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Pedi Resp Alteration

The Child with a Respiratory Alteration

atelectasis a collapsed or airless state of the lung that may involve all or part of the lung
crackles or rales abnormal, discontinuous, nonmusical sounds heard on auscultation, primarily during inhalation
dysphagia difficulty swallowing
dyspnea difficulty breathing
grunting a sound similar to a grunting noise that can be heard with or without a stethoscope
hypercapnia increased levels of CO2 in the blood, as indicated by a PaCO2 as determined by blood gas analysis
hypocapnia decreased levels of CO2 in the blood
hypoxemia decreased levels of O2 in the blood
hypoxia decreased oxygenation of cells and tissues
nasal flaring a serious sign of air hunger demonstrated by widening of the nares to enable an infant or a young child to take in more O2
nasal polyps semitransparent herniations of respiratory epithelium
orthopnea difficulty breathing except in an upright position
retractions an abnormal movement of the chest wall during inspiration that may occur intercostally and substernally
rhonchi adventitious breath sounds caused by the passage of air through an airway obstructed by thick secretions; sounds usually clear with coughing
stridor a shrill, harsh sound that can be heard during inspiration, expiration, or both; produced by the flow of air through a narrowed segment of the respiratory tract
tachypnea increased respiratory rate
wheezing high-pitched, musical whistles that can be heard with or without a stethoscope; may be inspiratory or expiratory; caused by bronchial constriction or obstruction of the airway and commonly occurs in asthma
Created by: janagooden
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