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Test 4 Family Nursin

Test 4 Family Nursing

Temp. Birth-1 year Axillary 97.7-98.9
Temp. 1-12 Oral 98.1-99.9
Temp. 12 years and older Oral 97.8-98.0
Pulse Birth - 1 week 100-160
Pulse 1week-3 months 100-220
Pulse 3 months - 2 years 80-150
Pulse 2-12 years 70-110
Pulse 12 years and older 50-90
Resp. Newborn 30-60 with short periods of apnea(less than 15 sec.)
Resp. Newborn- 1 year 30
Resp. 1-2 years 25-30
Resp 2-6 years 21-24
resp. 6-12 years 19-21
Resp 12 years and older 16-18
Erect head posture is expected in infants after 4 months of age
The posterior fontanels usually close between 2 and 3 months of age
The anterior fontanels usually close between 12 and 18 months of age
Irises should be round with permanent color manifesting around 6-12 months of age
Infants should have 6-8 teeth by 1 year of age
Females breast typically develope between 10-14 years of age
Ibuprophen should be used only in infants over 6 months
Clean infants teeth using cool, wet washcloth
Breastfeeding provides a complete diet for infants during the first 6 months of age. Iron fortified rice cereal should be added first
New foods should be introduced one at a time over a 5-7 day period to observe for signs of allergy or intolerance.
Intolerance to new foods may include fussiness,rash,vomiting,diarrhea, and constipation
Milk,eggs,wheat,citrus fruits,peanuts,peanut butter,and honey should be delayed until The first year of life
Table foods that are cooked,chopped,and unseasoned are appropriate by 9 months of age
Infants should be placed in approved rear-facing car seat Preferably in the middle(away from air bags and side impact
Infants should be in rear-facing car seats for the first year of life and until they weigh 20lbs
Weight-At 30 months of age, toddler should weigh 4 times their birth weight
Height- Toddler grows about 3 inches a year
Age 15 Months Walks without help,creeps up stairs,uses a cup well,Builds a tower of 2 blocks
Age 18 Months Assumes a standing position,Manages a spoon without rotation,Turns pages in book,2-3 at a time
2 Years Walks up and down stairs,Builds a tower of 6-7 blocks
2-5 Years Jump in one place with both feet,Draws circles,Has good hand-finger coordination
Parenting Styles Dictational,Permissive,Democratic
Dictational Parents try to control the child behavior and attitudes through unquestioned rules and expectations.Ex Cant watch TV on school night
Permissive No control over the childs behavior.Ex.The child may watch TV whenever he wants to
Democratic Setting rules and explaining the reason for each rule setting.Ex.The child may watch TV if homework is completed
Geogram Medical history for parents,siblings,aunts,uncles,and grandparents
Structure Members in the family(mother,father,son)
Pain may be considered the 5th vital sign
Family and friends may decrease sensitivity to pain by Staying with the child
CRIES Neonatal Postoperative Scale 0-10 crying,changes in V/S,changes in expression,Altered sleeping patterns.32 wks gestation to 20 weeks of life
Faces Pain Rating Scale 3 years and older Rating scale uses drawings of happy and sad faces to depict levels of pain.
Visual Analog Scale Pain is on a scale of 0-10 7 years and older Child points to the number that best describes the pain he is experiencing.
Non-communicating-Childrens Pain Checklist 0-18 Behavior indicators,vocalization,socialization,Facial Expressions,activity level,movement of extremities physiological changes
Give medications routinely versus PRN to Manage pain that is expected to last for an extended period of time
Families should be considered clients when Child is ill
Seperation anxiety during hospitalization manifest in 3 behavioral responses 1.Protest(screaming)2.Despair(developmental regression)3.Detachment(lack of interaction with unfamiliar people)
Play activities r/t age.Birth-3 month Visual and Auditory stimuli
3-6 months Play Noise making objects and soft toys
6-9 months Play Teething toys and social interaction
9-12 Months Play Large blocks,toys that pop apart,and push and pull toys
Toddlers Cloth books,Large crayons and paper,push and pull toys,trycycle,balls,puzzles with large pieces,videos for children
Preschool Drawing,painting,riding a tricycle,swimming,jumping,and running
School-Age Children Games(alone or with another person)Team sports,Arts and crafts,collections
Adolescents Team sports,school activities,Reading and listening to music,musical insturments,collections
Therapeutic Play Makes use of dolls and stuffed animals,Encourage the acting out of feelings of fear,anger,hostility and sadness.Enables child to learn coping strategies in a safe enviroment
Infant/Toddler(Birth-3) Have little to no concept of death(may regress to an earlier stage of behavior)
Preschool Children(3-6) Views death as temporary because they have no concept of time.
School-age Children(6-12) Begins to have an adult concept to death.Usually applies to children 9-12
Adolescents(12-20) May have an adult like concept to death.Rely more on their peers rather than the influence of their parents
Maltreatment Risk Factors The child is under 3 years of age,premature, or physically disabled
Shaken Baby Syndrome- Shaking may cause Intracranial hemorrhage.Assess for Resp. Distress,Bulging Fontanels,Increased head circumference,Retinal Hemorrhage
If bruising is present in an infant before 6 months of age, it should be deemed as Suspicious by the nurse
Failure to thrive Less than 5th percentile on the growth chart for weight
Mandatory reporting is required of all health care providers,including suspected or actual cases of child abuse. There are civil and criminal penalties for not reporting
Live Virus Vaccine(contagious for 2 weeks)Dont give to immunocompromised MMR,Chicken Pox(Varicella)Oral Polio,Oral Rotavirus
Naturally Aquired Immunity When you get the measles and then you are immuned
Artificially Aquired Immunity Measle Vaccine
Passive Immunity From Mom to Baby
Created by: angelal0010
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