion
박수 Applause
부자 A rich person
수표 A check
흥미 interest,zeal
채소 vegetables,greens
강물 River water
서류 documents,papers
요청 request,demand,claim
사원 Company employee
욕심 Greed, selfishness
우승 First place
보고 report,information
사용자 A user,consumer,employer
긍정적 Affirmation or admission
각국 Each country
다수 A great number
덕분 Indebtedness
조각 Sculpture
해석 Interpretation, a comment
농담 A joke
담임 Charge, duty
도중 On the way
신호 A signal,signaling
출발 To start (a journey,trip)
지구 A district,region
유학 Studying abroad
정치적 Political
승용차 A passenger car
장점 A merit,strong point
진출 An advance
확인 A check,confirmation
임시 Temporary, special
봉투 Envelope
추억 Memory
향기 fragrance,aroma,perfume
현지 The actual place, the very spot
개인적 Private or personal
소주 Korean sake
유교 Confucianism
일상 Everyday, usual, ordinary
장래 The future
중요성 importance,gravity
과학적 Scientifically
거실 Living room
부작용 reaction,side effect
이상 An ideal, a goal
과목 A subject or a lesson
산소 Oxygen
석유 Petroleum
책임자 Person responsible
정식 Formality, due form
최선 The best, one’s best
건축 Construction or building or erection
보고서 Report
식용유 Food oil
금지 Forbidden or prohibitted
역사적 Historical
열차 Train
학습 Learning, education
복도 A corridor
학기 An educational term
목사 A pastor
양쪽 Both sides
후배 one’s junior
휴가 holidays,vacation
경제적 Economical
시청자 TV audience member
종업원 waiter/waitress
전통적 Traditional
친척 Relatives
부처 Buddha
온도 Temperature
진짜 Real
창밖 Outside the window
이틀 Two days
성적 A result,grade
예절 propriety,decorum
인상 Impression, imprint
전체적 entirely,generally
절반 Half
대기업 Big enterprise
매력 fascination,charm, bewitchery
보험 guarantee,insurance
부장 Head of a department
심리 A mental state
계약 Contract
신청 application,request
기온 Temperature
선택 A choice
역사가 Historian
연구자 Researcher
살리다 1) revive, bring around, restore to life 2) save,spare,rescue
대문 A big gate
시내 The city
외교 Diplomacy
전자 An electron
현금 Cash, ready funds, not a credit card
명령 An order,command
반장 Squad leader
부근 neighborhood,vicinity
신용 confidence,trust
정신적 Mental
증상 Symptoms
강제 Compulsion or coercion
신부 Bride
요금 A rate, a fare
용돈 Pocket money, money for expenses
음료 A beverage, a drink
제한 limits,bounds
집중 Concentration
청년 A young man, a youth
배우 Actor
자격 Qualification
계단 A staircase or a set of stairs
본래 originally,primarily
세금 Tax
입구 Entrance
적극 The positive
최소한 Atleast
위반 Violation, infringment
촬영 Photographing, taking pictures/films
규칙 Rules or regulations
잠시 For a little while
호랑이 A tiger
형제 Brothers and sisters
세계적 International
안전 Safety
양파 An onion
이상 Indisposition, abnormal
만화 Cartoons
불안 uneasiness,anxiety
여유 reserve,surplus
파도 Waves, billows
방송국 Broadcasting station
예금 Deposit money
입학 Admission into school
해결 Solution, settlement
행복 Happiness
근로자 Laborer
순서 sytem,order,sequence
연구소 A reasearch institute
이사 House-moving
이하 Less than, below
토론 A debate, discussion
고급 High rank or first class
고생 A hard life or privation
정상 The top, summit
화장품 Makup, cosmetics
고모 A paternal aunt
공무원 Public servant
부족 lack,want (scarcity, insufficiency)
총장 The president, the chancellor (university’s)
방문 A visit
불만 Dissatisfaction
숫자 A figure,number
계산 Calculation
사회적 Socially
주부 A wife
태양 The sun
부족 A tribe
습관 Habit
고민 Worry or anguish
상처 Wound
대표적 Representative
만일 If, suppose
예술가 An artist
고객 Customer
과학자 Scientist
수술 Surgery
식품 Groceries
회원 A member of a society
상상 Imagination
이용 To use
A breath
문제점 The point at issue
충격 An impact, a shock
미술 art,the fine arts
치료 Medical treatment, medical care
임신 Pregnant
부동산 Real estate
직업 An occupation, calling
검사 Investigation or inspection or examination or audit
소문 A rumor
제목 A subject, theme
희망 Hope, wish
군대 Troops or an army
실수 A mistake
최대 The greatest, the largest
평소 Ordinary times, ordinarily
주택 A house
농촌 A farm village
이외 Except, apart from
기대 Expectation
이익 Profit
공기 Air
전문가 A specialist
무용 dancing,a dance
해외 Abroad, foreign countries
비밀 A secret
공사 Construction work or engineering work
박사 Doctor
주인공 The head of a family, the hero/heroine
형님 The respectful, proper way a man refers to an older friend
일반적 Universal, general
적극적 Positively
기초 The foundation
종합 Synthesis
신체 The body
발표 Announcement
수출 Exporting sth
비용 Expense
원래 originally,primarily
직원 Staff
피부 Skin
장군 A general
무역 Trade
만약 If
특별 Be special, extraordinary
업무 Buisness, duty
청소년 Young boys and girls, teenagers
선배 one’s senior
소년 A boy
소식 News, information
사용 use,emply
경영 Management or administration
목표 goal,object
임금 Wages, pay
