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BI 121 #4 lec

B121 Lec Neuron Anatomy

Cell body region of nucleus, it is where the integegration of the nervous system occurs.
Processes Dendrites & Axons
Dendrites function Deliver impulses to cell body
Axon's function Carries impulses away from the cell.
Axon nerve fibers Axon terminals & synaptic knob
End of an axon Axon terminal
Synaptic knob Knob at the end of the axon terminal
What are nerves? They are a bundle of axons.
Nerve fibers Axon is also refered as
Myelin Insulative layers of membrane around neuroglial cells called schwann cells in PNS
Where are schwann cells found? PNS
Nodes of ranvier Gaps between adjoining schwann cells
What is the white matter in the brain made up of? Groups of myelinated axons which appear as white
What is the gray matter in the brain made up of? Unmylenated axons
What might be a cause of MS and how does it affect the body? A virus may cause this by hardening the areas of myelin, which reduce or stop the impulse.
What happens if an MS patient, the muscel neurons are affected? Muscles atrophy
What happens if an MS patient brain neurons are affected? Decrease of vision or other senses will occur.
What is the prognosis of MS? Total payalysis.
structural classification of nuerons bipolar, unipolar, and multipolar
Bipolar This has two processes, on one end is an axon and the other is a dendrite.
Where would you find a bi-polar neuron? will find these in the eyes, nose and ears. Very rare in the human body.
Unipolar One process that divides where one end into dendrite, and the other is an axon.
This neuron enters the CNS or cluster in ganglia in the PNS unipolar
multipolar multiple processes with one axon and the rest are dendrites
Where would you find multipolar nuerons Most commonly found in the CNS
Dendrites do what? they deliver
What delivers? Dendrites
What sends impulses AWAY? Axons
Axons do what? They send impulses AWAY
Nerve impulses/signals alternate between? Axon and dendrites or vice versa
what is the functional classification of neurons? Sensory (afferent), Motor (efferent) and Interneurons (association)
Afferent Goes towards CNS
Efferent Signals sent away from CNS
Which neuron classification carries impulse from PNS to CNS Sensory (afferent) impulses
What type of neurons are classified as sensory? These are mostly unipolar, but some are bipolar
Which neuron classification carries impulse from CNS to effectors in PNS? Motor (Efferent)
What structural characteristics of sensory neurons? They are always multipolar
What are the functional characteristics of inerneurons (association) Links between other neurons from the CNS to effectors.
These are always multi-polar what are the structural characteristics of interneurons?
Created by: Wends1984
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