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PSH436 ch1


Typical individual experiences compared to group members - same order, same age changes over time
Stages life changes marked by abrupt change
Continuous (life stages) slow and gradual,predictable direction
Change changes that make us different over life stages
Stability consist traits of individual (core traits) little or no change over time
Empirical Research Scientific Studies
Adult Development changes one experiences from adolescence (emerging adulthood)till end of life
Aytypical changes uniqui to individual
Outer changes visible changes
Inner changes change not apparent to observer
Normative age-graded influences influences marked by age, experienced by most adults from every generation as they grow older
Biological clock natural aging processes
Social Clock normal sequence of adult social experiences throughout life: school, marriage, children, grandparents, etc.
Ageism Discrimination based upon age of individual
Normative history-graded influences similarities and difference among within groups based upon historical events/conditions
Cultures large social environments
Cohort a group of individuals that share the same common experiences at the same stage of life
Non-normative life events unique life experiences to self, not shared by many others
Behavior genetics gene influenced behaviors (twin studies)
Twin studies studies that compare twins (monozygotic - identical & dizygotic - fraternal)for genetic influences
Interactionist view how genetic traits predict one's interaction with the environment
Chronological age determined by years (passage of time)
Biological age compares individual physical condition to others of same chronological age
Psychological age individual ability to deal effectively with environment compared to others
Social age expected social roles of individual at specific time in life
Functional age compares how well a person is functioning compared to others
Lifespan developmental psychology approach - Paul Bates development is lifelong, multidimensional, plastic, contextual, and multicausal
Ecological systems approach to development - Urie Bronfenbrenner considers individual development within the context of multiple environments (micro, exo, macro - systems)
Cross-sectional study data studied from point in time from various groups (doesn't show change over time)
Longitudinal study group data studies over a course in time (time consuming, expensive)
Attrition when study participants drop out of the study
Sequential study combines Longitudinal and Cross-sectional study design
Personal interview comprised of open-ended questions (not yes/no)
survey questionaire answers can be graded and compared easily, administered easily and rapidly
standardized tests tests developed by recognized experts in the field
validity measures what it is supposed to measure
reliability measures accurately and consistently
comparision of means compares average results of data sets
Correlational analysis r value (+1 to -1) reveals patterns of stability or change -- but not causality
meta-analysis combines data from multiple studies that research a common question
experimental design uses a control group (placebo), selected participants randomly, controlled environment,
Descriptive research describes element of interest/question
Qualitative research verbal data
Quantitative research numerical data
Created by: ddres1
Popular Psychology sets




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