직장 one’s work place
서양 The Western countries
주요 The major, the chief thing
공연 A public performance
종류 kind,sort,species
고통 Suffering or agony
예정 A program, schedule
전문 A specialty
이해 Understanding
보호 protection,shelter
공동 Association or union or collaboration
소녀 A young girl
상품 Product
전통 tradition,convention
위치 A position, a location
가격 Price
통신 communications,correspondance
기계 An instrument or a machine
기본 A foundation
감정 Feelings
기억 A memory
인기 Popularity
관리 Management or administration
이전 Former days/times
국제 International
인생 Life
대중 The masses
각종 All sorts or varieties
특징 A special feature, a distinguishing feature
선수 An athlete
지구 The earth
소비자 A consumer
기준 A standard or basis
경기 Race or match or contest
목적 goal,purpose
태도 attitude,comportment
남성 Male
주위 The circumference,the girth
자유 Freedom
책임 Responsibility
사고 An accident
일반 universal,common,usual
가정 Famly
농업 Agriculture
대신 Instead of
재산 property,fortune, assets, possessions
공장 Construction site
시민 Residents of a city
회장 Chariman, the president
기자 A journalist
통일 Unification
시설 establishment,institution
주변 A circumference
경험 Experience or undergo or suffer
최고 The best
소설 A novel, fiction story
질서 Order, system
과거 The past
현대 The present age, times
차이 difference,disparity
시절 season,time,occasion
개인 Private or individual
작가 writer,author
효과 Effect, effectiveness
불교 Buddhism
제품 Manufactured goods
표현 Verbal expression, representation, manifestation
순간 A moment,a second
전쟁 War
방송 Broadcast
대표 Representative
가능성 Possibility
방향 Direction
대회 A great meeting
경제 Economy
노력 Effort
단체 A corps, a group
가능하다 To be possible
자식 one’s children
자료 materials,data
분위기 atmosphere,surroundings
정보 information,intelligence
역할 A part, a role
행동 Action, behavior
국내 Inside the country
모양 A shape, form
조건 condition,stipulation
대부분 Most
표정 Facial expression, look
일부 A part, a portion
세기 Century
발전 Development
관련 Relation or connection or reference
정신 mind,spirit
기술 Art or technique or ability
전체 The whole, the entire section
조사 investigation,inquiry
과학 Science
자연 Nature
결국 After all or in the end
지방 A locality, district
환경 Environment
부분 part,portion
변화 Change, transformation
중심 The nucleus, the focus, the heart
활동 Activity
관심 Concern or interest
광고 Advertisement
연구 Research
이유 Reason
세상 The world,society
이후 After that
문학 Literature
이상 More than, above
교육 Education
예술 Art, an art
결과 Result
내용 Contents
의미 A meaning, a sense
정치 Politics
국민 The people or a nationality
세계 World
대통령 The president
국가 A state or a nation
여성 Female
지역 An area, region
방법 Way, method
대하다 Face, confront
사회 culture,society
경우 A case or an instance
문화 culture
정도 grade,degree
시대 An age,period
한잔 A drink of liquor
하얀색 White
가스 Gas
간장 Soy sauce
갈비탕 Beef-rib soup
고추장 Red pepper paste
건너편 The opposite side
그중 Among the rest of them
노래방 Singing room
밤중 Midnight
설렁탕 Beef soup with rice
술병 A bottle of alcohol
술잔 A glass for alcohol
손수건 A handkerchief
안방 The inner room
쓰레기통 Garbage can
아래층 Lower floor
까만색 Black
옆방 The room next door
오래전 Since a long time before
뒷산 The back side of a mountain
장가 To get married
지난번 Last time
홈페이지 Homepage
공중전화 A public payphone
가루 Powder or flour; meal
가슴속 one’s heart feelings
가이드 Guide
한동안 For quite a while
한숨 A breath
한쪽 On one side
Blood (is flowing)
필름 Film
하루 A day
하품 Yawning
포스터 Poster
Width; range
Glue (spread the ~)
Grass (cut the ~)
프로 Professional
프로 Program
프로그램 Program
플라스틱 Plastic
패션 Fashion
한참 For some time, for a while
국회의원 A member of the national Assembly
An army
교통사고 Traffic accident
곳곳 Everywhere
공항버스 Bus to the airport
고개 The nape of the neck
고구마 Sweet potato
고속도로 Freeway or highway with no street lights
고속버스 Bus for the freeway
고춧가루 Red pepper powder
골목 A side street or alley
골목길 An alley
골프 Golf
골프장 Golf course
Fear or fright
겨울철 The winter season
Neighborhood or vicinity
거짓 Fabrication or fiction
거짓말 A lie or falsehood
걸음 Walking or stepping or a step
감자 Potato
강아지 Puppy
개구리 Frog
개나리 A forsythia or a golden-bell tree
가죽 The skin or hide or leather
고추 Red pepper
가까이 Close
A man
The south
껍질 Skin or nutshell
꼭대기 The top
꽃잎 A petal
꿈속 In a dream
나물 Herbs, wild greens
나비 Butterfly
기침 Coughing
기타 Guitar
길가 The roadside
길이 Length or extent
깊이 Depth
까닭 Reason
기름 Oil or fat
기쁨 Joy or delight
그룹 Group
그림자 A shadow or a sillheoute or an image
그해 That year
그늘 1) shade 2)parental prodection
그다음 Next
구멍 A hole
국물 soup or broth or gravy
국수 Noodles
