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WKCE Power Words
Question | Answer |
(followed by 'to') as reported or stated by | according |
The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables, as in "on scrolls of silver snowy sentences". | Alliteration |
Is a figure of shpeech that makes reference to, or representation of, a place, event, literary work, myth, or work of art, either by implication. | Allusion |
examine closely and explain in detail | analyze |
giving critical commentary or making explanatory notes | annotate |
reply or respond to a question | answer |
question, exciting statement or request to imagine something | attention getter |
The readers of a piece of writing, who have a specific characteristics that the author must anticipate in or to communicate effectively. | Audience |
The person who wrote a piece of text | author |
Why the author chose to write a piece of text | author's purpose |
A reflection of the author's personality and purpose for writing. | Author's Style |
an imaginary or real line that passes through an objecft | axis |
be a part of | belongs |
best explains | best describes |
the amount a container will hold | capacity |
with caution | carefully |
the unit of length in the Metric System closely compared to the inches in the U.S. System | centimeter |
attitudes, values, and qualities of a character | character traits |
make clear | clarify |
A trite, stereographic expression; a sentence or phrase, usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, which has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse. | Cliche' |
Something that is generally known. | Common knowledge |
number divisible by two or more numbers without a remainder | common multiple |
a number that is divisible by some whole number other than 1 and itself | composite number |
understanding and remembering details as you read | comprehension |
judgments or decisions | conclusions |
a struggle between opposing forces, groups, characters, or emotions | conflict |
polygons that have the same shape and size | congruent |
the positive or negative feeling a word evokes apart from its literal meaning | connotation |
Majority of opinion. | Consensus |
a method by which the meaning of unknown words may be obtained by examining the parts of the sentences surrounding the words | context clues |
the number of spaces and direction to post a point on a grid | coordinate |
A contrasting, opposing, or refuting argument. | Counter argument |
Capable of being believed, believable. | Credibility |
the common elements shared by a group of people such as language, religion, food, music, art, etc. | culture |
a form of government in which citizens choose their own leaders by voting | democracy |
the literal or exact definitions of a word | denotations |
give a description of; explain | describe |
items or parts of a story | details |
letters and symbols that represent sounds | diacritical marks |
a drawing or sketch | diagram |
Style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words. | Diction |
lists definitions of words | dictionary |
tell the difference between | distinguish |
techniques commonly used by authors of plays | dramatic conventions |
characters that develop and/or evolve throughout a story | dynamic characters |
equal | equivalent |
things that happen | events |
the answer is perfector corrector in the correct order | exactly |
samples or instances | examples |
write out in greater detail | expanded form |
make plain or clear; tell how to do | explain |
a group of words that has its own meaning like "kick the bucket" means "die" | expression |
planes or surfaces that bound a solid figure | faces |
writing that is made up, not true | fiction |
the use of words beyond their literal meaning that includes figures of speech, such as metaphors, similes, and personification | figurative language |
A device in the narrative of a motion picture, novel, etc., by which an event or scene taking place before the present time in the narrative is inserted into the chronological structure of the work. | Flashback |
tells you how common it is for a sound to be spelled by a given letter | frequency |
has to do with the study of shapes, lines, and points | geometric |
the set of people who have the power to decide and enforce laws over all the people of a nation | government |
visual representations of statistics or other information | graphics |
a type of criticism that connects an author's literary work to the period in which it is set or was written | historical criticism |
an expression that has a meaning different from its individual words | idiom |
add an example to your definition | illustrate |
language that appeals to the five senses: sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell | imagery |
to suggest an idea without stating it directly | imply / implies |
The audience must deduce what the character is list through the character's thoughts, actions, speech, looks, and interactions with other characters, including other characters' reactions to that particular character. | Indirect characterization |
logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience | infer / inference |
knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction | information |
The uses of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning. | Irony |
