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Patho quick review

First Aid- Classic Findings

Clue Cells Gardnerella vaginitis: vaginal epithelial cells covered with bacteria
codman's triangle on x-ray Osteosarcoma: elevation of periosteum (also osteomyelitis)
cold agglutinins/ cryoagglutinin Mycoplasma pneumonia, infectious mononucleosis: (IgM)
Cold intolerance Hypothyroidism
Chondylomata lata Secondary syphilis
continuous machinery murmur patent ductus arteriosus (may shut by 24 hrs)
cori's disease debranching enzyme deficiency: absence of alpha-1,6 glucosidase (glycogen storage ds)
cough, conjunctivitis, coryza (runny nose) and fever (+koplic spots) measles: koplik spots- grey or white spots on buccal mucosa
councilman bodies toxic or viral hepatities: councilman bodies are apoptotic liver cells, (also seen in yellow fever)
cowdry type A bodies Herpesvirus: eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions in site of neurons
crescents in bowman's capsule rapidly progressive crescentic glomerulonephritis
crigler-najjar syndrome congenital unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
Curling's ulcer acute gastric ulcer associated with severe burns "curling iron"
Currant-jelly sputum Klebsiella pneumonia
currant-jelly stool intrasusceptions (infant)
curshmann's spirals bronchial asthma (whorled mucous plugs)
cushing's ulcer acute gastric ulcer associated with CNS injury
d-dimers increased in DIC, pulmonary embolism, Budd-Chiari, and DVT's
depigmentation of neurons in substantia nigra Parkinson's disease (basal ganglia disorder-rigidity, resting tremor, bradykinesia) Pigment is melanin; no dopa= no melanin
dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea Pellagra (niacin, vitamin B3 deficiency)
Dog or Cat bite pasteurella multocida
dressler's syndrome Post-MI fibrinous pericarditis (occurs weeks after an MI)
Dubin-Johnson syndrome congenital conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (black liver)
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy Deleted dystrophin gene (x-linked recessive)
eburnation osteoarthritis (polished, ivory-like appearance of bone)
Edward's Syndrome Trisomy 18 associated with rocker-bottom feet, low set ears, heart disease, decreased afp,
Eisenmenger's complex late cyanosis shunt (uncorrected L --> R shunt becomes R --> L shunt)
elastic skin Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Problem in collagen
Erb-Duchenne palsy Superior trunk (C5-C6) brachial plexus injury ("waiter's tip" commonly a birth trauma)
Fanconi Syndrome Proximal tubular reabsorption defect (caused by using expired tetracycline or heavy metal exposure)
erythema chronicum migrans Lyme disease (expanding bullseye rash- red rash with central clearing)
Fanconi's anemia genetically inherited aplastic anemia (can be caused by expired tetracycline or exposure to heavy metals)
"fat, female, forty, and fertile" acute cholecystitis
Fatty liver/ hepatic steatosis alcoholism
Created by: 16306496
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