대중교통 Mass transportation
대중문화 Pop culture
대학교수 University professor
더위 The heat
도둑 A thief, a burglar
담요 A blanket
닷새 Five days
당근 A carrot
다이어트 Diet
단맛 A sweet taste
달걀 An egg
달빛 Moonlight
놀이 Play, game
놀이터 Playground
눈빛 The glitter of one’s eyes
눈썹 The eyebrow
눈앞 Before one’s eyes
느낌 Touch, feel
냄비 A pot
냄새 Smell
너머 Beyond, on the other side
네거리 Crossroads
나흘 Four days
낚시 Fishing
날개 The wings
몸살 Flu aches and pains
무게 Weight
무늬 Pattern
무더위 High humidity
무릎 A knee
메시지 Message
며느리 Daughter-in-law
모기 A mosquito
모니터 Monitor
모델 Model
모래 Sand
모레 The day after tomorrow
모습 shape,body
모임 A group, a party
목걸이 Necklace
목소리 Voice
머릿속 Inside one’s head
마늘 Garlic
마사지 Massage
마을 Town
마음속 Deep in one’s heart
마중 Meeting, reception
마찬가지 The same
막내 The lastborn
만남 A meeting
도시락 Lunchbox lunch
도움 Help
버섯 Mushroom
버터 Butter
버튼 Button
벌레 A bug
A law, the law
벨트 Belt
A wall
발목 Ankle
밤낮 Night and day, always
밥그릇 A rice bown
밥맛 Appetite
A field, farm
배드민턴 Badminton
바깥 Outside
바늘 A needle, pin
바닥 Floor
바닷가 The beach
바닷물 Sea water
바보 Ignorant
바위 A rock, a crag
바이올린 Violin
받침 Support, prop
발가락 A toe
물고기 Fish
물속 Inside the water
물음 A question
미디어 Media
미팅 Meeting
믿음 Belief
밀가루 Flour
몸무게 Body weight
생활환경 Life environment
서랍 A drawer
서비스 Service
A prize
빨래 washing,laundry
A bone
뿌리 A root
사위 environment,surroundings
블라우스 Blouse
비타민 Vitamin
빌딩 Building
A comb
빗물 Rainwater
세로 Length
불꽃 flame,blaze,spark
볶음밥 Frizzled rice
볼일 business,errand,engagement
부끄러움 shame,disgrace
보람 worth,result
배추 Chinese cabbage
시골 Countryside
시내버스 Inner-city bus
시리즈 Series
술자리 A banquet
술집 Bar of some kind
스님 A priest
스스로 By oneself, do it alone
스웨터 Sweater
속옷 Underwear
손목 The wrist
손바닥 The palm
손발 Hand and foot; the limbs
손뼉 The flat of one’s hand
손잡이 A handle,knob
손톱 Fingernail
송아지 A calf,baby cow
송이 A bunch,cluster
소나기 A sudden rain shower
소나무 A pine tree
소리 A sound,noise
소스 Sauce
소시지 Sausage
설거지 Dishwashing
설날 New Year’s Day
새벽 dawn,daybreak
새소리 Bird voice,”chirp”
새우 lobster,shrimp
새해 A new year
액세서리 Accessory
양념 Spices and condiments
아픔 Pain
안쪽 The inside, the inner part
An egg, spawn (fish)
앞길 The road ahead, outlook
앞뒤 Before and behind
Seeds (sow)
씨름 Wrestling
아가씨 Mis, young lady
아나운서 Announcer
An island
아래쪽 The lower part, the bottom
아무것 Anything
아버님 Father (respectful word)
심부름 Errand
Uncooked rice
스케이트 Skate
스케줄 Schedule
스키장 Place to ski
스타 Star
스타일 Style
오징어 Cuttlefish, squid
오피스텔 Office hotel (studio apt)
옥수수 Corn
온몸 The whole body
노랫소리 A singing voice
옆집 The house next door
옛날이야기 An old story
오늘날 These days, nowadays
오랫동안 For a long time
오븐 Oven
열흘 Ten days
에너지 Energy
엘리베이터 Elevator
A woman, a girl
여기저기 Here and there
여름철 Summertime
어둠 Darkness
어려움 difficulty,hardship
어머님 Mother (respectful word)
어젯밤 Last night
얼음 Ice
앞쪽 The front, the fore part
줄무늬 A stripe
조카 Nephew
종이컵 A paper cup
접시 A plate,platter
Feeling of attachment
저녁때 Evening time
The enemy
전기밥솥 Electric rice cooker
잠옷 Pajamas
A chapter in a book
장난감 A toy
장마 The rainy spell in the summer
장사 trade,business
발등 The instep of the foot
잔치 banquet,feast
밥솥 Pressure cooker for rice
불빛 Fire light
상추 Lettuce
오이 Cucumber
A tower
치즈 Cheese
카레 Curry
카페 Cafe (place to drink coffee)
캠퍼스 Campus
커튼 Curtain
추위 Cold
참기름 Sesame oil
채널 Channel
챔피언 Champion
Quality, character
집안 Inside the house
Something you do
짜증 Annoyance
A side, direction
지붕 A roof
진달래 Azalea
즐거움 pleasure,merriment
지난해 Last year
주머니 Pocket
주먹 Fist
Rice porridge
해외여행 Foreign travel
햇빛 Sunshine, sunlight
햇살 The rays of the sun
파리 A fly
파일 File
일상생활 Everyday (daily) life
길거리 A street
일회용품 A product to be used only once
탤런트 Talent
터널 Tunnel
터미널 Terminal
The chin
Hair; fur, feathers
테스트 Test
테이프 Tape
토마토 Tomato
A tub, a cask
코끼리 An elephant
코너 Corner
코피 A nose bleed
콘서트 Concert
콤플렉스 Complex
A bean
콩나물 Bean soup
크기 Size, dimensions
큰소리 A loud voice, loudly
이곳저곳 Everywhere
이날 Today, this day
월드컵 World cup
웨이터 Waiter
웬일 What cause, what reason
위아래 Up and down
위쪽 The upper direction
우리말 Korean (language)
Fortune, luck, fate
운전기사 The driver
울음 crying,weeping
웃어른 one’s elders
웃음 Laughter, a smile
원숭이 A monkey
원피스 (one-piece) a dress
와인 Wine
왼발 The right foot
왼손 The right hand
요새 recently,lately
인터넷 Internet
인터뷰 Interview
올림픽 Olympic
이미지 Image
이불 Bedding, bed clothes
이웃 The neighborhood
이웃집 The neighbor’s house
이튿날 The second day after
The tongue
입술 The lips
earth,the soil
횡단보도 Crossing
The outer surface
후춧가루 Ground pepper
