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Life Science

Cells, Org. of Life, Stimulus/Response, Ecology, Adaptations, Extinction

Organism any living thing
Cell The basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all organisms
Multicellular An organism made of many cells
Unicellular An organism made of only 1 cell
Cell Theory Theory that 1. all living things are made up of cells, 2. the cell is the structural and functional unit of all living things, and 3. all living cells come from pre-existing cells
Locomotion Self-propelled movement
Stimulus Something that causes a response
Response An action following a stimulus
Tissue A group of cells in an organism with a similar structure or function
Organ Two or more tissues in an organism that are organized to do a particular job; e.g. brain, leaf, stomach
Organ System Related organs that work together to do a set of tasks; e.g. digestive system
Heredity The passing of traits from the parents to offspring by genes
Digestive System Body organs responsible for getting food into and out of the body and for making use of food
Circulatory System The system consisting of the heart and a closed system of vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries) which provide a continuous flow of blood to your body, supplying the tissues with oxygen and nutrients
Cell Wall The fairly rigid layer surrounding the plant of fungus cell, located external to the cell membrane, which provides the cell with structural support, protection, and acts as a filtering mechanism
Cell Membrane The semi-permeable boundary of all cells
Chloroplast A green structure of plant cells and other organisms in which food is made by photosynthesis
Nucleus A membrane-bound organelle that contains the cell’s DNA and has a role in processes such as growth, metabolism, and reproduction
Cytoplasm The material between the nuclear and cell membranes; includes fluids, organelles, and various membranes
Respiratory System The system by which oxygen gets taken into the body and an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
Integumentary System The body system that is the natural outer body covering of an animal such as the skin
Immune Having protection (antibodies) against disease-causing agents
Skeletal System A body’s supportive system consisting of bones and connective tissues
Nervous System The system of cells, tissues, and organs that regulates the body’s responses to internal and external stimuli
Asexual Reproduction Reproduction in which an organism produces one or more copies of itself, such as fission or budding
Sexual Reproduction Producing a new generation by the combining of male and female sex cells
Regeneration Regrowth of lost tissue
Trait Distinguishing characteristic or quality
Sex Cell Reproductive cell(gametes)
Fertilization Fusion of gametes to produce a new organism of the same species
Ovum An egg cell
Pollination The process in which pollen is transferred from the male to the female part of the flower
Light A form of electromagnetic energy that travels in waves through space and can be seen when it interacts with matter
Gravity The force of attraction between all masses in the universe
Temperature Average kinetic energy of molecules in an object
Innate Response An organism’s natural reaction to a stimuli
Nocturnal An organism that is active at night
Hibernation A state in which metabolism slows in certain animals, reducing their need for food and protecting them from the cold
Biotic Parts of an ecosystem living or once living
Abiotic Nonliving, physical and/or chemical attribute of a system
Population Group of organisms of the same species living and reproducing in a particular habitat or geographic region
Ecosystem The interacting system of a biological community and it’s non-living environmental surroundings
Food Web All of the interactive feeding relationships by which energy and nutrients are transferred between organisms in a community
Species A group of organisms that are capable of breeding to produce fertile offspring
Community An ecological unit composed of groups of organisms or a population of different species occupying a particular area
Producer Any organism, such as a plant, that is able to make food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis
Consumer Any organism requiring complex organic compounds for food, which are obtained by preying on other organisms, or by eating particles of organic matter
Decomposer An organism that eats dead things or decaying matter
Photosynthesis Chemical process in which a plant cell uses energy from sunlight along with carbon dioxide and water to produce food and oxygen
Radiant Energy Energy which is transmitted by waves
Chemical Energy A form of potential energy in which energy is stored in chemical bonds; e.g. energy stored in a battery or food
Energy Transfer Energy transferred, by doing work or heat, from one location to another
Fungi Group of organisms lacking chlorophyll and are usually non-mobile, filamentous, and multicellular
Bacteria Microscopic, single-celled organisms that possess a prokaryotic type of cell structure
Successive Generations Generations that occur after a first
Biological Diversity The range of a natural variety of species in an ecosystem
Adaptations A characteristic that helps an organism survive in its environment or reproduce
Natural Selection 1) Process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than less adapted individuals 2) Theory to explain the mechanism of evolution
Generations Offspring that are at the same stage of descent from a common ancestor
Extinction The gradual process by which a group of related organisms dies out
Created by: jenningsk
Popular Science sets




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