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Psych Exam III: note

Which box model works better: the one-direction box or the two-direction box? The one direction box BECAUSE it has a safe zone. It has a way to turn off the punishment, a place that the rat knows is safe. If the rat were to be constantly bombarded with a tone and shock wherever he went, he would not bother to respond to the CS.
What is the CS? It's EVERYTHING that occurs before the punishment, INCLUDING THE ENVIRONMENT
What is the neurotic paradox? The inability of a person to stop responding to stress in a symptomatic way despite knowing that what he/she is doing is entirely irrational.
What study tried to understand the neurotic paradox? Solomon and Wynne, who introduced traumatic shock to dogs
What observations did Solomon and Wynne make? With time, the dog waited longer and longer to jump after the tone. But every time the dog took a while to respond, it would become anxious immediately when the tone sounded the next time around.
Partial Irreversibility Hypothesis to explain the absence of fear with extended training: the animals' quick response to the CS did not permit the time required for the elicitation of the classically conditioned fear response.
Conservation of Anxiety Hypothesis to explain why a long latency response to the CS reinstated a fear response: fear to any part of the CS will be conserved unless it has been sufficiently exposed to permit full extinction
What part of the nervous system is engaged in Hull's theory? Parasympathetic
What part of the nervous system is engaged in Mowrer's theory? Sympathetic
Mowrer's Two Factor Theory of Avoidance 1. Fear is conditioned to preceding environmental cues 2. Removing the cues will reinforce avoidance behavior
Seligman's Learned Helplessness Theory Learned helplessness occurs when a repeatedly unsystematic event creates the feeling of no escape and no control.
Seligman and Johnson's Expectancy Theory Explains why a dog would continue through the experiment 400+ times: there is a cognitive expectancy of shock, that if the dog does not jump he will be shocked even if he is no longer afraid of this shock.
Seligman's Prepared Theory We are afraid of things like spiders and snakes and wolves because our ancestors needed to be afraid of them so that they would survive--we have inherited the fear.
Eysenck's Theory of Incubation Fear will incubate over time--it will collect and grow and worsen.
Thomas Stampfl Implosive Flooding therapy -- Extreme flooding therapy involving the introduction of extremely distressing thoughts/scenes narrated by the therapist
E. Shapiro EMDR 10-20 voluntary bilateral rhythmic eye movements in the presence of imaginal recall of specific aspects of a particular traumatic memory
Joseph Wolpe Reciprocal inhibition psychotherapy--inhibition of one response by the occurrence of another response that is mutually incompatible with it. Also SYSTEMATIC DESENSITIZATION
B.F. Skinner Token economy
Dollard and Miller psychoanalytic learning theory involving: drive, cue, response, and reward
Salter Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis
Created by: 654230637
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