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(TAMUCC) Psych Ch.6

Psychology Terms (Ch.6)

a relatively permanent change in behavior, thoughts, or feelings that results from experience learning
process by which we progressively decrease our response to stimuli with repeated exposure habituation
complex set of preprogrammed responses; suggests response has some evolutionary value instincts
preprogrammed response in which newly hatched chicks attach themselves to the first moving object near them imprinting
a neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a new response through conditioning (buzzer) conditioned stimulus (CS)
a stimulus that reliably elicits a response (meat powder) unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
the response elicited by the UCS. (Salivation to meat powder) unconditioned response (UR)
the response that the CS elicits AFTER conditioning. (Salivation to the buzzer alone after conditioning). conditioned response (CR)
conditioned learned
response behavior
stimulus part of the environment
the learning phase where the CS is paired with the UCS acquisition
the unlearning phase where the CS is presented alone resulting in decreases of the CR extinction
after extinction, the CR may quickly reappear when the CS is paired with the UCS once again spontaneous recovery
stimuli that are similar to the CS will also elicit the CR stimulus generalization
is critical for emotional conditioning amygdala (central nucleus)
anything that increases behavior reinforcement
anything that decreases behavior punishment
a response that has some effect on the world operant
a reward positive reinforcer
an unpleasant stimulus that we wish to avoid or escape negative reinforcer
introduction of an unpleasant stimulus (positive punishment) or removal of pleasant stimulus in an attempt to change behavior (negative punishment) punishment
when a person is punished regardless of what they do, the individual may come to believe that there is no reason to do anything anymore; is linked to depression learned helplessness
the longer the delay between the response and reinforcer, the weaker the operant conditioning gradient of reinforcement
circumstances when external rewards can undermine the intrinsic satisfaction of performing a behavior over justification effect
rewarding successive approximations to the desired behavior; used in animal training shaping
learning that takes place largely independent of awareness of both the process and the products of information acquisition implicit learning
Created by: lmarbach
Popular Psychology sets




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