back up your statement with facts and/or examples | justify |
A word used as a reference point for finding other words or information. | Key words |
smallest number that is divisible by two or more given numbers without a remainder | least common multiple |
any finite section between two points on a line | line segment |
the discussion and interpretation of words of literature | literary criticism |
words that are emotionally charged--either positively or negatively | Loaded Words |
the overall point or idea being expressed by an author | main idea |
for the most part | mainly |
average; to take a data set of numbers, add them and divide the total by the number of numbers | mean |
find out the extent, size, quantity, capacity of something | measure |
in a set of data, it is the middle number after organizing all the numbers in order from least to greatest | median |
error; not correct | mistake |
the number occuring most in a set of data | mode |
make, shape, design, or plan | model |
The attitude of the speaker toward what he or she is saying, a certainty or uncertainty, wish or command, emphasis or hesitancy. | Mood |
a good chance or possibility | most likely |
in large part | mostly |
emotion or objective that drives someone to act in a certain way | motivation |
person telling the story | narrator |
writing that is true | nonfiction |
An omniscient author, one who takes the omniscient point of view, can see and report everything. The telling of the story can reveal actions and thoughts by any character, and show events from the perspective of any character. | Omniscient point of view |
a personal belief or judgment | opinion |
any two numbers written in a meaningful order | ordered pair |
arranged in an orderly way | organized |
A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd, but in reality expresses a possible truth. | Paradox |
5-9 sentences that address a single topic | paragraph |
a four-sided figure whose opposites sides are parallel and equal | parallelogram |
restate a text in your own words | paraphrase |
word class based on the role a word plays in a sentence | part of speech |
a section of text | passage |
the distance around the border of a figure | perimeter |
Writing which the writer takes a "for" or "against" stance on an issue in his or her writing. | Persuasive writing |
Unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and the thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work. | Plagiarism |
the exact place where two lines meet | point |
a closed plane with three or more sides | polygon |
an affix added to the beginning of a base or root word that changes the word's meaning | prefix |
the likelihood that an event will occur | probability |
likely | probably |
Matter of fact, commonplace, dull expression, quality or discourse. | Prose |
instrument for drawing or measuring angles | protractor |
the reason for something | purpose |
a 3-d shape that has a triange, square, rectangle, pentagon, etc. base and meets at 1 point above it | pyramid |
a plane figure having four sides and four angles | quadrilaterals |
analyzing through inquiry | questioning |
a belief that one racial group (white, black, Asian, etc.) is superior to all other groups | racism |
to turn for information or help | refer |
To think, ponder, or meditate on something from the past and present. | Reflecting |
put something back where it belongs; substitute | replace |
stand for; act in place of | represent |
An investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts , theories, or applications. | Research |
looks like | resembles |
The fundamental or essential part of a word. | Root |
characters whose personalities, backgrounds, motivse and other features are fully described by the author | round characters |
statement of what to do and not to do | rule |
look at quickly to find a specific word or information | scan |
words and phrases that tell us a new idea is coming | Signal Words and Phrases |
important | significant |
glance through quickly | skim |
speech you make to yourself | Soliloquy |
A dramatic or literary form of discourse in which a character talks to themselves or reveals their thoughts without addressing the listener. | Solilquy |
system of measurement used for area | square units |
organization or arrangement of information | structure |
a way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period | Style |
an affix added to the end of a base or root wod that changes the word's meaning | suffix |
hint; show in an indirect way | suggest |
to make a summary of a story or a situation | Summarize |
help prove | support your answer |
information given to explain or clarify main ideas | supporting details |
a regular, balanced arrangement of parts | symmetry |
to combine several bits of seperate information into a whole | synthesize |
The author's method of organizing text | Text Structure |
a dictionary with synonyms, antonyms, and other related words | thesaurus |
An explanation of the topic or purpose of a research paper. | Thesis statement |
the sentence in a paragraph that states the main idea | topic sentence |
the point where two sides of an angle meet | vertices |
Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam | WKCE |
group of words based on the same root | word family |
prefixes, roots and suffixes | word parts |