이것저것 This and that, one thing and another
슬픔 Sorrow
이마 Forehead
싸움 A fight
이성 Reason, reasoning
첫날 The first day
취소 Cancellation, anulment
전국 The whole country
수상 The prime minister
즉시 At once,immediately
머리카락 Headhair
미래 Future
칭찬 Praide, admiration
최근 Recently
찬물 Cold water
기운 Strength or might (the strength you feel you have on that particular day)
오른발 The right foot
오른손 The right hand
높이 Height (noun)
식물 food,provisions
자동 self-acting, self-moving, automatic
예약 Pre-engagement, reservation
결정 A decision or determination
출장 A business trip
긴장 Tension
이동 movement,migration,drift
큰길 main/principal road
큰일 An important affair, a serious matter
나뭇잎 Tree leaves
나뭇가지 A tree branch
젊은이 Young person
먼지 Dust
배경 Background
배구 Volleyball
배꼽 The navel
하숙집 Dormitory, boarding house
수화기 Telephone receiver
센터 Center
words, a verse
글씨 1) Handwriting 2) a letter or an ideograph or a character
글자 A letter or a character
글쓰기 Writing
여우 Fox
A sort,kind,species
종교 religion,a faith
구체적 Concretely
미소 Smile
가지 Eggplant
발생 1) Birth 2) development
인원 The number of persons
비교 A comparison
유치원 Kindergarten
운동복 Exercise clothes
신고 A statement,declaration
맞다 receive,welcome (note, usually this is 맞히다)
메모 Memo
메일 Mail
A family name,surname
성공 success,achievement
의견 An opinion,a suggestion
Bow in salutation
A Buddhist temple
과장 The department/section head
창고 A warehouse,storehouse
자신 Self-confidence
자신 one’s own self, one\'s own body
노인 Old person
이모 A maternal aunt
사자 A lion
사실 The truth, a fact
감동 Agitate or stir up the emotions
행사 An event, a function
신혼부부 Newlyweds
신혼여행 the honeymoon (the trip after the wedding)
어린애 A youngster, a child
어린아이 A youngster, a child
어린이날 Children’s Day (may 5th)
실패 Failure
Seaweed, laver
김치찌개 Spicy cabbage soup
주제 Subject, theme, topic
상대 counterpart,companion,rival
상대방 Conversation partner
연기 Smoke, fume
연기 performance,acting
각자 Each one or every one
예전 Old days, former days
공간 Space or room
실내 In the room
실력 one’s real ability,talent
티셔츠 T-shirts
연락처 a way to make contact (usually means a phone number)
A baby, or a slightly derogative word for person
조상 Ancestors
수입 Income
수입 Importing sth
도로 A road, way
Honey or nectar
기사 An article or an account
기사 Technician
명절 Festival days
전날 The day before, the day prior
속도 Speed
식구 Members of a family, your immediate family members (those you live with, preferably)
저자 A writer,author
능력 Ability, capability, how much and how well
차례 (1) order,precedence (2) one time, one round
도구 Tool, instrument
반대 Opposite and being opposed to (objecting to)
합격 Success in an examination
노동자 Laborer, worker
토끼 A rabbit
과제 A subject or a thesis or homework; an exercise/a problem
중간 In the middle
교류 Interchange (cultural) ; alternating current (electrical)
체육 Physical education
성격 Personality ; character, nature
관광객 A tourist
관광지 Tourist area
최초 In the very first, in the beginning
자체 one’s own body
민족 race,nation,people
재채기 sneeze,sneezing
평화 Peace
가로 Width or breadth
관객 Spectator
관계 Connection or relation
관광 Sightseeing or tourism
전기 Electricity
이빨 A tooth
검정색 A large sum of money
종일 All day, throughout the whole day
맞은편 The other side of THIS IS ONE WORD
마루 A wooden floor, floor, flooring
삼촌 An uncle (usually on the father\'s side)(외삼촌 a brother of the wife, an uncle on the mother\'s side)
사촌 a cousin
정원 Garden
기간 A period or a time or
일정 To be fixed, settled, regular
기회 An opportunity
초청장 An invitation (card)
사업 Business
논문 Dissertations , an academic paper (these are 2 separate meanings)
재료 stuff,material
베개 A pillow
치과 A dentist
인간 A person, a human being
인구 Population
시인 A poet
영상 Above zero
A fan, an enthusiast
팬티 Panties (male and female underwear)
죽음 Death
버릇 Habit
Luggage ; what is on a person
농사 Farming
약간 Some, a little
장학금 Scholarship
평생 A lifetime
단지 A public apt complex
비닐 a thin sheet of plastic, vinyl
비닐봉지 Plastic bag
당장 On the spot, immediately
오리 Duck
나머지 The rest, the remainder ; as a result of the excess of, as a result
근무 Duty or service or work
예상 Expectation, anticipation; forecast, preconception, prenotion
햇볕 Sunbeams, sunlight
발견 Discovery
발달 Development, growth
판단 A judgment, a conclusion
판매 Sale, selling
사물 objects,things
으응 Ugh!
Sound you make to express doubt,worry
아이 Oh my god!
아이고 Oh my god!
아뇨 No, nay
아니 No!
아니야 No, that’s not the case
아아 Oh-oh!
그렇지 So it is or that is right
Yes, i see!
여보 Spouse (term of affection)
Holy cow!
어머 Oh my god!
Oh, ah!
