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Chapter 8 questions


Name the 3 groups of the kingdom Protista and their characteristics Algae, unicellular but can grow in large groups, such as seaweed. Protozoa-unicellular protists-lack photosynthetic ability. use motility organells for both locomotion and food gath. Slime moldsgrow on dead matter and produce spores like fungi.
slime mold is unlike fungi because some mold forms have flagella or pseudopodia
Describe protozoan locomotion by flagella and cilia Some protozoans move by flagella or the shorter, cilia structure. The first beats back and forth by slididng pairs of microtubules against on another to make the flagella or cilia push against the water like a fish's tail or a swimmer's legs.
Describe protozoan locomotion by pseudopodia Pseudopodia are cell membrane extensions that move forward to attach to a surface so that the rest of the cell can be pulled to that position in a crawling motionl.
What role do algae play in general marine life? Algae are a major part of phytoplankton, the free-floating masses found in the world's saline waters. Phytoplankton produce more O2 than all the Earth's forests and form the basis for the marine food chain.
What are algal cells made of? Algal cell walls are usually composed of cellulose, agar, and pectin.
How do algae obtain and use sunlight? Algae obtain and use sunlight through the chlorophyll in organelles called chloroplasts that absorbs the energy in sunlight. The chlorophyll transfers the energy on to mitochondria and convert it into chemical energy in the form of ATP
How are protozoans generally classified? Protozoans are classified according to their locomotion apparatus. Flagellates have flagella; pseudopods have pseudopodia; ciliates have cilia; and sporozoites have no organelles of locomotion.
How are protozoan groups commonly identified? Protozoan's can be idintified microscopically by the following characteristics: their locomotion apperatus, general shape and size, number of nuclei, and presence of cyst forms.
How do cellular and acellular slime molds differ? Cellular slime molds grow as a group of individual cells and acellular slime molds which form into a plasmodium, a giant cell containing many nuclei.
Created by: heatherlvn
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