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Earth Science LWC

aMMMaysing_15 and JFOreal10's studying. (:

what is the difference between wedge and rope? visible characteristics
a season is equal to what? axis tilt
what are the necessary ingredients for hurricane? all of the above
what is the difference between a typhoo, a cyclone, and a hurricane? water basin origin
solstices= equinox= summer/winter autumnal/vernal
what does ITCZ stand for? Inter Tropical Convergent Zone
what causes hurricanes? African Easterly Waves
what is the correct order of a tropical system? 1) disturbance 2) depression 3) tropical storm 4) hurricane
what is the air flow of NA trade winds? westerlys
what can cause a tropical storm to decay? all the above
why is a hurricane compared to a heat engine? pressure and volume
what is true about a heat engine? all the above
who tracks hurricanes? NHC
land and water interaction....which is true? land is frictional resistant for hurricane
true statement about nor'easters? all the above
what are the ingredients for a thunderstorm? all the above
wind shear is necessary for _____ and stops _____. thunderstorms hurricanes
what is adiabatic cooling? rising air expands (cools) without a change in heat content (example: mountains)
Coriolis effect natural curvature due to the earth's rotation and magnetic pull from the N and S poles
what is a jet stream? flows from west to east in the upper portion of the troposphere (depends on High and Low)
El Nino torrential rains
La Nina dry season with wildfires
what are the stages of tornado development? 1)thunderstorm 2)strong updraft 3)shelf cloud 4)wall cloud (rotation) 5)funnel cloud 6)tornado=touch down
thunderstorms are... more common near equator and measured by lightning density
what causes an updraft? warm, moist air rapidly rising into colder air and it continues rising.
cumulonimbus towering and tall
cloud 2 cloud lightning heat lightning
cloud 2 ground lightning touches down (streaks)
charge separation (static electricity-->drag feet on carpet)
low pressure= rising air, convection
high pressure day= warm, nice day
low pressure day= cloudy, stormy day
Created by: meghanmaree
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