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8th Grade Botany

1st Semester Exam Review

1. Movement of pollen from the anther of a plant to the pistil of a different plant is called ___. cross-pollination
2. The cotyledons are often confused as true leaves, but they are really just ___. seed leaves
3. This structure connects the stigma to the ovary. style
4. The stages of molting and shedding as the caterpillar outgrows its exoskeleton in called ___. instar
5. The stalk that holds up the flower. peduncle
6. The colorful part of the flower is called the ___. petals
7. When pollinated, this structure will host a ___ that will grow down to the eggs. pollen tube
8. The ability to maintain conditions inside our bodies is called ___. homostasis
9. The job of the ___ is to protect the internal parts of the flower. sepals
10. The mature ovary, with its ___ is called a fruit. seeds
11. The dense area of the cell that contains the chemical instructions that direct the cell's activities is called ___. the nucleus
12. Another name given for the pistil is ___. carpel
13. The part of the flower that holds up the anther is called the ___. filament
14. Bean shaped structure located atop the filament is called ___. the anther
15. Swollen cavity of the flower that contains the ovules is called the ___. ovary
16. Which seed part will provide food to the embryo once the seed opens? ?
17. What is the semi-permeable layer surrounding the contents of a cell called? cell membrane
18. Whe a plant bgins making its own food, what type of food will it be? sugar
19. Everything that grows from a pollinated flower and contains seeds are called ___. ?
20. What are the names of the two types of vascular plants? angiosperms and gymnosperms
21. Which seed part has the job to grow and search for light? ?
22. The scientific name for vascular plants is ___. ?
23. Non-vascular plants are called ___. ?
24/6a. Plants that are able to make their own food are called ___. autotrophs
25. The study of plants is called ___. botany
26. The branch of science dealing with classification and naming of all living things is ____. taxonomy
27.The study of all living things is called ___. ?
28. A flower producing plant is called a/an ___. ?
29. This flower structure produces the pollen. ?
30. If a plant uses absorption to get its water, it would be a/an ___ plant. ?
31. If a plant uses a system of tubes to get its water, it would be a/an ___ plant. ?
32. The club-shaped sensory organ of both the caterpillar and the butterfly is called ___. ?
33. The slimy, sweet aromatic liquid stuff secreted by the petals and stored at the base of each flower is called ___. ?
34. The portion on the body of the caterpillar and butterfly that is divided by natural boundaries is called ___. ?
35. The silk producing organ of the caterpillar is called ___. ?
36. The protective bristles of the caterpillar are called ___. ?
37. The breathing holes on the caterpillar and the butterfly. ?
38. The feeding mouth of the butterfly that is used to injest nectar. ?
39. The process in which a caterpillar changes its physical form from a larva to an adult is called ___. ?
40. The red waste material produced during the pupa stage --- looks like blood is called ___. ?
41. The term used to describe when an organism responds to gravity stimuli. ?
42. The term used to describe when an organism responds to light stimuli. ?
43. The semi-permeable outside layer surrounding the contents of the cell is called ___. ?
44. The region of the cell that is made of a gel-like material is called ___. ?
45. The sticky head atop the style of the flower is called the ___. ?
46. A plant that is unable to produce its own food is called ___. ?
47. The nickname "belly button" was given to what part of the seed? ?
48. Movement of pollen from the anther of a plant to the pistil of the same plant is called ___. ?
49. The outer coating of the seed (scientific name). ?
50. The stored food of a plant is called the ___. ?
51. What is the developing plant in a seed called? ?
52. What is the biggest part of the seed? ?
53. This is the male reproductive cell of a plant. ?
54. Which seed part will grow downward and start a root system? ?
55. The term given to describe when all the petals are put together as one unit. ?
56. What are the first "true leaves" of the plant called? ?
57. What parts are included in the male structure of the flower? ?
58. What flower parts are considered to be part of the female structure? ?
59. What are the two main groups of angiosperms? ?
60. What is the purpose of the flower? ?
61. What three elements are needed to "wake up" a dormant seed? ?
62. What is special about how a bee collects pollen? (hint: no other group of insects do it this way) ?
63. Discuss in detail all the different ways that you can tell the difference between a monocotyledon and a dicotyledon. ?
64. What language do scientists choose to use? Why is this important? ?
65. Discuss the 4 stages in the Painted Lady Butterfly life cycle. ?
66. Discuss different forms of seed dispersal. ?
67. Be able to label the bean: cotyledon, hilum, embryo, & testa. Label the caterpillar: abdomen, thorax, head, true legs, false legs, setae, & spiracles. Be able to label the butterfly: antennae, proboscis, wing veins, forewings, & hindwings. ?
68. What are the tubes in a plant called and what are their jobs? Be specific and detailed. ?
Created by: LiseBrinkley
Popular Science sets



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