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Test 2 12-02

68WM6 12-02 Growth and Development

Neonatal (Freud) First 30 days of life.
Infancy (Freud) 30 days to 1 year old.
Toddler (Freud) 1 to 3 years old.
Preschool (Freud) 3 to 5 years old.
School Age (Freud) 6 to 12 years old.
Adolescence (Freud) 13 to 19 years old.
Early Adulthood (Freud) 20 to 45 years old.
Middle Adulthood (Freud) 40 to 65 years old.
Late Adulthood (Freud) 65 to expiration.
Growth (Freud) Progressive anatomic and phsyiologic increase in size.
Personality A unique combination of characteristics that result in the individuals recurrent pattern of behavior
Developemental theory a statement explaining principles that can predict behavioral development. A theory is based on research that helps to make observations and facts meaningful.
Life Expectancy the average number of years a person will probably live. The average age currently is 77 years old.
Infant mortality Rate The number of deaths before the end of the first year of life.
Cephalocaudal Growth and development that proceeds from head to toe.
Proximodistal Growth and development that proceeds from the center to the ouside.
The ID The unconscious tha is present at birth and generates impulses that seek pleasure and gratification.
Ego The reality factor that stands for reason and good sense.
Super-Ego Learns to delay immediate gratification for socially appropriate reasons.
Infancy (Erikson) Birth to 1 year. Basic trust vs. mistrust.
Toddler (Erikson) 1 to 3 years. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt.
Preschool (Erikson) 4 to 6 years. Initiative vs. guilt
School Age (Erikson) 7 to 11 years. Industry vs. inferiority.
Adolescence (Erikson) 12 to 19 years. Identity vs. role confusion.
Young Adulthood (Erikson) 20 to 44 years. Intimacy vs. isolation.
Middle Adulthood (Erikson) 45 to 65 years. Generativity vs. stagnation.
Late Adulthood (Erikson) 65 to expiration. Ego integrity vs. despair
Sensorimotor Stage Birth to 2 years. Intelligence is gained and demonstrated through sense and motor activity. Memory starts at about 7 months of age and can differentiate between night and day.
Preoperational Stage 2 to 7 years old. Egocentric thinking and giving life to inanimate objects happens. Language develops and begins to use logic to understand rules.
Concrete Operational Stage 7 to 11 years old. Realistic understanding of the world and egocentric thought diminishes. 7 types of conservation; number, length, liquid, mass, weight, area and volume.
Formal Operational Stage Adolescence to adulthood. Intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts.
Nuclear Family Consists of married couple with or without a child and live in an indepedent household.
Extended Family Consists of nuclear plus additional family members that live in the same household and share responsibilities.
Single Parent Can be a style of choice or by divorce, death, seperation, or abandonement and is becoming more and more common.
Blended (Reconstituted)Family Stepfamily or the Brady Bunch. Can have conflicting loyalties and can develop fear of love and trust.
Adoptive Family Family with adopted children or infertile couples.
Foster Family Natural parents unable to care for children and this is usually temporary.
Roles of a Family Protection, nurturance, education, sustenance, socialization, and usually has unconditional affection and acceptance
Autocratic Relationships are unequal and the parents control the children, ridged rules and expectations.
Patriarchial Males figure assumes the dominant role and work role making most of the decisions.
Matriarchal Woman figure assumes dominant role and work role making most of the decisions.
Democratic Adults function as equals making joint decisions and having respectful interactions.
Presbyopia Decreased eyesight
Presbycusis Decreased hearing
Created by: tdaigle1
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