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bi240 immunity

grcc bi240 immunity

What is the early warning system of infection? inflammation- redness, swelling, fever, pain.
What are the mediators of acute inflammation mast cells and basophils
histamine is released from mast cells increases permeability of capillaries
capillaries become leaky causing accumulation of complement, enzymes and phagocytes at sites of infection.
Pathogens are eliminated and healing is initiated via phagocytosis, etc
Complement components is activated and induce acute inflammation
Complement C system triggers histamine release from mast cells, increases vascular permeability and induces chemotaxis which triggers phagocytes towards sites of infection.
macrophages, neutrophils & eosinophils are now known as mediators of acute inflammation.
Macrophages, neutrophils, eosinophils secrete chemicals that are proinflammatory cytokines triggering increased vascular permeability to maintain acute inflammation.
phagocytosis process begins where macrophages, dendritic cells, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN)
Phagocytosis engulfs and destroys particles that don't belong in the area.
phagocytosis: adhesion attachment or binding of phagocyte and pathogen using noncovalent interactions.
Phagocytosis: oponization enhancement of phagocytosis due to better binding medated by complement or antibody receptors on the phagocytes surfaces.
ingestion (engulfment) cells take in via pseudopodia and phagosomes
pseudopodia surround the pathogen, then fuse to form a vacuole called a phagosome
Phagosomes are converted into phagolysosomes by fusion with lysosomes (vacuoles containing a broad spectrum of digestive enzymes) and then break down.
Ingestion of bacterium happen via phagosomes as they are converted to phagolysosomes that contain digestive enzymes that help with breakdown of bacteria.
Created by: Wends1984
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