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Chapter 31 VS

Potter 1

avg. oral/tympanic temp range for adults 37 C or 98.6 F
Avg rectal temp range for adults 37.5 C or 99.5 F
Avg axillary range for adults 36.5 C or 97.7 F
Pulse normal range 60-100 bpm
Respirations normal range 12-16 breaths per min
Blood Pressure Avg. 120/80 mmHg and pulse pressure 30-55 mm Hg
VS measure the effectiveness of: circulatopry, respiratory, neural, and endocrine body functions
Core temperature Temp of the deep tissues
Thermoregulation balance between heat lost and heat produced
What part of the brain controls body temp? Hypothalamus, located btwn the cerebral hemispheres
BMR basal metabolic rate, heat produced by body at absolute rest
Shivering involuntary response to temp difference in the body
Radiation transfer of heat from the surface of oneobject to the surface of another
Conduction transfer of heat from one object to another with direct contact
Convection transfer of heat away by air movement
Evaporation transfer of heat energy when a liquid is changed to a gas
Diaphoresis visible perspiration primarily occuring on the forehead and upper thorax
How does the skin regulate temp through insulation of the body, vasoconstriction, and temp sensation
How does old age affect temp deteriorationm of control mechanisms, poor vasomotor control, reduced SQ tissue, reduced sweat gland activity, reduced metabolism
How does stress affect body temp? Increases it
Pyrexia fever
Pyrogens bacteria and viruses that can increase body temp
Afebrile no fever
FUO fever of unknown origin
hyperthermia elevated body temp r/t body's inabililty to promote heat loss or reduce heat production
Heatstroke depressed hypothalmic function, prolonged exposure to sun/heat overwhelms the body's heat loss mechanisms
heat exhaustion occurs when profuse diaphoresis results in excess water and electrolyte loss
Classes of hypothermia Mild: 34-36C or 93.2 - 96.8F Moderate: 30-34C or 86-93.2F Severe:<30C or <86F
Formula to convert Farenheit to Celsius C = (F-32) X 5/9
Formula to convert Celsius to farenheit F = (9/5 X C) + 32
Antipyretic drug that reduces fever
Nonpharmalogical therapy to reduce fever tepid sponge bath; ETOH/H20 solution bath; ice packs axillae and groin; cooling fans
Stroke volume amount of blood that enters the aorta with each ventricular contraction
Cardiac output volume of blood pumped by the heart during one minute (nl 5000ml blood per minute()
Created by: rschoengold
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