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2-1-12 quiz A&P1 lec

3 types of movement through cell membrane 1. selectively permeable 2. passive process 3. active process (AT)
3 dependent factors of selectively permeable membranes 1. size of molecule 2. soluability in lipids 3. presence of carriers
uses kinetic energy passive process
4 passive process types 1. filtration 2. diffusion 3. facilitated diffusion 4. osmosis
solute and solvent through a membrane under pressure. some particles retained Filtration
net solute high to low diffusion
requires membrane and carrier facilitated diffusion
net H20 through sp membrane osmosis
osmosis goes from which solute concentration? low to high into higher pressure into hypertonic
3 types of osmotic pressure 1. isotonic 2. hypertonic 3. hypotonic
2 types of Active process 1. AT 2. Endocytosis
goes from low to high solute concentration AT
AT requires (2) ATP & carrier
example of AT NA-K pump
Endocytosis requires ATP
movement of large particle into cell enclosing plasma membrane Endocytosis
drinking of fluids with protein molecule Pinocytosis
eating particles & streaming Phagocytosis
sum total of all chemical processes metabolism
build anabolism
tear down catabolism
enzymes are catalysts
chemical that increases Rx without being altered Enzymes
non protein factor of an enzyme. 1 example Cofactor/coenzyme, orgnanic. Example B vitamins
Enzyme mechanism of action Lick in Key / Induced Fit Theory. Twist & change to a new product
Mechanism of action involves what kind of molecule where> subtrate molecule @ active site
lysosommes contain hydrolytic enzymes
lysosomes are membrane spheres
lysosome 3 functions 1. Intracellular 2. Autophagy/Autolysis 3. Extracellular
Intracellular Function Pino & Phago cytosis
Autophagy/Autolysis self eating / splitting
Extracellular fertilization & bone dissolution
cytoskeleton contains (2) microtubules & microfilaments
microfilaments rods protein
microtubules cylindrical protein
cell inclusions are dispersed in cytoplasm
3 cell inclusions melanin, glycogen, lipids
storage form glucose glycogen
fat inside cells lipids
mitochonidria structure (4) double membrane, cristae, matrix, circular helix DNA
mitochonidria ATP comes from enzymes
what is the theory about mitochonidria endosymbiotic theory
endosymbiotic theory reasons (4) endocytotic double membrane, binary fisson, 70s ribosomes, circle helix DNA
clusters microtubules at right angles involved in cell division centrioles
examples of tissue without centreoles nerve & muscle
flagella & cilia are projections that are long & few or short & many.
flagella & cilia functions (2) propel via medium or over cell surface
extracellular materials hyaluronic acid, collagenous fibers, reticular fibers, elastic fibers
extracellular holds cells together hyaluronic acid
extracellular white connective tissue collagenous fibers
extracellular fibers provide shape reticular fibers (liver)
extracellular fibers resilient elastic fibers (outer ear)
Created by: la66
Popular Science sets



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