In reality
글쎄 Now or well or let me see
글쎄요 Now or well or let me see
(Word to get somebody’s attention) Hey!! (2) impolite speech for 이다, to be
발달하다 To advance
예매하다 Advance purchase
주차하다 To park
발음하다 Pronounce
복습하다 To review
이혼하다 To get divorced
외출하다 To go out (of doors)
취하다 To be drunk
실수하다 To make a mistake
화나다 Get angry
우승하다 To take first place
퇴근하다 To go home from work
취하다 To adopt, assume, take
복사하다 reproduce,copy
사과하다 To apologize
녹음하다 To record
이사하다 To move house
대화하다 To converse
소문나다 A rumor starts
기억나다 To memorize
염려하다 To worry, be anxious about
입원하다 To enter a hospital
절약하다 To economize
수출하다 To export
구하다 Rescue a person
도망가다 Make a go for it, escape
만족하다 To be content
준비되다 To be ready
주문하다 To order, to request
출근하다 To go to work
심해지다 Become deep and serious
양보하다 To make a concession, recede
후회하다 To regret
유행하다 To be in fashion, to be popular
안내하다 To lead the way
뵈다 Contraction of 보이다
계획하다 Plan or make a project
금지하다 To restrain or prohibit
한잔하다 To drink a glass of liquor
병들다 Get sick
표시하다 To make a sign, display
감상하다 To show appreciation
반복하다 To repeat
입학하다 To enter/be admitted into a school
긴장하다 To become tense
치료하다 To cure, heal, treat a patient
결심하다 To resolve or be determined
소개되다 To be introduced,presented
귀국하다 To return to one’s home country
답하다 Answer, reply
고민하다 Be in anguish or worried
회복하다 To recover, get better, get well again
판매하다 To sell
반하다 To be contrary to
제출하다 To submit,tender
부탁하다 Ask sb a favor
정해지다 To be determined, settled
허용하다 To permit, approve, grant, allow
계산하다 To calculate
의심하다 To be suspicious, to doubt
합치다 combine,unite
상상하다 Imagine
이용되다 To be used
확대되다 To be magnified
조심하다 To be careful
활동하다 To be active, lead an active life
당황하다 Be confused
보관하다 Keep in one’s custody
상하다 damage,injure
진행하다 Advance, proceed
생활하다 To live, make a living
축제 a festival
참가하다 To take part in, join
위치하다 To be located
전달하다 To deliver
행동하다 To act, behave
시도하다 To try,attempt
비판하다 To criticize
권하다 1) advise or persuade 2) recommend
연결하다 Connect, attach
전해지다 To be transmitted
확대하다 To enlarge,magnify
출연하다 Appear on stage, act, sing
연결되다 Connect, attach
경험하다 To experience or go through
포함되다 To be included in
얻다 Get, obtain
관찰하다 Observe or view or watch
성공하다 To succeed
변화하다 To change,vary
결정되다 To become decided
방문하다 To visit
참석하다 To attend, take part in
기억하다 To recall or remember
활용하다 Utilize, make practical use of
담기다 Be put food in a bottle or for pickling
발견되다 Be discovered
분석하다 To analyze
연구하다 To research, investigate
관련하다 To be related to or connected to
고르다 Choose or select
제공하다 offer,proffer
사용되다 Be used, be employed
속하다 Belong to, be affiliated with
의미하다 To mean, signify
선택하다 To choose
관련되다 Be connected or related to
기대하다 To expect or look forward to
진행되다 To have progressed, be advanced
기록하다 To record and write down
정리하다 To adjust
포함하다 To include,contain
해결하다 To fix a problem, solve a question
계속하다 To continue
구하다 1) To buy or purchase or 2) look for or seek or want
계속되다 To continue
발전하다 To develop, grow
노력하다 To try hard, strive
원하다 To want
확인하다 To confirm,corroborate
정하다 To set,determine
발견하다 To discover
발표하다 To announce
전하다 To transmit,convey
변하다 Change
표현하다 To express, make known by saying
요구하다 To demand,claim,request
담다 Put in a bottle
강조하다 Place empasis upon
주장하다 To assert,maintain
향하다 To face, look out on
관하다 Refer to or be about
이용하다 To use, make use of
위하다 To do for the sake of
통하다 Run, lead; flow; go through
의하다 To be due to, owing to
갖다 To hold
자라다 To grow up
굽다 To roast or bake
걸리다 To be hung up or suspended
갈아입다 Change one’s clothes
갈아타다 Transfer (bus or subway)
가까워지다 Get closer
가꾸다 1) grow or cultivatea 2) dress oneself up
가리키다 Point to or indicate
가져가다 To take or carry
피다 To bloom ( a flower ~)
펼쳐지다 Stretch, extend away
팔리다 To be in demand, to be sold
펴다 Spread out, unfold
꿈꾸다 To dream
끊다 Cut off or sever
끊어지다 To break off or expire or be done with
끓다 Boil or simmer
끓이다 Boil or heat or make hot
나누다 To divide
나빠지다 To become worse
깨지다 To break
기르다 Educate or train or cultivate
기뻐하다 Be pleased or delighted with
그만두다 Stop or discontinue
그치다 Stop or cease or halt
구경하다 To watch or enjoy watching
견디다 Endure or bear
걱정되다 To become worried
