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Chapter 11

chapter 11 Newborn-adolescent

Adolescence is the period of development during which individual make the transition from childhood to adulthood, usually between 13-20
animism (preschool thinking). The attribution of life to inanimate objects often resuts in statements such as "Trees cry when their branches are broken"
apgar score Heart Rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color are rated to determine overall status.
Artificialism the misconceptioin that everything in the world hs been created by humanity, may result in children asking question such as who built the mountains.
Blastocyst The morula continues to develop and forms the central cavity or blastocyst
Bonding occurs when parents and newborns elict reciprocal nd complemetary behavior
Classification becomes more complex during the school years.
Concrete operations Around 7yrs of age, children enter Piaget's third stage of cognitive development
Embryo Cells at one end of the blastocyst develop
estrogen Gonadotropic hormones stimulate ovarian cells to produce estrogen
Fontanels unfusted bones of the skull
Hyperbilirbinemia refers to an exessive amoun of accumulated bilirubin in the blood and is characterized by a yellow coloring of the skin, or jaundice
immanent justice the notion that the world is equipped with a built-in code of law and order
Implantation Between days 6-10 enzymes are secred that llow the blastocyst to burrow into the endometrium and become completly covered
Inborn errors of metabolisim a gentic disorder caused by the absence or deficiancy of a substance, usually an enzyme, essential to ellualr metabolisim that results in abnormal protein, carb, or fat metabolisim
Infancy the period from 1 month to 1 yr of age, is characterized by rapid physical growth.
Lanugo fine hair,covers most of the body
Menarche the onset of menestration
Molding overlapping of the soft skul bones, allows the fetal head to adjust to various diameters of the maternal pelvis and is common occurence with vaginal births.
Morula within 3 days a sold ball of cells
Nagele's rule which counts back 3 months from the first day of the last menstrual period and adds 7 days.
Neonatal period is the 1st month of life.
Object permanence ability to remember events and their begining ability to put thoughts into words at about 2 years of age signals their transition from Piaget's sensorimotor stage of cognitive development to the preoperational thought stage.
organogenisis the 1st trimester
Preadolescence or early adolescence also known as puberty is a transitional period between childhood and adolescence.
Prematurity is identified as any infant between 30-37 weeks' gestation
Preoperational thought Toddles recognize that they are separate beings from their mothers, but they are unable to assume the view of another.
Preschool period refers to those years between 3 and 5.
quickening Between 16-20 weeks, the mother begins to feel movement.
School age children and adolesents lead demanding, challenging lives. Ages 6-18
teratogens Agents capable of producing functional or structual damage to the developing fetus
Toddlerhood ranges from the time when children begin to walk independently until they walk and run with ease, which is from 12-36 months.
Vernix caseosa The fetus is covered with a cheeselike substance coating the skin
Zygote has its full genetic complement, newly formed organisim.
In a interview with her pregant client, the nurse disussed the tree risk factors that have been ted as having a possible effect on prenatal development. They are: Nutrition, mother's age, fetal infections.
The most extreme physiological changes occur when the new born leaes the in utero circulation and develops: Respiratory function
The leading cause of death in children older than 1 year old is: Automoblile injuries
A child who is a toddler pretends to shave after watching his faather shave. This is an example of Piaget's Preoperative thought stage.
By this stage children are ale to play with others in a cooperative manner and have a temorary leader for each activity 5 years of age.
The nurse can councel a parent that her child can floss his teeth effectively and be independent in tooth care by the age of 8-10 years
The chief illness of childhood is Common cold
When the nurse are communicating with adolesents they should Be alert to clues to their emotional state.
The leading cause of death in adolescence is Accidents
Which statement about human growth and development is accurate.? All individuals progress through the same phases of growth and development
The mother of a 2yr old expresses concern that her son's appetite has diminished and that he seems to prefer mild to other solid foods. Which response by the nurse reflects knowledge of principles of communication and nutrition? "A toddler's rate of growth normally slows down. It is common to see a toddler's appetite diminish in response to decreased calorie needs."
To stimulate cognitive and psychosocial development of the toddler, it is important for parents to Set a firm and consistent limits
Which of the following is true of the developmental behaviors of school-aged children? Positive feedback from parents and teachers is crucial to development
Adolescents have masterd age- appropriate sexuality when they feel comfortabel with their sexual: Behaviors, choices, and relationships.
Created by: jliotta
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