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lymph and immune sys

medical terminology ch 6 Lymphatic system and immune system

lymph fluid that removes cellular waste products, pathogens, and dead blood cells from the tissues.
lymphatic vessels and ducts returns lymph from the tissue to the circulatory system
lymph nodes filter pathogens and harmful substances from the lymph
tonsils and adenoids protect the entry into the respiratory system
spleen filters foreign materials from the blood.
bone marrow produces blood cells
lymphocytes specialized white blood cells that play an important role in immune reactions.
thymus secretes the endocrine thymosin that aids in the maturation of T lymphocytes for use by the immune system.
immune system defends the body against harmful substances, such as pathogenic microorganisms, allergens, toxins, and malignant cells.
lymph/o lymph
lymphangi/o lymphatic vessles
lymphaden/o lymph nodes
tonsill/o, adenoid/o tonsils and adenoids
splen/o spleen
myel/o bone marrow
lymph/o, -cyte lymphocytes
thym/o thymus
immun/o immune system
blast/o immature, embryonic
carcin/o cancerous
cervic/o neck
-cide causing death
-genesis creation
-lytic destroy
neo- new
-oma tumor
onc/o tumor
phag/o eat
-plasm formative material of cells
sarc/o connective tissue
splen/o spleen
-tic pertaining to
hematologist specializes in diagnosing and treating ds of blood
allergist specializes in dx and treatment of altered immunologic reactivity (allergic reactions)
oncologist speacialist in dx and treating malignant disorders like tumors and cancers
lymphadenitis swollen glands
lymphadenopathy disease process involving enlargement of lymph nodes
immunosuppressant depress autoimmune disorders
lymphangiogram to record lymph vessel (radiographic study)
lymphangioma benign collection of lymph vessels forming a mass (lymph vessel tumor)
lymphedema abnormal accumulation of lymphatic fluid that causes swelling
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
splenorrhagia bleeding from the spleen
Immune system, first line of defense intact skin, respiratory system, digestive system, lymphatic system.
immune response destroying microorganisms through antigen-antibody reactions.
antigen any substance (virus, bacterium, toxin or tissue) that the body regards as foreign.
antibody disease fighting protein created in response to the presence of an antigen
lymphocytes WBC's that specialize to attack microorganisms.
Blymphocyte makes only one specific antibody against a specific antigen
immunoglobulin synonym for antibody.
Tlymphocytes small circulating lymphocytes that travel to the Thymus
Interferon causes noninfected cells to form antiviral protein to fight viral infections
macrophage large cell that eats to protect body
phagocyte WBC that ingest substances in cells
Crohn's desease autoimmune disorder that affects the intestines, ileum or colon.
Diabetes mellitus, type 1 autoimmune disorder that affects the insulin producing pancreatic cells.
Graves' disease autoimmune disorder that affects the Thyroid gland.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis autoimmune disorder that affects the Thyroid Gland.
Lupus erythematosus autoimmune disorder that affects the skin and other body systems.
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (advanced HIV infection)
Created by: cbiondillo
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