건너가다 To cross or go over (river or street)
건너다 Go over or go across
건너오다 To come across to this side of something
눕다 Lie down
느끼다 To feel
늘다 Increase, gain
늘리다 Increase, multiply
늘어나다 Grow longer
늙다 Grow old
다녀가다 Drop in for a short visit
넓어지다 Get wider
넓히다 Widen
넘다 Cross or go across
넘어가다 Cross or go over
넘어서다 Pass over
넘어지다 Fall down, collapse
넘치다 Overflow
나서다 Come out, come forth
나타나다 Come out, appear
나타내다 Show, display
날아가다 To fly away
날아오다 Come flying
남기다 To leave behind
남다 Remain, be left over
낳다 To give birth
내놓다 Put out, take out
내려놓다 Set or put down
내려다보다 Overlook
꺼내다 To get out or draw out
꺼지다 To go or die out
꾸다 Borrow or loan
꾸미다 Decorate
맡다 Take charge of
머무르다 Stay overnight
마르다 Become dry
마치다 Finish, complete
막다 Stop, obstruct
지나가다 To pass, elapse
흘리다 spill,shed (tears,blood)
흐르다 Flow, stream
흔들다 Shake, sway
흘러가다 flow,run,drift along
흘러나오다 Flow out, run, effuse
이기다 To win
작아지다 Become smaller
웃기다 To be funny
옮기다 Move, transfer (2)(sickness) communicate, transfer to
외우다 Recite from memory
익다 Ripe, be ripe
이뤄지다 To make something for a specific purpose
이르다 To reach, arrive, get at
헤어지다 Part from, part company with
틀다 To twist, wind
틀리다 To be turned, warped 2) go wrong, be mistaken
읽히다 To get a person to read, to get a person to learn
태우다 To take in a car, give a ride to
터뜨리다 Break, burst,explode
털다 To shake off, brush up
켜지다 To become turned on
키우다 To raise, bring up, rear
태우다 Burn, commit to flames
치우다 Straighten up, tidy, remove
커지다 To become bigger
쳐다보다 To look up at
차리다 Make ready,prepare
참다 Bear, endure
찾아가다 To go to a place to meet somebody
찾아내다 To find out, discover
찾아보다 To go meet somebody
찾아오다 To go meet somebody, to go get sth
채우다 To fill up, complete, fulfill
집다 Pick up
짧아지다 To become short
찌다 To put on weight
찌르다 stab,thrust
막히다 Be stopped up
지다 Carry (on the back)
지르다 Holler, yell, scream
지치다 Be exhausted, fatigued
지키다 Protect, maintain
쥐다 To hold,seize
즐거워하다 To enjoy it
즐기다 Enjoy oneself,take pleasure,delight
지나다 pass,elapse,go on
지다 Set (the sun)
지다 To lose (at war, a game)
주무시다 To sleep (respectful word)
죽이다 To kill
줄다 Diminish
졸다 doze,take a nap
좋아지다 To become better
젖다 To be wet, soaked
젓다 To make a sign,gesticulate
적어지다 To become smaller
잠들다 Fall asleep
자라나다 To grow up
자랑하다 To be proud
자르다 cut,chop
잘되다 To turn out well
잘살다 To be affluent, well-off
들려오다 To echo (sound)
뵈다 See (polite)
올라오다 Come up
올려놓다 Put a thing on a place
생겨나다 To begin, germinate
가져다주다 Take something to someone
그려지다 Draw
끄덕이다 Nod
느껴지다 Feel
오가다 Come and go, keep going and coming
오래되다 To last for a long time
열리다 To bear fruit
열리다 Open, be opened, be unlocked
없애다 Remove, get rid of, do away with
없어지다 To lose, get lost
여쭈다 Tell a superior, inform
어두워지다 become/get dark
어리다 one’s eyes dim with tears
어울리다 To be becoming, suiting
얹다 Put on, place, lay, set
얼다 Freeze, be frozen
앞서다 To go before, precede
알려지다 To become known
알리다 To inform, tell a person
알아듣다 To listen and comprehend
앓다 To be ill, sick with sth
썩다 Go bad, rot
썰다 Chip, mince,dice
쏟아지다 To pour out
쓰이다 Be writted
만들어지다 Make, create
씹다 To chew
싣다 To load,take (passengers)
싫어지다 To become distasteful
심다 plant,sow (a tree)
싸다 Wrap in, bundle
쌓다 To pile up
쌓이다 Be piled/heaped up
시키다 To make
식다 To get cold, cool off
슬퍼하다 sorrow,feel sad
숙이다 Lower one’s head
숨다 To be in hiding, to hide oneself
수고하다 To work hard
세우다 Stand up, erect
세워지다 To become erected
소리치다 To shout, yell
섞다 blend,mix
섞이다 To be mixed,blended
살펴보다 Watch closely
빨다 Wash the laundry
빼다 Pull out, extract
뽑다 Pull out, draw
뿌리다 sprinkle,scatter
사라지다 To disappear
붙다 Stick, adhere to
붙이다 affix,put on
비키다 Move aside
빌다 pray,wish,ask
빌리다 To lend
볶다 fry,roast
뵙다 see,meet
부딪치다 Collide with, bump against
부러워하다 envy,be envious of
보이다 see,catch sight of
보이다 show,let see
벌리다 Open, wide
벌어지다 To get serious, enlarge
밝다 To be bright
밝히다 To light up
밟다 Step on
밤새다 To stay up all night
바뀌다 Be changed
바라다 Wish, hope
바르다 Spread, apply
받아들이다 Accept
물다 bite,put in the mouth
미워하다 Dislike
믿다 Believe
밀다 push,shove
몰다 Drive
묶다 bind,tie
멀어지다 Become distant to
멈추다 Stop
모시다 Attend on
모으다 gather,get together
모이다 Meet, assemble
모자라다 To be insufficient
만지다 To touch
많아지다 Become a lot
말씀드리다 Speak (honor.)
