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Chapter 6 skeletal

Function of Skeletal System support, protection, lever system, mineral storage, blood cell formation
Long Bones found in upper and lower limbs, are longer then they are wide
Short Bones as broad as they are long, in wrist and ankle
Flat Bones thin flattened shapes, ribs, shoulder blades
Irregular Bones dont fit into other 3 categories, vertebrae and facial bones
Epiphysis the 2 ends of the bone
Diaphysisi the central shaft
Articular Cartilage covers ends of bone where bone articulates with other bones
Epiphyseal plate where bones are still growing between epiphysis and diaphysis, known as growth plates
Medullary Cavity large cavity in the shaft of bones
Yellow Marrow fills cavities in bone, contains mostly fat
Red Marrow Blood forming cells, only site of blood formation in adults
Periosteum dense connective tissus that covers the bone
Endosteum thin connective tissue that covers the cavities
Lamellae extracellular matrix that bone forms in thin sheets
Osteocytes bone cells
Lacunae spaces where osteocytes are located
Compact Bone solid matrix and cells
Cancellous Bone lacy network of bone with small marrow filled spaces
Central or Haversain Canal contains blood vessels, lamellae is surrounded by central canal
Ossification formation of bone by osteoblasts synthesis of organic matrix
Foramen a hole in a bone, usually for blood vessels that have to pass through
Canal or Mealus a tunnel like passageway through the bone
Fossa a depression in a bone
Process a projection from a bone
Articulations or Joints a place where 2 bones come together
Synorthesis Non Moveable joints
Amphiarthesis slightly moveable joints
Diarthresis Freely movable joints
Fibrous joints consist of 2 bones that are united by fibrous tissue and dont move very well
Sutures Fibrous joints between bones of the skull
Fontanels wide sutures that newborns have
Cartilaginous Joints join 2 bones by cartilage, slight movement
Fibrocartilage collagen fibers that reinforce cartilage joints
Bursa a pocket or sac when the synovial membrane extends
Bursitis abrasion from the inflammation of a bursa
Saddle Joints 2 saddle shaped surfaces oriented ant right angles to each other, movement in 2 planes
Hinge Joints permit movement in one plane only
Menisci shock absorbing fibrocartilage pads
Pivot Joints restrict movement to rotation around a single axis
Ball and Socket Joints a ball at one end adn a scoket in an adjacent bone allows wide range of movements
Condyloid Joints elongated ball and socket joints, restricts movement to 2 planes
Flexion bend, moves part of the body in the anterior or ventral direction
Extension straighten, moves a part in a posterior or dorsal direction
Plantar Flextion movement of the foot toward the planter surface
Dorsiflextion movement of the foot toward the shin, when walking on heels
Abductis movement away from the midline, bringing legs together
Pronution elbow flexed at 90 degree angle, rotation of the forearm so the palm is down
Eversion turning foot sothe bottom of foot faces laterally
Rotation turning structure around its long axis, shaking head no
Protraction movement in which something glides anteriorly, mouth
Elevation movement in superior direction closing mouth
Depression movement in an inferior direction, mouth opening
Excursion movement from one side to the other, moving mandible from side to side
Opposition when you make your little finger and thumb touch
Circumduction occurs at freely moving joints, shoulder, arm moves so it shapes a cone shape with the shoulder
Created by: hayboy
Popular Science sets




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