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geofinal jacob P.

flash cards for final exam

what is the largest ocean??? Pacific
what is the percent of ocean in the world?? 70%
what is the percent of land on the earth? 30%
how many themes in geography??? 5
what allows people to communicate? language
what is culture? way of life of a group of people who share simalar belifs and customs
what is the largest continent? Asia
what is the loongest river in the world? Nile River
what is GPS? Global positoning systems group of sttellites that travel around the earth.
what is a globe? sperical model of earth
what is deforestation? cutting down forests
what is environment? natural surroundings
what is physical geography? land and climate
what is human geography? modify,adapt depend
3 uses of geography? physical, political, thematical
what is the largest fresh water lake? lake superior
what is the largest lake? caspian sea
highest mountain? everest
millville's absolute location? 39N 75W
What is peninsula?????????????? piece of land with waater on three sides.
hottest temperatures on eartth are on what latitude line. 0/ equator
coal and oil are examples of what?? Natural gas
how many themes are in geography? 5
geographers divide the world into haw many regions? 7
market economy is based on what? free enterprise
people express thereculture though what? clothing,art, dance, food.
as elevation gets higher temputer gets? colder
renewable resorces are? plastic, metal
northern and southern havee how many seasons? 4
the shortest day of the year occurs in what season? winter in northern//summer in southern
vallys mountains are example of what???? landforms
what climates are hot? tropical
what basin has the largest rain forest in the world? Amazon rain forest
what basin has the largest rain forest in the world? Amazon rain forest
a maap contains what???? mapkey, scale, boundery line, capital, river
what is a form of language? hyroglifics
an ecomic system sets forth rules on how go and service are produced and ________________? how they are exanged
culture diffusion is the process of spreading ____________ to other culture. new knowlage
in a market economy __________ make the decisions about what to produce divide in a command economy the _____________ does!! individuals///////government
latitude lines are __ lines that run ___ to __ 2/E/W
longitude lines are __ run __ to __ 2/N/S
2 example of a general of a _________are __________ and a atlas. topisgraphical map///atlas
2 example of a special purpose map are _________ and _____________ resorces map// baseball park
civilization are highy developed by____?? cultures
earth has how many hemisheres?? 2
what ia a graph??? a graph is a diogram representinga system of connections
what is a picto graph???? a picto graph is a graph in which small symbols respecting quatities
what is a climograph?? a climograph is combinat bar and linegraph; info and temputure; prepatation
what is elevation? hieght above sea level
Created by: daqjaccospro
Popular Geography sets




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