맞서다 Stand opposite
맞추다 Adjust, adapt
맡기다 Entrust sb with sth
더하다 Get worse
던지다 To throw
덮다 To cover, veil
데려가다 Take with
데려오다 Go with
데리다 Be accompanied by
닮다 Resemble
담그다 Soak in water
당기다 Pull
닿다 To reach, get to
다치다 To hurt
닫히다 To shut, be closed
달라지다 To change, vary
달려가다 Run, rush, dash
달려오다 Come running
달리다 Hang, be supsended
달아나다 Escape, flee
높아지다 Become high
놓치다 Miss, let slip
누르다 Press or push down
반대하다 Be opposed to
뻗다 Stretch out, extend beyond
취소하다 To cancel, calloff
묻다 to Stain
움직이다 To move, stir
벗기다 Unclothe, undress
높이다 Raise, elevate
결정하다 To decide
논의하다 Discussion
조사하다 To examine,investigate
빠지다 To indulge in, be addicted to
빠지다 To fall into
먹이다 support,feed
먹히다 to be eaten,swallowed
잘못되다 To turn out wrong
잘못하다 To make a mistake
생각나다 To remember
생각되다 To come to think sth
발생하다 Originate, come from
비교하다 To compare
내밀다 To Push out
맞다 Be right, correct; to match, be fitting for
맞다 Be struck,beaten
버리다 Throw away
메다 Put on one’s shoulder
익숙해지다 To become accustomed to
풀리다 To come loose
챙기다 gather,collect, assemble your stuff -- to amass (money, a collection)
끌다 Pull
달다 to attach, fix
실패하다 To fail
쏘다 (1) To shoot (2) to sting, bite (an insect, animal)
연락하다 To contact, get in touch with
다하다 Finish, go through, be exhausted, run out of
수입하다 To import
낫다 to get better (from an illness)
감다 Close
서두르다 To hurry up
벌다 To earn (money) ; (2) to invite, to bring onto oneself
건지다 Take or bring out of the water or 2) rescue a person from danger
무시하다 disregard,ignore ; to be defiant and fail to observe
줄이다 reduce,decrease
개발하다 Develop or exploit or open up to development
마련되다 To be planned and arranged
마련하다 To plan, arrange
고려하다 Regard or respect
적용하다 To apply (sth to sth else)
깨다 Wake up from sleep
깨다 Break or crack
담당하다 Take charge of
삶다 boil,cook (eggs)
미치다 To reach
미치다 Be crazy
줍다 Pick up, gather
가리다 Choose or select
가리다 Pile up or stack up or heap up
잡히다 To be caught ; to extinguish a fire
고생하다 To suffer or to have trials ; to do something you don\'t want to do, 하고 싶자 않은 것
다가가다 To get near to
다가오다 Approach
매다 Tie
바라보다 Look at, watch ; to look forward to, hope for
불리다 To be called
풀다 Untie, loosen ; to melt into
이루다 Accomplish, complete
이루어지다 Get accomplished, achieved
끼다 To put on or wear, to wear (a ring)
끼다 To smoke
어쩌다 By chance, accident
근무하다 Work or labor
벌이다 (1) to plan to start a job/project (2) to play a table game
갈다 Renew or substitute ; same as 바꾸다
갈다 1) sharpen (a blade) 2) rub or chafe 3) make juice in a mixer
놓이다 Be put on sth else (2) to become peaceful
부치다 to send, to post
쏟다 To pour . 붓다
붓다 to pour (water, liquid)
쉬다 to breathe
짓다 To make, build ; to form a line (a group)
울리다 To ring (a bell) ; to create an echo effect
포기하다 To give up, to abandon
차다 to kick
마구 continuously, without pause
편히 Easily, comfortably
Carelessly, at random
근데 But or however
다행히 Fortunately
영원히 Forever
간단히 Simply speaking
우연히 accidentally,by chance
적당히 suitable,proper
방금 Just now
분명 Obviousness
하여튼 Anyways
매년 Every year
특별히 Especially
당연히 Of course
절대로 Absolutely
정말로 Really
확실히 certainly,for sure
무조건 Unconditional
자세히 In detail
정확히 Exactly
굉장히 Very very much or greatly
보통 Usually
금방 Just now or a moment ago
분명히 Obviously
점차 gradually,in steps
충분히 Enough, sufficiently
점점 More and more, by degrees
혹은 If that’s not the case
별로 Especially, particularly
완전히 completely,perfectly
각각 Each and every
주로 principally,mainly
직접 Directly
전혀 entirely,utterly,completely
우선 First of all, before everything
현재 The present time, now, at present
역시 As expected, likewise
특히 Especially
한편 One side, one way
거의 Almost or nearly
가까이 Close
가득 Full
가만히 Quietly or softly
한꺼번에 All at once
하하 Ha ha ha ha ha
Completely, entirely
함부로 Indiscriminately, at random
마음대로 As you wish
마주 Face to face
마치 As though, as if
마침 Just, exactly
마침내 Finally, in the end
Just now
대단히 Extremely
Fairly or considerably
끝내 The end
깊이 Deepness
깜빡 With a flash or twinkle
그만 That much or a little amount
그만큼 That much or to that extent
그냥 Just because or in that condition
그다지 So much or to that extent
그러므로 So or hence or therefore
굳이 Firmly or admanantly
곧바로 At once or straight away
게다가 In addition
없이 Without
엊그제 The day before yesterday, a few days ago
어느새 In no time, quickly
얼른 Fast, quickly, rapidly
아까 A little while ago
아마도 Probably
아무래도 Never on any account, no matter what
아무리 However much
아무튼 In any case
스스로 On its own, of its own free will
새로 newly,anew
반드시 Most certainly
미리 Beforehand
As well as
몰래 secretly,quietly
몹시 Extremely
멀리 Far away
훨씬 By far, very much so
이따가 A little later
유난히 uncommon,exceptional
왠지 I don’t know why, there is no reason for it
이리 This way, this direction
이미 Already
해마다 Every year, each year
namely,that is to say
조금씩 A little at a time, little by little
조용히 Quietly
제대로 As properly is suitable
제발 kindly,please
제법 quite,fairly,considerably
저리 That place
적어도 At the least
무척 Extremely
자꾸 Constantly, repeatedly
자꾸만 Repeatedly (emphasized)
오직 Only, merely, solely
온통 Wholly, entirely
너무나 Extremely
오래도록 For long, a long while
Less, incompletely
높이 High, aloft (adverb)
잘못 wrong,mistake
비교적 Comparatively
깜짝 With a surprise
절대 Absoluteness
