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Skeletal Review

Northstar Learning Lesson 1

Arthrocentesis A procedure whereby a sterile needle and syringe is used to drain fluid from a joint.
Arthroscopy A surgical technique involving inserting a tube-like scope into a joint for viewing.
Lordosis An abnormal forward curvature of the spine.
Bursa A membrane-lined sac containing synovial fluid, usually found in and around joints. Provides protective cushioning and lubrication.
Bursitis A painful inflammation of the bursa.
Costochondritis An inflammation and associated tenderness of the cartilage that attaches the front of the ribs to the sternum (breastbone).
Chondr/o Cartilage, gristle
Cost/o Rib
Osteofibroma A benign bone tumor, consisting chiefly of dense fibrous connective tissue and bone.
Rickets A childhood condition caused by a serious Vitamin D deficiency causing weak, soft bones, along with slowed growth and skeletal developement.
Spinal Stenosis A narrowing of the spinal canal that causes compression of the spinal nerve cord.
Scoliosis A lateral curvature of the spine.
Sacrum A triangular bone just below the lumbar vertebrae, formed usually by five fused vertebrae.
Laminectomy The surgical removal of the flat part of the vertebra in order to removal a herniated disk.
Ulna The larger bone of the two bones of the foreman, opposite of the thumb.
Osteomalacia "Softening of Bone" - A bone disease characterized by bone demineralization due to deficency of Vitamin D or phosphates. Adult Of Rickets. Late Rickets.
Kyphosis An extreme curvature of the upper back also known as a hunchback.
Created by: lawimmer
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