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EP Final Review

Biodegradeable/nonbiodegradeable broken down by natural processes/not broken down naturally
Newspaper biodegradeable that becomes nonbiodegradeable if it accumulates
Biotic/abiotic living/nonliving, soil, temperature
Industrial revolution pollution first became significant
Biodiversity number and variety of species in an area
Closed system/open system No input from outside/requires input from outside,Earth
Fungi yeasts, break down dead organisms
Plants producers, cell wall
Protists Producers, cell wall
Water cycle continuous movement of water from air, onto land, and back to water sources
Evaporation water becomes water vapor
Condensation vapor turns to water droplets
Habitat where an organism lives, characteristics organisms need, biotic and abiotic
Sample group that represents the population
Experimental method steps used to identify answers to questions
Hypothesis testable explanation
Observing using senses to collect data
Sample size needs to be large enough to estimate to the whole population
Control no change
Variable factor of interest
Experiment receives experimental treatment
Correlations used to test predictions when it is unethical to experiment
Curiosity and imagination help expand knowledge
Risk probability of an unwanted outcome
Layers of the earth
Crust thin outer layer
Mantle contains magma (molten rock)
Surface currents influence climate, movement depends on hemisphere
Deep Currents along ocean floor
Atmosphere kept in place by gravity, 78% Nitrogen
Ozone blocks UV rays
Troposhere densest layer of atmosphere
Greenhouse effect warms atmosphere
Humans increased carbon dioxide
Sustainability high standard of living without depleting resources
Conduction movement of energy through direct contact
Agricultural Revolution Plants and animals were domesticated
Vertebrates/Invertebrates backbones/no backbones
Selective breeding collies
Mathematical data numeric information
Mean average
Physical model dinosaur skeleton
Hydroshpere all water on earth’s surface
Ocean water contains more salt than freshwater
Adaptation inherited trait that increases chance of survival and reproduction
Insect moves quickly, reproduces quickly, waterproof exoskeleton
Decision making model systematic process to help make environmental decisions
Consequences what will happen, who will benefit
Economic value how many jobs will a project create
Bacteria no nucleus, break down dead organisms, change nitrogen into a useable form, cell wall
Developing countries rapid population growth, poverty, reduced life expectancy, Ethiopia
Formation of mountains colliding tectonic plates
Supply and demand as supply goes down and demand stays the same, prices increase
Cost benefit analysis
Resistance increased by using chemicals to control pests, organism has genes to protect it
Coevolution two species changing genetically in response to each other
Gymnosperm plant that uses cones for reproduction
Herbivores eats producers
Energy can be stored in fat or sugar molecules, ultimately from the sun, conduction, convection, radiation
Food web possible feeding relationships in an ecosystem
Tragedy of the Commons deals with shared resources, individual vs. society
Fresh water mostly in the ice caps
Ecosystem All living and nonliving factors in an area
Community All populations in an area
Population all members of a species in an area
Climax Community 150 + years= mature oaks
Fire helps some forest communities, release seeds, clear away dead wood
Tectonic Plates boundaries are most active regions of the world
Ecological footprint US leaves largest, amount of land and water a person needs to support one person
Environmental Science Human’s relationship with the environment, biology, earth science, social sciences, physics, and chemistry are all involved
Fossil Fuels coal, oil, natural gas
Statistics graph data, analyze data, communicate ideas, collect data in the form of numbers
Classification six kingdoms
Angiosperms flowers for reproduction, animals rely on for food
Biosphere all areas organisms can live in
10% Law 10% of energy passes from one feeding level to another, 90% used
Created by: evroman
Popular Science sets




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