솔직히 frankly,candidly
사실 Actually, really
내내 All along, the entire time
각자 Each one or every one
언젠가 One of these days, at some time in the future
도로 Back, same as ever, same as it was before
그리 So or to that extent
단순히 Simply
깨끗이 Clean or neatly
꾸준히 Untiringly, ceaselessly
살짝 (1) softly,lightly,just a little (2) furtively, stealthily
약간 Somewhat
단지 Simple, merely
잔뜩 extremely,to the utmost
어쩌면 (1) it is possible that 아마도 2) how on earth, how the hell
어쩐지 (1) somehow, in a strange way ; (2) in combination with an ending giving a reason to place stress on the action of the verb
겨우 Barely or narrowly. 간신히
흔히 Generally, commonly ; often
내지 From A to B
피로하다 To be fatigued, weary
소용없다 To be useless
연하다 Tender, soft, mild
우울하다 To be melancholy, gloomy
이르다 Be early, premature
불행하다 Do not permit
친하다 To be intimate, familiar, close, friendly
진하다 Be dark, deep
조심스럽다 Cautious
영원하다 To be eternal
안전하다 To be safe
어색하다 To be awkward, shy with words, speechless
평범하다 Plain, average
신선하다 Fresh
적당하다 To be appropriate
솔직하다 frankness,candidness
완벽하다 Perfect
급하다 Be urgent or pressing or iminent
편안하다 To be peaceful
편리하다 To be convenient, handy
순수하다 To be pure
불안하다 To be uneasy, anxious
행복하다 To be happy
약하다 To be weak
불편하다 To be unpleasant
특별하다 To be special, extraordinary
충분하다 To be sufficient, ample
확실하다 To be sure, certain
편하다 Untroubled from cares
수많다 Many and many
당연하다 Be natural, be no wonder
간단하다 To be simple
자유롭다 To be free
부족하다 Be short of, lack
좁다 Narrow
심각하다 seriousness,gravity
정확하다 To be exact
자연스럽다 To be natural
심하다 To be extreme,intense
이상하다 To be strange,queer
다양하다 To be various, diverse
귀엽다 To be cute
그러하다 To be so or right
굵다 Be thick or fat
괴롭다 Be painful or distressing
곱다 Beautiful
고르다 Flat or even
걱정스럽다 Anxious or uneasy
검다 Black or dark
가난하다 Poor
가늘다 Thin or fine or slender
가득하다 To fill
하얗다 White
푸르다 To be blue, to be green
불쌍하다 To be deplorable
부끄럽다 Be shameful,disgraceful
부드럽다 soft,tender
부럽다 Be enviable
밤늦다 It is late at night
바르다 Be straight; be honest
밉다 Be detestable
무섭다 fearful,dreadful
멋있다 stylish,tasteful
더럽다 Foul, dirty
답답하다 Feel anxious
대단하다 Considerable, grand
놀랍다 To be surprising
느리다 Be slow, tardy
노랗다 Be yellow
낡다 Clear
깊다 Deep
기쁘다 To be happy
그립다 Beloved or sweet or affectionate
그만하다 Be about the same or be neither better nor worse
궁금하다 To wonder or be curious about
자랑스럽다 To be proud
잘생기다 To be handsome
부르다 To be full
까맣다 Black
어둡다 To be dark, dim, gloomy
어리다 To be very young, juvenile
얇다 To be thin
얕다 To be shallow, superficial
안되다 To refuse to accept
안타깝다 To be heart-breaking
알맞다 To fit, be fitting, suitable
쓰다 Bitter (vegetables)
씩씩하다 Be brave,valiant
아무렇지 않다 To be indifferent, casually
시끄럽다 To be noisy,boisterous
세다 To be strong, mighty
서투르다 unskilled,clumsy
빨갛다 deep-red,crimson
사랑스럽다 Lovely
사이좋다 Be on good terms with
붉다 Be red, scalet
불가능하다 Impossible
훌륭하다 To be excellent
옳다 To be right, correct
외롭다 To be lonely, lonesome
희다 White, fair
튼튼하다 Solid, compact, firm
파랗다 To be blue
커다랗다 To be very big/large
착하다 To be nice
짙다 Be dark, dense
차갑다 Cold
조그맣다 Be tiny,small
젊다 To be young,youthful
저렇다 Such a thing as that
틀림없다 No mistaking it
부지런하다 Be diligent
익숙하다 To become accustomed to
활발하다 Be lively, sprightly
강하다 To be strong or powerful
낫다 Superior
단순하다 Be simple-minded
엉뚱하다 Be extraordinary, extravagant ; to misdirect somebody`s attention
우수하다 to be superior,excellent
싱겁다 Taste flat, have no flavor
낯설다 To be unfamiliar with, to be a stranger to ( a person)
흐리다 Cloudy (weather)
화려하다 Splendor, magnificence of a display, a look
차다 cold,chilly
년도 Year
A ton
모양 signs,indications
번째 How many times
무렵 The time when
Yen (japanese)
A department, a part
A way, a method
밀리미터 Millimeter
년대 Year
만큼 Of that amount
녀석 Fellow
Place, point, instance
1) Versus 2)a pair, counterpart
그램 Gram
군데 A place or spot
The interval between
Compilation, editing
Except, save for
인분 How many people counter for at restaurants
호선 The track number for a train
one’s status, one’s lot
Counters for letters
킬로 Kilo
킬로그램 Kilogram
킬로미터 Kilometer
The time,the occasion,when
a spot, a blemish
가지 One of the kind or a sort
거리 Materials
The center, the middle
Initial, in the beginning, first
A second
오랜 For a long time
All, whole, entire
Old, ancient
서너 About three, three or four
몇몇 Several
Classified by
몇십 In the tens
Just, full
Only one, alone
그런 Such a
Each or every
한두 One or two
Old, shabby, worn-out
저런 Such a, that sort of
두세 Two or three (months)
About, approximately
도쿄(동경) Tokyo
경상도 Kyung-San-Do province (ulsan or kyungju)
종로 Famous street in Seoul
대구 Daegu city
인천공항 Incheon international airport
뉴욕 New york
아프리카 Africa
유럽 Europe
대전 Daejon city
저희 We
무어 What? 무엇
너희 You guys
당신 Formal you
자기 Oneself, number one, numerouno, self
One hundred million
한둘 One or two
갖다 Possess
죽다 Lose your spirit
나다 To come out, grow, spring up
들다 Means continuing the main verb’s action ; to enter/go into ; to hold, to carry
어때 What do you think?
That kid
어떡하다 To take some measures, to manage somehow
Sonny, you there
그래도 All the same
저렇게 Like that
이렇게 In this way
그렇게 And so. like that
Created by: sevo
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