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POS Final Exam


On a topographic map, the differance in elevation between two side-by-side contour lines is called the contour intervals
The resistance of lava to flow is due to it's ______ content Silica
______ is a change of state the releases thermal energy Condensation
Lines on a weather map that connect points of equal or constant values are called Isopleths
Crust is neither destroyed nor created along which type of plate boundary transform
When two cirques on opposite sides of a valley meet, the form a(n) arete
The basic building blocks of matter are atoms
The amount of water vapor in a given volume of air is humidity
Scientists use this method to measure the distance to stars that are up to 500 pc away parallax
Condensations nuclei are particles of atmospheric dust around which a ______ can form cloud droplet
Streams flowing under a melting glacier deposit long, winding ridges of layered sediments called eskers
The flat part of the ocean floor at 5 or 6 km below sea level is the Abyssal Plain
Studies show that the universe has a vast amount of unseen material called dark matter
Earth as the center of the solar system is called geocentric cosmology
The carrying capacity of a stream is the maximum amount of sediment carried
As height in the troposphere increases these two things decrease air pressure and temperature
The heliocentric model of the solar system was championed by Copernicus
Slumps are common after a rainfall because the water reduces ________ between soil greains. frictional contact
In orographic lifting, clouds form when moist winds encounter a mountain
The change in wave frequency of energy as it moves toward or away from an observer is the _______ effect dopplar
Under Ocean Basin, this is a smooth ocean floor Abyssal Plain
Under Ocean Basin, this is a prominent feature of the ocean floor mid-ocean ridge
Under Ocean Basin, this is a narrow, long depression in the ocean floor deep sea trenches
Under Mid Ocean Ridge, there are Hydrothermal Vents and Fractures
Under Hydrothermal Vents, there is a white smoker and a _____ black smoker
Under fractures, there is earthquake activity and ___________ volcanic activity
Under white smoker, there is warm water
A line broken into sections that represent units with each section representing a distance on Earth's surface is called a __________ scale. Graphic
Name the Earths 4 systems: Biosphere, Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Hydrosphere
Earth is a curved, three-dimensional object, so all flat maps ______ either the shape or the area of landmasses distort
What area of the world do you find the most wind erosion? Deserts
Damage done to structures by an earthquake is related to what two things: Magnitude and Intensity
A rappid, flowing current along the bottom of the ocean is a Turbidity Current
Cloud Dropplets collide to form larger droplets in a process called collision and coalescence
Subduction results in the formation of: earthquakes, volcanoes, and subduction zones
The submerged parts of continents are called continental shelves
Earth's atmosphere contains trace gases such as Argon and helium
Seafloor structures like seamounts are modified by sea slides
GPS satellites can relay many different kinds of information: Name two things that it can not relay: Weather and Images
Name the four steps to the scientific method: hypothesis, experimentation, data collection, conclusion
Seismic waves transfer _______ by vibration. energy
A bend or curve in a stream channel is called a meander
Keplers first law demonstrates that each planet has a(n) elliptical orbit around the sun
Two climates that are at the same latitude may be different because of bodies of water
_______ barrier islands often form along the stream's mouth and in areas with deltas Barrier
_______ like the grand canyon are formed by stream down cutting V-Shaped Valleys
What process breaks solid rock into smaller peices? weathering
This astronomer who used red-shifts to determine stellar distances: Hubble
Scientific laws and theories are from the direct result of consistent repeated ______ over time results
Compared to ocean crust near deep-sea trenches, crust near ocean ridges is younger/newer
Insects in amber are examples of fossils with original preservation
Because water reacts with and can dissolve many kinds of minerals this is a classic example of _______ weathering chemical
The atmosphere of earth consists of 2 major gases nitrogene and oxygen
This ridge of sand connects an island to the mainland forming the tip of a peninsula Tombolo
Winds around a low pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere move in a _________________ direction
Asteroids are thought to be leftover from the formation of the solar system
This is the area below the arth's surface with pore spaces filled with water zone of saturation
Acidic groundwater breaks sown limestone through the process of chemical weathering
This is the temperature at which air must be cooled to reach saturation dew point
The driving forces of tectonic plates are related to convection currents in Earth's Mantle
a record of weather data for a particular site at a particular time is called a station model
Many early mapmakers thought Earth's continents had moved based on the puzzle-like fit of Earth's continents
List the units of geologic time in order from shortest to longest: epoch, period, era, eon
A mound of water driven toward coastal areas by hurricane winds is called a storm surge
The Maunder minimum is associated with sunspot activity
This planet has a high atmospheric CO2 content and strong greenhouse effect Venus
A worm trail is an example of a ____ fossil trace
A combination of two or more components that retain their identity is a(n) mixture
Lines of longitude converge at the poles
The lifting condensation level is the height at which _________ occurs. condensation
The bending of wave crests as they reach shallow water is called wave refraction
When a river enters a large body of water it will ________ in spped and ________ large amounts of sediment Decrease, deposit
The magnetic pattern of ocean-floor rocks on one side of an ocean ridge is _________ of that of the other side the same
Name two signs that indicate creep has occurred in a given area: leaning of fence posts and bending of trees
What are the two types of glaciers? Valley and continent
In a stream, small particles, such as silt and sand are carried in suspension
What underlying force causes all forms of mass movements? gravity
Differances in thermal energy can be detected with _________ imagry infrared
A __________ is designed so that its frame vibrates when the ground moves seismometer
Continental drift was not sidely accepted when it was first proposed because Wegener couldn't explain ____ or ____ the continents moved. Why or How
Ocean ridges on the ocean floor is a tearture found at _________ boundaries divergent
What are three different types of energy transfer we have here on earth: radiation, conduction, convection
Name the four main parts of the water cycle; evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff
Petrified wood is an example of a fossil that has altered hard parts
As a star ages, its __________ changes as nuclear reactions convert one element to another internal composition
The ozone masimum can be found in the stratosphere
Heavy accumulations of excess water in drainage systems can result in downstream flooding
Artesion wells require slope and a _________ rock layer in order to function. permeable
Created by: jubey23
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